God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 350: Takeaway part-time Taoist priest


Tu Kang's face suddenly sank!

Jiang Fan, but he came because of his loyalty!

If you change to someone else, I'm afraid, just kneel down and please, but you can't please!

Although I am filial, I must never let Jiang Fan be humiliated by it!

"It's okay! I am indeed the first time!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan smiled and patted Tu Kang on the shoulder!

After that, he ignored the two of Zhou Lanfeng and went straight to the portrait of Old Man Tu and offered three sticks of incense!

"Hey? Where did this takeaway come from?"

"I don't know, it's probably Tuye's friend, right?"

"However, this is the first time I have seen such a handsome takeaway!"

After Jiang Fan finished his fragrance, he immediately arrived, in front of the table that had already been set up!

At this moment, the incense burner, the wooden sword, and the offerings have already been arranged!

It was originally prepared for Zhang Zhaolong!

Seeing Jiang Fan walked to the table and picked up the mahogany sword, everyone was stunned!

"Hey, this kid, what are you going to do?"

"Does he want to do things?"

"Don't be funny! Please don't come to Master Zhang, and you can't just find a takeaway to deal with it!"

"Yes! Everyone knows that Master Tu is filial, but this time the matter is indeed a bit, ha ha!"

The crowd was mocking!

Zhou Lanfeng grabbed Tu Kang even more!

"Akang! What are you doing? Quickly let him stop!"

"In case the soul of the old man is shocked, it is very unlucky!"

"Yes, second uncle! Don't let him mess around! Even if someone is temporarily replaced, but this person doesn't even have a robe..."

Before the two had finished speaking, Jiang Fan suddenly shook his right hand!

In his hand, it seemed to be a trick, and there was an extra, bright and radiant Taoist robe!

Heavenly Master Robe!

Remarks: This is a low-end robe. Although the sputum-yellow appearance does not match the trend, it has gossip before it and Tai Chi after it. It is enough to act as a force!

As soon as the robes were put on, Jiang Fan's momentum changed suddenly!

At this moment, Jiang Fan is holding a wooden sword and his robe is added!

In an instant, golden light flashed all over, awe-inspiring righteousness! It's almost like, the heavenly master descends to the earth!


Jiang Fan snorted, holding a brush, and drew a yellow symbol swiftly!

After that, with a flick of his left hand, Huang Fu unexpectedly screamed, and it burned automatically!

"Too supreme edict, super lonely soul, all ghosts and charms, four lives with grace!"

"Those who have a head are super, those without a head are promoted, they are killed by guns and swords, and the rope is suspended for diving!"

"Dying in the dark, injustice and perversion, the creditor's enemy, begging for his life!"

"Kneel in front of my stage, shine gossip, stand on the stumbling block, and superb other people!"

"For men and women, take responsibility for yourself, rich and poor, you will recruit yourself!"

"Education to save the others, anxious to superbrew!" To save the others, anxiously superbrew!"

After Jiang Fan sang, he pinched the Fa Jue with his left hand and the long sword in his right hand, facing the three pillars on the incense burner to grow incense!


On Changxiang, a three-pillar flame was directly ignited!

"Damn! That's amazing, right?"

"It's almost like watching a movie!"

"Fuck! The takeaway, even this one?!"

"Sure enough, business has no limits!"

"Awesome! I deserve to be a takeaway from Dahua Xia! I can actually work as a Taoist priest, Niucha!"

The crowd saw the scalp numb, dumbfounded!

But Zhou Lanfeng and Tu Li were directly shocked!

"Akang, this, this, this master, where did you come from?"

"Second Uncle! He is so amazing! So handsome! You must, give me a good introduction!"

In Tu Li's eyes, it was all the light of worship!

"Huh! Children, don't talk nonsense! Mr. Jiang, we can't get up high!"

Tu Kang swept away the previous depression, triumphant!

As expected of Mr. Jiang!

This hand is much stronger than Zhang Zhaolong's knowledge of bragging!

After Jiang Fan chanted the Supermantra, he immediately pointed at the two long banners at the door!

"Get up!"


A strong wind blew in the sky for no apparent reason!

The two long streamers were immediately scratched and hunted!

"Play, sad music!"

"Guests come forward! Family members answer!"

Following Jiang Fan's command, the funeral was immediately on track!

For a time, the courtyard was full of crying voices!

At this point, Jiang Fan is fine for the time being, so he directly finds a small bench to rest!

However, he just sat down, and a group of people immediately greeted him!

"Brother Takeaway! No, Master! What is the name of Master?"

"Master! You are so strong in mana, don't you know if you can look at it?"

"Nonsense! Master will definitely do! Master, please help me do the calculations!"

"Master! You draw me a peace symbol!"

"Master! Can you help me see the house for a while? The price is easy to negotiate!"

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes!

His face is full of excitement!

At this moment, in a car not far from Tu's house, a middle-aged man gritted his teeth with hatred!

This man is in his forties, thin, and still has a horrible beard. It is exactly, Taoist priest Zhang Zhaolong!

"Tu Kang! No wonder you promised so happy when I couldn't come! It turned out that I found this kid again!"

"Originally, I was still hesitating, do I want to do this!"

"But since you are playing tricks on me again and again, don't blame me, you're welcome!"

As Zhang Zhaolong said, he pinched a magic trick with his left hand, but in his right hand, there was an extra **** copper coin!

"The underground palace opens, the wind is blowing, and you are back on the road to Huangquan! The ghosts and evil spirits listen to my orders! Sick!"

After he stopped drinking, the blood-colored copper coin turned around in his palm!

But at this moment, Jiang Fan, who was originally annoyed by a group of people, suddenly turned his face!

Suddenly looked towards, Father Tu's coffin!

"Crack! Click!"

The old man Tu, who was originally lying in the coffin, made a sharp sound of bone collision from all over his body!

"How is this going?"

"Master Tu, it seems to have moved!"

"Isn't it dead?"

The crowd was stunned!

Tu Kang took a leap and rushed to the side of the coffin!

"Dad! Dad! You, are you still alive?"

Tu Kang looked excited!

At this moment, Father Tu suddenly opened his eyes!

"No! Get away!"

Jiang Fan suddenly stopped drinking!

Everyone was taken aback!

next moment!


Father Tu suddenly raised his arms, and he stood up straight from the coffin!

And just as he stood up, the flesh and blood of his whole body was instantly shriveled, as if it had become a skinny skeleton!

"Damn! You cheated the corpse!"

"Run! Father Tu cheated the corpse!"

"Help! Zombies are eating people!"

The crowd scattered and fled in an instant!

But Father Tu violently twitched his nose, then, his arms slammed towards Tu Kang beside him, and grabbed it!

Tu Kang was shocked as early as when Father Tu stood up!

The brain is blank!

I don't know how to dodge!


"Second Uncle!"

"Master Tu!"

The crowd screamed in fright!

at this time!


A loud noise!

An incense burner was almost like a missile. It flew over from a distance, and then slammed into Old Man Tu's head fiercely!


The next moment, Father Tu's whole person was actually thrown back into the coffin by this incense burner!

Surprisingly, Jiang Fan made a move!

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