God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 352: Your father is a lot

Everything went well for the next thing!

When Father Tu was buried, Tu Kang immediately greeted Jiang Fan with a grateful look!

"Mr. Jiang, thank you for today's matter!"

"You're welcome!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Mr. Jiang, can you tell what happened today, who is doing the ghost?"

"This matter, you have to think about it slowly, and see if you have offended anything recently, an expert who knows Taoism!"

"An expert who knows Taoism?"

Tu Kang was startled, and then a cruel look flashed in his eyes!

"Mr. Jiang, I understand!"

"Um, your name is Jiang Fan, isn't it?"

At this moment, a sweet-looking girl who looked seventeen or eighteen, suddenly came over!

It is Tu Li!


"I, my name is Tu Li! What I said before is wrong! Don't be angry!"

Tu Li is a little bit embarrassed!

Zhou Lanfeng, who was not far away, also apologized, and smiled at Jiang Fan!

"It's ok!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and suddenly saw Tu Li's school badge!

"Huh? Are you also a student in the second middle school?"


"What a coincidence, so is my sister!"

"Really? What is her name?"

Tu Li looked overjoyed immediately!

As long as you know Jiang Fan's younger sister, you will be able to get close to Jiang Fan just right when you come!

"She's called..."

"Ding Ding Ding!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

"Ni Wen? What's wrong?"

"Teacher Jiang! Come back soon! Wang Wenlong brought people over to make trouble!"

"Okay, I'll go back right away!"

Jiang Fan's expression sank and he hung up the phone!

"Tu Kang, I still have something to do, so I have to go back quickly!"

"Good! Mr. Jiang, I will reward me..."

"You're welcome! Contact me if you have time!"

After Jiang Fan finished speaking, people had run away!

He rushed back to Lan Ying rushing all the way, and as soon as he arrived at the school gate, Jiang Fan saw that a large group of students were standing on the playground under the leadership of Class 3!

There is an angry look on every student's face!

Opposite them is Wang Wenlong with a group of subordinates with a proud face!

And Ma Desheng and Tang Zhiyuan, with a few security guards, stood beside Wang Wenlong with a flat smile, and said something to him!

Seeing Jiang Fan's return, a group of students were overjoyed!

"It's Teacher Jiang!"

"Ms. Jiang is back!"

"Great! Although Teacher Jiang looks like a big demon, but he is super short!"

"Huh! Let this group be arrogant again!"

A group of students looked forward to Jiang Fan with joy!

"what happened?"

Jiang Fan frowned and strode to the third class!

"It's Wang Wenlong! He was thrown rotten eggs yesterday, so we must say that we did it!"

"There are also two bastards, Fatty Ma and Tang Zhiyuan, who will punish us regardless of whether they are indiscriminate!"

"More than that! Wang Wenlong let us kowtow to admit our mistakes. The two fat pigs were afraid of the power of the Wang family, and they actually agreed!"

The students in Class 3 quickly told the story again!

After listening to Jiang Fan, his expression suddenly sank!

Ma Desheng and Tang Zhiyuan, the two soft guys!

This matter was indeed done by Class 3!

However, as the leader of Blue Eagle, in front of outsiders, it doesn't matter if he doesn't protect the students, he actually pushed them out!

There is no spine at all, it is in vain to be a teacher!

"Humph! Jiang Fan! You just came back!"

Ma Desheng's face sank!

"You missed class all morning for no reason, what on earth did you do?"

"none of your business?"


Ma Desheng looked stagnant!

"Jiang Fan! Why are you talking to Director Ma? Hurry up and apologize to Director Ma!"

Tang Zhiyuan frowned!

But Jiang Fan smiled coldly, and directly compared a middle finger!

"Fak squid!"

"you you!"

Tang Zhiyuan was almost offended with hypertension!

"Haha! Director Tang, Director Ma, this is the teacher of your school? This quality, hehe! No wonder you can teach such students who have fathers but no fathers!"

Wang Wenlong sneered!

"Asshole! What are you talking about?"

The students in Class 3 were furious!

However, Jiang Fan waved his hand directly, instead he smiled at Wang Wenlong!

"Oh? Since Long Shao is so educated, it looks like you have a lot of fathers! It's really hard work, Master Lingtang!"

All the students were startled, and then roared with laughter!

"What are they laughing at?"

Wang Wenlong is a bit dumb!

"Young Master Long, this **** means you, you, your mother is a chicken!"

"Your mother is the chicken!"

Wang Wenlong confronted him, slapped him in the face with a slap in the face!

After the fight, he understood what was going on!

"Jiang Fan! How dare you **** scold me?"

"Oh! Young Master Long! You are so incompetent? Didn't your fathers teach you well?"

Jiang Fan looked surprised!

"Fuck, bastard!"

Wang Wenlong's face turned pale!

"Do it for me! Kill these bastards!"

"Young Master Long! Young Master Long! Can't make it!"

Fatty Ma and Tang Zhiyuan's faces changed drastically!

In the event of a fight and someone gets injured, no matter where they are, they will have to share the blame!

At that time, the board of directors issued an order, and both of them had to get out!

"Sure? How the **** are you!"

Wang Wenlong kicked the horse Fatty and pointed directly at Jiang Fan!

"Give it to me!"

"I see who dares to move!"

A puffy voice suddenly sounded!

Then, a man strode over!

Actually, Ning Changan, the school manager and vice-principal!

Seeing Ning Changan appeared, Ma Desheng and Tang Zhiyuan were relieved and greeted them together!

"Ning Dong, you finally came!"

"Jiang Fan, this bastard, is so angry with Long Shao!"

"You have to punish Jiang Fan well!"

"Yes! There are those **** in Class Three, and I can't let it go!"

The two talked about each other, completely ignoring the angry gazes of the students!

"Okay, go aside!"

Ning Changan waved his hand, and then walked directly in front of Wang Wenlong!

"Young Master Long, give me a face, this matter, forget it!"

"Huh! My Wang family, do you need to give others face?"

Wang Wenlong smiled disdainfully!

"Young Master Long, even if you don't look at my face, it's always okay to look at the face of the Xia family?"

"Xia Family?"

Wang Wenlong's face changed slightly!

After hesitating, he finally nodded unwillingly!

"As long as they kowtow to admit their mistakes, that's all for this matter!"

"Young Master Long! This is a school after all!"

Ning Changan frowned!

"Huh! What about school?"

At this moment, a man beside Wang Wenlong sneered directly!

This man is in his thirties and looks very gentle, but his eyes are full of cunning!

This person is the think tank that Wang Wenjie arranged for Wang Wenlong, Wu De!

"Ning Changan, I heard that you are going to squeeze Xia Fanxing away and become the principal!"

"Think about it, if we fight, can you still sit in the headmaster's seat?"

Ning Changan's heart jumped!

To be the principal, he must do it!

Otherwise, someone will definitely make him unhappy!

He hesitated again and again, and finally gritted his teeth!


Ning Changan took a deep breath, then turned around and looked at Jiang Fan and Ban San with a majestic expression!

"You all heard! Shao Long this time, but because of the face of the Xia family, I let you go, and let Shao Long kneel down to acknowledge..."


Before Ning Changan finished speaking, Jiang Fan was already gloomy, and he let out a low growl!

These beasts!

It simply lost the face of the education industry!

"Jiang Fan! What are you talking about? I tell you, Wang Family is not something you can provoke, don't give us Blue Eagle, make trouble!"

Ning Changan's face is gloomy!

"If you don't want to die, just shut your stinky mouth and I'll shut it up!"

Jiang Fan's face was gloomy, and his whole body was even more murderous!

"My Jiang Fan's student, you can kneel to kiss, you can kneel! Other than that, I won't worship the sky!"

"You guys, what kind of thing!"

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