God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 395: Don't be a scumbag

"It's all right! The Blue Eagle school motto is serious and lively, as always!"

Jiang Fan looked serious!

"It turned out to be like this!"

Andrew nodded repeatedly, but he immediately looked at Jiang Fan with a curious look!

"Teacher Jiang, I just met Professor Cai Xiaojing. I heard him say that your calligraphy is particularly good?"

"Understand a little!"

"You are too modest, Professor Tsai is the most accomplished calligrapher at Los Angeles University! It is certainly not so simple to make him admire so much!"

"Teacher Jiang, I happen to have an art class in the afternoon. Could you please help me write a handwriting for the students?"

Andrew looked at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes!

"no problem!"

Jiang Fan immediately agreed!

"Well, I will trouble Teacher Jiang this afternoon!"

"You're welcome!"

After a hurried meal, Jiang Fan packed another one, left the canteen, and went straight to Qiu Mingyue's house!

At this moment, in the villa, Qiu Mingyue is directing Lei Yang and others to change the glass!

Seeing Jiang Fan's arrival, she suddenly looked happy!

"You're back?"

The tone is almost like, the little daughter-in-law waiting for her husband to leave work!

Hey? Sure enough, there is a story!

Lei Yang and the others, suddenly pricked their ears!

"Well, this is a packaged meal for you, eat it!"


Qiu Mingyue smiled sweetly, and then waved to Lei Yang and others!

"You go first!"

Lei Yang and others sighed and left reluctantly!

"Jiang Fan, you are not a teacher anymore, then, can you come to my company to help?"

While eating, Qiu Mingyue secretly glanced at Jiang Fan!

"This, in fact, I didn't make it!"


Qiu Mingyue was startled!

"Today, Xia Fanxing happened to be back!"

"This little bitch!"

Qiu Mingyue's complexion changed, and a murderous look suddenly flashed in her eyes!

Nima! It shouldn't be mentioned!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

"Hello! I am Jiang Fan!"

"Mr. Jiang, I, I am Ma Dongmei!"

"Miss Ma, what's the matter?"

"Well, what I said last time, don't forget the dinner tonight!"

"Don't worry, I will go on time!"

"Well, that's good, then, goodbye?"


Hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan frowned!

What does Ma Dongmei mean?

Although he didn't leave evidence when he killed Feng Lang, as long as he wasn't a fool, he would definitely know it had something to do with him!

Moreover, even if Feng Lang is not mentioned, and the horse rides the storm by himself, they are justified and shouldn't let them go!

How do you think Ma Dongmei looks good?

Could it be that this lady is attracted to herself?

Bah baah baah!

Although the woman is good-looking and has a plump body, the taste of local tyrants is too heavy!

It doesn't match myself at all!

"Jiang Fan, yes, who is it?"

Suddenly Qiu Mingyue asked softly!

"Ma Dongmei! The helm of the Ma family in Los Angeles!"

"is her?"

Qiu Mingyue frowned!

"This woman is a ruthless character!"

"you know?"


Qiu Mingyue nodded heavily!

"The Ma family is in Qingjiang, covering the sky with one hand! It is an existence that dare not provoke!"

"However, within the Ma family, there is another person who scares everyone!"

"This person is Ma Dongmei!"

"She is the sister of Patriarch Ma Donglai. Although she is a weak woman, her methods are surprisingly harsh!"

"Moreover, she is extremely moody. Many people say that in Qingjiang, even if you provoke Ma Donglai, you must not meet Ma Dongmei!"


Jiang Fan nodded with a smile!

"It's not just that!"

"She's still the same, she hates marrying a daughter so much! I dream of getting married one day!"

"But it's a pity that she has a fierce reputation, no one dares to marry her at all!"

Qiu Mingyue suddenly looked at Jiang Fan with a smile!

"She invited you to a banquet, won't it be, is it interesting to you?"

"No no!"

Jiang Fan shook his head repeatedly!

"Why don't you go with me tonight?"


Qiu Mingyue was startled!

Jiang Fan, actually asked me to attend the banquet with him. Does that mean that I am already his girlfriend?


Happiness came too suddenly!

"That, that's good!"

Qiu Mingyue nodded lightly, and inaudibly agreed!

Jiang Fan got out of the villa and stopped right after turning the corner!

"Have you found any suspicious people?"

"No! There is no sign of murderousness around!"

At the same time Jiang Fan asked, Yue Jianhan was already like a ghost, suddenly appeared!

Before, Jiang Fan left boldly because he had contacted Yue Jianhan in advance!

"Don't let your guard down!"

"Yes! Master, don't worry! Unless I die, no one can move a finger of Master!"


Jiang Fan almost choked!

"Who said she was your wife?"

"Isn't it? Master, you slept with someone last night!"

Yue Jianhan looked unhappy!

"Master, the disciple says something to go beyond, don't be a scumbag!"

"Be your uncle's scumbag!"

Jiang Fan yelled!

"Don't **** bullshit! Also, let you protect her, not let you die! Don't talk about the unlucky things!"

"If you really encounter a very strong opponent, don't worry about anyone and run away! It's important to protect your life! You know?"


Yue Jianhan was stunned!

In an instant, that cold heart, unexpectedly, a warm current rose!

"What are you in a daze? Remember?"

Jiang Fan frowned!

"Yes! Disciple, remember!"

Yue Jianhan lowered his head and answered softly!

"Oh, right!"

Jiang Fan directly took out another packaged meal and handed it to Yue Jianhan!

"This is for you!"

Looking at the takeaway, Yue Jianhan's hands, which were originally rock-solid, couldn't help but trembled!

Over the past two decades, he has never cared about him because of his withdrawn nature!

When his swordsmanship is small, even if someone treats him well, they will all be. Don't have a plan!

Only Jiang Fan, just innocent, good to him!


At this moment, Yue Jianhan had secretly made up his mind to follow Jiang Fan in this life!

Nothing else!

Just for this one, takeaway!

Saying goodbye to Yue Jianhan, Jiang Fan rode directly into a community!


Jiang Fan knocked on the door!

Soon, the door opened, and a young man wearing a plaid shirt and thick glasses suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

"Brother Fan?"

The young man suddenly looked excited when he saw Jiang Fan!

"Xie Xing, long time no see!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

This young man was the programmer who knelt and licked Xia Lu before, but was cheated by Xia Lu and almost committed suicide, Xie Xing!

At that time, Jiang Fan used "The Rise of Licking Dogs" on him!

"Brother Fan! Why are you here? Come in!"

The two entered the house, Xie Xing hurriedly served tea and handed water!

"Don't be busy, there is something, I need your help!"

"no problem!"

Xie Xing didn't even ask anything busy, so he agreed!

After all, if it weren't for Jiang Fan, he would now have no bones left by Xia Lukeng!

"Help me retrieve the data in this phone!"

As Jiang Fan said, he took out a mobile phone and handed it to Xie Xing!

This mobile phone was the one who assassinated Qiu Mingyue, the assassin!

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