Seeing Ning Changan being kicked out of Lan Ying, Xia Fanxing finally looked at a group of reporters with a smile on his face!

"Everyone, do you want to continue the interview?"

"No, no, no!"

The reporters looked embarrassed!

What a shame!

Before, I yelled to dig the truth!

But the truth is that they are all being used as guns!

If it hadn't been for Ning Changan's sudden stupidity, I'm afraid that they wouldn't know what was going on after they finished the report!

However, when he thought of this, everyone looked at Jiang Fan in confusion!


Ning Changan insisted that the reason why he was doing this was because of this man!

But how did he do it?

And Tang Zhiyuan and others were even more horrified!

too frightening!

Ning Changan is definitely not a fool!

It is impossible to say these things for no reason!

The only possibility is that, as he said, all of this is Jiang Fan's devil!

Jiang Fan!

This kid, in the future, must not provoke him!

After all, the collapse of Ning Changan is equivalent to Xia Yuanming reaching Lan Ying's claws and being completely cut off!

The blue eagle from now on will be the words of Xia Fanxing!

And Jiang Fan is like Li Lianying next to Cixi!

Tang Zhiyuan even secretly figured out how to please Jiang Fan!

Or, find your son's Tang Mansion and let Jiang Fan beat him up?

Only Xia Fanxing looked calm!

In her mind, even if Jiang Fan really picked a star from the sky for her, she would feel that it was normal!

"Everyone, since I'm not going to interview, then..."

Before Xia Fanxing finished speaking, Jiang Fan suddenly winked at her!

"Leave them, this is just your chance!"

Xia Fanxing was startled slightly, and suddenly understood!

"Everyone, although some people have ulterior motives this time, you come from afar and let me enter into the friendship of landlords!"

"It's just a while before lunch. Why don't I show you the Blue Eagle?"

"After all, what other people say is different from what you see with your own eyes!"

As soon as Xia Fanxing spoke, a group of reporters nodded their heads!

A fool can tell that this is Xia Fanxing, asking for favor from them!

After all, in today's incident, they were first used as guns to attack Xia Fanxing!

If Xia Fanxing didn't let it go, they would be in great trouble!

Now, help Lan Ying make a good publicity and build momentum, just as it is, to return Xia Fanxing's favor!

"Jiang Fan, thank you for today!"

Xia Fanxing suddenly reached Jiang Fan's ear and said softly!

"Ahem, yes, yes!"

Smelling the scent of Xia Fanxing's body, Jiang Fan suddenly became a little confused!

"Then, how can I thank you?"

"This, this..."

Jiang Fan swallowed desperately!

"Why don't we talk about it later?"

"Huh! Okay then!"

Xia Fanxing cast a wink at Jiang Fan and left directly with a group of reporters!

A group of reporters clearly knew that the relationship between the two people must be abnormal, but at this time, no one dared to mention it!

Oh shit! I don't know who will get this big melon!

A group of people quickly left, and there was only Zhao Ming left, the pale-faced Zhao Ming!

"Reporter Zhao, get out by yourself, or should I get out for you?"

Jiang Fan smiled contemptuously!

Zhao Ming stared at Jiang Fan!

for a long time!

"Okay! Very good! I admit this somersault, but..."

"Fuck you code!"

Jiang Fan kicked Zhao Ming directly!


Zhao Ming screamed, and Jiang Fan kicked him a full ten meters away, and landed on his interview vehicle!

Shattered the glass of the interview car!

"A rubbish, dare to talk harshly to me!"

Jiang Fan sipped disdainfully, turned and left!

However, he just walked to the teaching building!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

The system order is coming!

"Artificial intelligence robots emerged from the nuclear war. For decades, they have waged wars to try to eliminate humans!"

"But the ultimate battle will not start in the future!"

"It's going to happen here, it's happening now! It's...tonight!"

This introduction, this is!

Jiang Fan's pupils shrank suddenly!

It turned out to be this world!

This is one of the worlds he dreams of most!

"Ding! Please give Sala Connor a spicy chicken that inspires fighting spirit!"

Jiang Fan took a deep breath and went straight to the cafeteria!

Soon, the spicy chicken is packed!

Jiang Fan directly summons the system!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the Ten Thousand Realms is on! About to enter-"Terminator 1"!


It really is it!

The movie "Terminator" tells that after the nuclear war in the 21st century, the earth is ruled by robots!

The surviving humans gathered together, under the leadership of leader John Connor, to resist the brutal rule of robots!

In order to get rid of John Connor, Skynet sent the Terminator to go back to the past, wanting to kill his mother, Sara Connor, and change the future!

On the human side, John sent Kyle Reese to protect Sara Connor!

The two evaded the Terminator all the way, and unknowingly developed feelings. After a lingering one night, the two continued on the road!

Unfortunately, in the end Kyle chose to die with the Terminator in order to protect Salad!

Soon, Sarah found out that she was pregnant with Kyle's child. This is the leader of the future human resistance movement, John Connor!


Jiang Fan appeared again, already on a street!

However, at the moment when the moon is in the middle of the sky, and the streets are off the beaten track, there are only a few young people who have a killer haircut and look like a bad guy sitting on the bench and screaming and drinking beer!

Seeing Jiang Fan suddenly appeared, several gangsters were suddenly startled!

"Oumai! Am I dazzled?"

"When did this kid appear?"

"His hairstyle is so stupid!"

"Haha! Yeah! There are clothes, it looks like an alien!"

Several gangsters laughed and mocked Jiang Fan!

"Hey! Trash! Where did you come from?"

One of them, patted his own leather vest, which is studded with steel nails, which even the veteran non-mainstream can't look up to now, looked at Jiang Fan triumphantly!

"Soil buns?"

Jiang Fan looked at himself, and then at a group of gangsters, his face suddenly bewildered!

Especially the aesthetics of people in this era is really strong!

"Yellow monkey! Boss Jason, talking to you! Are you **** deaf?"

Seeing that Jiang Fan didn't respond, a **** suddenly sank and scolded viciously!


"White Pig! Do you want to die?"

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly chilled!

Several gangsters were surprised at the same time!

What a scary look!

It makes people feel like falling into hell!

"Boss, this kid, it seems a bit wicked, let's still..."

One of them, tremblingly, looked at Jason!

"Oh shit!"

Jason suddenly looked ruthless!


Take out a sharp dagger directly!

"Fear of a fart! He is not Bruce Lee! Give it to me! Kill this yellow-skinned monkey!"

Jason gave an order, and the other gangsters also took out their daggers and rushed towards Jiang Fan with a grim look!

"Okay! I will fulfill you!"

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth was raised, and he suddenly kicked the **** who rushed up first!



The whole upper body of the gangster was kicked directly by Jiang Fan!


Countless flesh and blood are flying in all directions!

Pouring on the rest of the people, all facets!

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