God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 355: The ghost pulls the lamp in the middle of the night

"The old man moved into the new house, only to find that the terrifying nightmare had just begun!"

"In an ordinary two-story building, the room lights are frequently turned on every midnight and midnight!"

"Is it the revenge of the dead? Or the house, built on the grave by mistake?

"Ding! Please give me a shocking longan and lotus soup for the villager Mrs. Wang from "Approaching Science"!"

Nima! system! You are so strong!

You can even wear this one!

Jiang Fan can't laugh or cry!

"Okay! If you have an order, don't send it, God's law is forbidden!"



Jiang Fan soon came to a dessert shop!

"Boss! A longan and lotus soup!"


"Wait! Ten more bubble teas!"

After packing is complete, Jiang Fan drills directly to the intersection!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is on! It is about to enter-approaching the midnight of science to pull the light on the ghost!"

In this issue of Approaching Science, it tells about the old couple in the countryside, when they suddenly encounter the electric light at home, it will automatically turn on every midnight!

The plot is bizarre, and the reversal is so violent that people can flash the waist disc!


Jiang Fan reappeared and has already come to the entrance of a rural village!

"Uncle, how do Wang Yuerong Wang's old lady's house go?"

Seeing someone chatting at the entrance of the village, Jiang Fan immediately greeted him!

Unexpectedly, when he asked the uncle, his face suddenly panicked!

"Boy, what are you doing there?"

"what happened?"

"Her house, it's not clean!"

"Hehe, uncle, you are really joking!"

"Why don't you believe it! Here, her house is over there, you can go see it yourself!"

The uncle said, pointing at a house in the distance!

"Thanks, uncle!"

Jiang Fan soon came to Mrs. Wang's house!

However, before entering the door, I suddenly heard a loud voice!

Jiang Fan strode in and took a look, and saw that a group of film crews were in the yard, confronting a man holding gossip!

This man, in his fifties, has a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek with an arrogant look!

And beside him, there was also an old couple with a sad and haggard look. It seemed that they were the Wang family!

"Uncle and aunt, don't listen to this liar, there must be no ghosts in your house!"

A female reporter said angrily!

"Oh, girl! How can you talk to Wang Banxian like this?"

Old man Wang looked anxious!

"It's okay!"

Wang Banxian waved his big hand, and then, a trace of mockery appeared on his face!

"Yellow-haired girl! Since you said it wasn't haunted, then you would say, why does this light come on at midnight?"

"This...this, it must be the circuit! Anyway, it's not haunted!"

The female reporter insisted!

"Huh! Didn't you fail to check it, what's the result? Electricians have said it, it's not a circuit problem at all!"

"Yes, reporter girl, it must be, our house is not clean! Just let Banxian go in and have a look!"

"Uncle and aunt! You are feudal superstition! This man is obviously a liar! How can you..."

"Reporter Li!"

Old man Wang's face sank!

"My wife is worried and feared every day. The Wang Banxian whom I finally invited, don't make trouble!"

"Half Immortal, don't be familiar with her, come in quickly and show us it!"

"Okay! I'll show you that fairy!"

Wang Banxian swaggered into the room with a smug look!

"This, this liar!"

The female reporter gritted her teeth angrily!

"Hey, Sister Li, don't be angry! We film crew, what kind of people have not met?"

"That's right, last time, it was obvious that people fell into the tree hole, but people thought it was a big tree cannibalizing people!"

"No! There is also the strange person who vomits blood, who has been bleeding gums for a long time!"

"Don't tell me, what we encountered this time is indeed a bit weird!"

"Yeah! I checked it inside and out, and we squatted here for ten days. Why did the light turn on by ourselves?"

A group of people are puzzled!

"Hey! The takeaway, are you here to deliver the food?"

At this time, someone finally noticed Jiang Fan!

"Yes, I'm here to deliver food to Mrs. Wang!"

"Hey? This is a remote village, the delivery staff actually deliver it too?"

"Little brother! You are really awesome! It's a full 30 kilometers from here to the city!"

"Small point! As long as the customer places an order, even if it's on Mount Everest, I can still deliver it!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, but his eyes were full of seriousness!

A group of people are immediately in awe!

"Brother, we are the film crew of "Approaching Science". You have seen the situation here. Give us things. We will help you give her in a while!"

"Thank you! However, I have to deliver this meal to her personally!"

"What? You have to deliver it to others in person?"

"A strange medicine for strange diseases!"

As Jiang Fan said, he had already strode towards the house!

The film crew looked at each other, and immediately looked curious, and followed!

At this moment, Wang Banxian was walking around in the house, taking out gossip from time to time!

Suddenly, he strode to the bedroom, and then pointed at the bed!

"There is a ghost in your house!"


The old couple turned pale in fright!

"Half Immortal, you, what you said is true?"

"of course!"

Wang Banxian looked serious!

"Huh! Nonsense!"

Reporter Li and a group of film crew members immediately sneered!

"Little girl, since you don't believe me, today, this immortal will open your eyes!"

Wang Banxian sneered, and suddenly took out a pair of scissors from his body, and pierced it against the bed!

"Chop chop chop!"

After Wang Banxian finished tying, he lifted the quilt directly!

Below, a blank sheet of paper appeared!

It's just that, at this moment, a few transparent holes have been pierced on the white paper!

"White paper?"

"What are you doing with this stuff?"

"I don't know! It must be a mystery!"

Wang Banxian did not speak, and opened the blank paper in front of everyone!


The old and the old couple were taken aback!

I saw that there was actually a portrait of a ghost on the white paper!

The appearance of the blood-mouthed fangs is extremely hideous!

"Cut! It turned out to be scary with a portrait..."

Reporter Li didn't finish speaking, but he suddenly looked shocked!

Others also showed horror!

I saw that on the white paper, the place where Wang Banxian had been pierced just now turned blood red!

It's like this ghost was stabbed!

"Well, what's going on?"

"Oh my God! Never seen this before!"

"Could it be that a ghost is really causing trouble?"

The film crew looked shocked!

"Little girl, didn't you say that there are no ghosts? Then you are talking, what's the matter?"

"This this……"

Reporter Li looked terrified!

"It's over! My wife! Our house is really a ghost!"

"Half fairy! You, you must, save us!"

The old couple trembled in shock!

The old lady shook her body and almost fainted!


Wang Banxian sighed!

"This ghost is not easy to deal with!"

"Half Immortal! Please! As long as you can kill this ghost, we will give you all the money!"

"Okay! Seeing you are so sincere, I will only charge 888!"

"Good, good! I'll give it to you!"

Mrs. Wang said that she was going to withdraw money!

"Wait! Can't give it!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan finally spoke!

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