God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 380: Small scenes are not necessary

"Huh? Isn't this Young Master Long? He has recovered well!"

It was Wang Wenlong who stopped Jiang Fan!

Today, he is a special guest on behalf of the Wang Group, here to watch the ceremony!

In the past few days, he has been looking for Jiang Fan, but he unexpectedly met here!

Thinking of what happened the previous two days, he wanted to kill Jiang Fan!

But here is obviously not a place to do it!

While Wang Wenlong asked Wu De, his adviser, to send someone over, he himself stopped Jiang Fan directly!

Even if you can't do it now, you have to insult Jiang Fan, let's talk about it first!

"Hey! Jiang Fan, meet again!"

"Something wrong?"

"Something? Jiang Fan, don't you think that last time you were so to me, I would just let it go, right?"

"Whatever, but I still want to play, get out of the way!"


Wang Wenlong was startled!

"You are not, should you be fired?"

"none of your business!"

"Damn! You are looking for death!"

Wang Wenlong reached out to grab Jiang Fan's clothes!

Unfortunately, Jiang Fan took a step back slightly, and at the same time, he made a hook!


In front of everyone, Wang Wenlong fell a dog to eat shit, and a big face was shot directly on the ground!


Wang Wenlong let out a scream, and for a moment, his face was smeared with tears and nose!

"You! You! Damn, I have to kill you!"

Wang Wenlong screamed, and got up to pull Jiang Fan!

at this time!

"Young Master Long!"

Wu De grabbed Wang Wenlong!

"Young Master Long! Our people have already rushed over! After a while, there will be a chance to kill this kid!"

"There are too many reporters here now, don't do it!"

"I'm going to **** those reporters to death!"

Wang Wenlong is now bent on killing Jiang Fan, so he can't care about anything!

"Young Master Long! Did you forget what Jie Shao said?"

When Wang Wenjie was mentioned, Wang Wenlong was shocked!

He stared at Jiang Fan fiercely!

"Damn! Give it to me, wait!"

"Waiting for you Lao Mu! Are you trying to kill me? Come on! Come on!"

"What's the matter? Is it a man? You are here!"

Jiang Fan was not in a hurry at this time, and looked at Wang Wenlong with a smirk!

"You, you fucking..."

Wang Wenlong is in grief and anger!

What a bully!

"Jiang Fan! Don't be proud of you! Tell you, our people are outside the gymnasium! For a while, you will feel better!"

Wu De can't stand it anymore!

They have always been the only ones who bullied people. I never imagined that Jiang Fan would be bullied by Jiang Fan today, and even dare not fight back!

"Cut! Rubbish!"

Jiang Fan glanced at the two contemptuously, and walked towards the arena swayingly!

At this moment, the 100-meter track and field is over!

Next, is the first group of the 400-meter track and field race!

It is also when Jiang Fan is about to play!

However, as soon as he walked to the runway, he was stopped by two staff members!

"Sir, this is only for the game. If you watch the game, please go to the auditorium!"

"I am a player!"

Jiang Fan said, pointing to the game card on his body!


The two staff members were stunned!

It is clearly written on the entry card, No.007, Lanying Campus, Jiang Fan!

"Sorry! But this, sir, you, you don't need to change your clothes?"

The two staff members looked at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

The rest of the contestants are all wearing shorts and vests! Only Jiang Fan, jeans with short sleeves!

The most extreme thing is that he actually wore a pair of crumpled leather shoes!

"Small scene, it's not necessary!"

As Jiang Fan said, he was already on the starting line!

In the observatory, representatives of various schools are discussing enthusiastically!

"Principal Hu, I heard that Yang Di from your school is also here for this competition?"

"Yes! He is our Los Angeles, the holder of the 400-meter record!"

Principal Hu looked smug!

"Haha, it seems that our school can only take second place this time!"

"Not necessarily, we have a new physical education teacher in the three high schools this year, but he retired from the national team, and he happened to be in the same group!"

The principal of Sangao smiled triumphantly!

"Right! Vice President Ning, I heard that your Lan Ying teacher Duan Yi is also very strong. What's his number?"

"Oh, he should be number seven!"

Ning Changan smiled slightly and looked at the arena immediately, but from this look, he almost didn't squirt!

Jiang Fan!

It was Jiang Fan!

This bastard! why did he come here? What about paragraph meaning?

At the same time, the voice of the audience in the back had reached his ears!

"Hey! Look! What's the matter with that player?"

"Fuck! Although there is no dress code for the game, it is too casual!"

"Forget it, I guess it's a temporary charge!"

"I don't know which school it is!"

"It looks like it belongs to Blue Eagle!"

A group of viewers talked! The eyes, involuntarily, all drifted towards Ning Changan!

Ning Changan's face was pale, and at this moment, he could hardly wait to find a place to dig into it!

Damn Jiang Fan! I'm going to get out soon, but I even discredited Blue Eagle!

And Ma Desheng, this idiot, can't even stop people?

Even if you can't stop it, at least, find him some clothes!

Jiang Fan lost now, but the entire Lanying people!

And the other six players in the Jiang Fan group also looked at Jiang Fan with a dazed expression!

This is too casual!

Abstaining is better than being embarrassed, right?

At this moment, a sharp whistle suddenly sounded on the field!

This is the signal that the game is about to start!

The rest of the players can't take care of Jiang Fan anymore, they all pose and prepare to sprint!

And Ning Changan had already bowed his head deeply!

It's so embarrassing!


As the starting gun sounded, everyone, like a cheetah, rushed out!

"Go on Yang Di! Go on Yang Di!"

"Come on, Teacher Wang!"

"Ms. Zhao! Go ahead!"

The screams of the crowd kept ringing!

However, just three seconds after the start of the game, all the people in the whole venue shut up like a **** pinched by the neck!

Everyone looked at the stadium dumbfounded, their eyes almost staring out!

I saw a black shadow on the field like lightning, and instantly surpassed Yang Di, who was running first!

The strong wind pressure it brought up when it was running even drove the rest of the players away!


In less than ten seconds, the shadow has already crossed the finish line!

Because the speed is too fast, even the collision line cloth is directly rushed into two sections!


There was silence!


In the audience, a man opened his mouth wide, and the cigarette in his mouth fell directly on the hair of a woman in the front row!

But the latter, there was no reaction at all!

It was shocking!

At this speed, is this superman?

for a long time!


The woman's hair burned directly!

"Damn! My hair!"

With the woman's scream, the whole gymnasium suddenly boiled!

"Fuck! That's awesome!"

"Shocking! This speed is faster than a bullet!"

"The record is broken! The record is definitely broken!"

"Quickly, take a look, which player is it!"

"Hello! Edit? Quickly, change today's headline!"

"I care about the takeaway star to die! This time, it's a hero who broke the world record!"

The crowd was very excited, excited, goose bumps all over!

On the big screen of the stadium, the game data has been displayed!

First place: 10.32 seconds!

Participants: Lanying Campus, Jiang Fan!

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