God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 366: Such an obscene team

The people in the conference room all looked at the big screen dumbfounded!

"This, this kid, is it a monster?"

"Huh! Simple tactical deduction! Nothing difficult!"

"Isn't it difficult to be able to deduct to this point? Wang Zhigang, you are getting more and more crazy!"

"Humph! Anyway, I absolutely don't believe what this kid will say next!"

"I don't believe it too much! If he is really right, then he is a once-in-a-hundred-year-old... military god!"


As soon as he heard the news that the Xingchen team was out, Zhao Mo's expression was ugly for an instant!

Pick up the communicator directly!

"Attention everyone, all back to defense!"

"What? Captain! The people of Black Shield are going to be finished soon!"

"Shut up! If you don't come back, we will be the one to die!"


With a strong unwillingness, the Falcons left the battlefield in an instant, desperately rushing to their hometown!

"Captain! The Falcons have retreated!"

The report of Team One and Two was also passed to Zhao Guoliang at the right moment!


Zhao Guoliang was startled!

Immediately afterwards, he showed a sudden look!

"How many people are there?"

"Four left!"

"Where is the Iron Maiden team?"

"There are five more!"

"Kill them at all costs! As long as the Iron Maiden team is out, the overbearing team will be vulnerable! We will definitely win at that time!"


And the report of the Iron Maiden team also reached Liu Feng's ears!

"What? That **** Zhao Mo actually withdrew?"

"Yes, big sister!"

"This bastard! Villain! Dirty child! Hold on! We'll be back soon!"


Although Liu Feng wanted his subordinates to hold on, there was already a wave of despair in his heart!

She knew exactly what level of force she had under her!

Unless it is three to one, there is absolutely no chance of winning against Black Shield!

However, she is currently playing fiercely with the Black Shield team, and if she wants to get away, even the domineering team will definitely not spare her!

"Damn it! What to do, what to do!"

Liu Feng gritted his teeth anxiously!

At this moment, the Falcons!

Zhao Mo had already seen that nearly 30 people in the chicken soup team rushed up like a swarm!

"Attention everyone, defensive formation! Ready to go to war at any time!"


With Zhao Mo's order, the Falcons are all ready!

It's just beyond everyone's expectations!

The Chicken Soup team just borrowed a word, and actually went through the Falcons and went straight to the Iron Maiden team!

Zhao Mo was stunned!

"What do they want to do?"

The Black Shield site!

at this time!

"Boom boom!"

In Liu Feng's communicator, a large number of fierce gunshots suddenly came out!

"Hello! What happened? What happened?"

There is no sound from the intercom!

But Zhao Guoliang's communicator, the voice of Team One and Two, sounded at the right time!

"Captain! It's not good! The Chicken Soup Team is here!"

"What? Withdraw immediately..."

Zhao Guoliang didn't finish speaking, the voice in the communicator has completely disappeared!

Team One and Two were destroyed!

But in Liu Feng's communicator, the gunshots on the opposite side suddenly stopped!

Then, a nice male voice suddenly sounded!

"Captain Liu Feng! Hello!"

"who are you?"

"I'm Murong Cui from the Chicken Soup Team! The people from Black Shield just now, we have already helped you get rid of them!"

"Chicken soup team?"

Liu Feng was stunned!

"Captain Liu Feng, hold on, our Captain Jiang Fan said, you are our true ally! Don't worry, the reinforcements of the Chicken Soup Team will be here soon!"

It turned out that the chicken soup team ran to its own territory, and it was a thousand miles of reinforcements!

In an instant, Liu Feng's heart suddenly rose, and he was deeply moved!

"Okay! Thank you!"

Putting down the communicator, Liu Feng's confidence increased!

"Sisters! Fight me fiercely! There will be reinforcements in a while! As long as you kill the black shield, you will win!"


The morale of the Iron Maiden team is boosted!

Even the overbearing team regained their spirits!

On the battlefield of Black Shield, the gunshots were louder in an instant!

"Report! There are ten people left on our side! There are more than thirty people in the iron lady and the overbearing team on the opposite side!"

The communicator in Zhao Guoliang's hand sounded again!

"Hold on! The Chicken Soup Team will definitely not let go of this opportunity! Although they have abandoned the first and second teams, they have such a good chance of destroying the Iron Maiden team, they will definitely not let it go!"

"There will be at most five minutes, the Iron Maiden team, we are sure to be out!"


Putting down the communicator, Zhao Guoliang looked stern!

Chicken soup team!

I underestimate them!

However, unlike them, the crowd watching the game had their eyes widened and looked at the big screen incredible!

At this moment, the picture shown above is the handsome account of the Iron Maiden team!

I saw that Murong Cui finished speaking to the communicator and immediately shut it down, and then looked at the rest of the Iron Maiden team with a gentle expression!

"Are you all okay?"

"It's okay! Thank you!"

The people of the Iron Maiden team are grateful!

The chicken soup team, what a man!

It's 10,000 times stronger than the villains of the Falcons!

"Little meaning!"

Murong Cui smiled more gently, but at this moment, his index finger dropped slightly!

next moment!

"Boom boom!"

The chicken soup team raised their guns at the same time, and did not hesitate to pull the trigger at the Iron Maiden team!

In an instant, the remaining four members of the Iron Maiden team, including the marshal in the handsome account, were all seriously injured!

"you guys?"

Before the Iron Maidens could react, the communicator in their hands was snatched!

The crowd watching the game looked dumbfounded!

"What am I..."

"It's shameless!"

"Such a nasty team, once in a century!"

"Damn! I thought they were allies! For a long time, they attacked!"

At this moment, the crowd was completely shocked by the shameless behavior of the chicken soup team!

In the meeting room, the group of people who repeatedly watched Jiang Fan's tactical arrangement was dull!

At this moment, the picture happened to be a section where Jiang Fan analyzed the Iron Maiden team!

"In the Iron Maiden team, there may be two situations!"

"However, before talking about this, we must first analyze the black shield!"

"If the rest of the teams join forces, then, if Black Shield is not a fool, the first one to attack will be the Iron Maiden team!"

"Team Stars is a group of little **** kids. It's nothing to worry about. Fighting with an iron fist is not the best choice!"

"What they want to guard against is the overbearing team, the Iron Maiden team, and the Falcon team!"

"And defeating the Iron Maiden team is equivalent to breaking the connection between the overbearing team and the Falcons, and in the middle of the two teams, scored a nail!"

"Do you understand everything?"


"Very well, in this case, the Falcons' response is very important!"

"First, the Falcon will take the opportunity to attack the Iron Lady, and second, the Falcon will help the Iron Lady!"

"However, I prefer the second one!"

"And for a while, you will destroy the iron fist first, and then destroy the stars. It is bound to make the Falcons uneasy, and they will definitely take back defense!"

"So, you must first help Iron Lady destroy the Black Shield team, and then communicate with Liu Feng to let them insist on containing Black Shield!"

"Next, look for a chance to sneak attack! But remember! Do not destroy them! Serious injuries are fine!"

"But Captain, why is this?"

Everyone looked puzzled!

"At this time, we have exposed our true strength! Everyone must be extremely prepared for us!"

"Plus the Iron Maiden team is safe and sound, the Falcons are bound to have doubts. They have enough troops at that time, and they will definitely send a team to pull out our nest!"

"So, after completing the above steps, all you have to do is..."

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