God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 414: God’s job is a takeaway

"Dang Cang!"

The metal head of T800 fell directly to Jiang Fan's feet!

"Didi! Pick...Zila~Zila...set...finished!"

"Zila~~Zila~~The end..."

The electronic eyes of T800 stared at Jiang Fan firmly!

There was a hint of unwillingness in his eyes!

Then, he suddenly opened his mouth and made a deep voice!



Jiang Fan stepped on the head of T800!

Looking condescendingly at these eyes!

"I'm waiting for you!"

After Jiang Fan finished speaking, he stepped hard!


T800's head was completely turned into a pile of fragments, and the light of the electronic eye was finally extinguished!

"It's over! Finally, it's over!"

Seeing this scene, all the survivors of the police station screamed in excitement!

A group of people ran directly in front of Jiang Fan!

"Thank you! Takeaway boy!"

"You are too fierce! Our police station has decided that after get off work every day, we will collectively deliver food!"

"In order to express our gratitude, starting today, we will not call the Los Angeles Police Department, but the Takeaway Police Department!"

"Not only that, we have to learn Chinese Kungfu! We have to learn like you!"

A group of policemen, happy!

"A miracle! You are a miracle! What the leader said is true!"

Kyle was even more excited!

Unexpectedly, I could actually see this legendary character!

"Jiang Fan! You are amazing!"

Sarah's eyes shined and she looked admiring!

No matter how others admire Jiang Fan, it is useless!

He is here to deliver food for himself!

Sarah became more excited when she thought of such a strong and handsome man as her exclusive takeaway!

"Little meaning!"

"However, this is just the beginning, and future opponents will be even stronger!"

Jiang Fan said suddenly!


"Do you mean that there will be Terminators in the future?"

Everyone was stunned!

Sarah was even more ashamed!

If there is another Terminator, isn't he dead?

"However, don't be afraid, if you encounter any trouble in the future, come to me directly!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, took out the spicy chicken directly and handed it to Sarah!

"Your takeaway!"

A strong fragrance wafted out!

Sarah couldn't help reaching out, picking up a piece, and putting it in her mouth!

"Ah! So spicy! So fragrant!"

"It's so delicious! As expected, Chinese food!"

"I feel right now, I am full of fighting spirit!"

"Even if there are more Terminators, I want to live!"

Sarah was so excited!

"Yes! Keep this mentality!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and was about to leave, but at this moment!

"Ding! System prompt!"

The system prompt sounded suddenly!

"Warning! Skynet has obtained the host DNA!"

what? !

Jiang Fan was stunned!

Then, his expression suddenly changed, and he pointed at the minced meat on T800!

"System, identify his DNA!"

"Ding! Identification is complete! The genetic similarity between the sample and the host is 100%!"

Damn it!

In an instant, Jiang Fan suddenly understood everything!

The reason why this Terminator is so strong is actually because his body is made of flesh and blood, actually his own!

In other words, just now, I was fighting with my own flesh and blood!

No wonder, the strength of this Terminator is so powerful!

But this involves a logical paradox!

That is, it is clear that it is the first time to enter the Terminator world, why does Skynet have its own genes?

Jiang Fan suddenly remembered the electronic tone of T800 before!


It turned out that the collection was collecting your own DNA!

In other words, this Terminator has collected his own DNA, so the future Skynet will use his own flesh and blood to create such a Terminator and send it to the present!

And Skynet knows his name, as well as the T800's target shift reaction just now, precisely because Skynet is here and has seen himself!

I rely on!

This logic is too messy for Nima!

And, in other words, as one's strength improves, if you enter this world next time, doesn't it mean that you will encounter a more powerful Terminator?

For example, the original strength is extremely terrifying, T1000!

At the thought of this, Jiang Fan couldn't help trembling all over!

So excited!

Such an opponent is strong enough!

"Jiang Fan!"

At this moment, Kyle suddenly looked at Jiang Fan!

"I want to ask you, are you from the future?"

"Do not!"

Jiang Fan pointed at the sky!

"I am, from there!"

At this moment, a white light suddenly fell!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan has disappeared without a trace!

"My God! Isn't he a god?"

"It's the gods who came to the world to bless us humans!"

"It's so shocking! I actually saw it, God!"

"It turns out that God's name is Jiang Fan!"

"Well! God's job is actually a takeaway!"

Everyone, with a look of excitement, knelt down!

Looking into the distance, the night sky where Jiang Fan disappeared!


Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 2018 Causality Points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving Sarah Connor's gratitude-mothers are expensive with children!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being worshipped by Kyle Lis-Daddy's Light!"

Jiang Fan was dumbfounded!

What the **** are these two props?

Listening to the name, it doesn't look like a serious thing!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing Evolved T800! Successfully drawn ‘Iwillbeback’!"

Damn it!

What the **** is this again?

"Ding! Because of Skynet's hatred of you, you won the title-Mechanical Enemy!"

"Ding! Because the appearance of the host has changed the course of the Terminator's history, Skynet will rank you as the number one end goal!"

"The next time you appear in Terminator World, Skynet will attack you at all costs!"

It doesn't matter, but what is that mechanical enemy?

Jiang Fan directly opens the title panel!

I saw a row of titles, sparkling!

However, most of these things are decorations and have no practical meaning!

Moreover, it needs to be worn before entering the world for it to take effect! Moreover, each world can only take effect once!

So Jiang Fan has never used it all the time!

After level ten, the system will open a title upgrade branch!

To upgrade titles, you need to crush other titles as experience points. At that time, Jiang Fan plans to use all the useless titles to upgrade!

At present, the most anticipated thing is the "Emperor's Sorrow"!

Mechanical Enemy: Shake! This is the fear of being dominated by machines!

Note: Wearing this title will increase the host’s damage to mechanical life by 10%! But at the same time, the hatred of mechanical life will increase 100%!

Jiang Fan threw the title into the panel at will, and then, excitedly, looked at the Iwillbeback!

The shape of this thing is just a fist, with a thumbs up!

Iwillbeback: My Terminator is back!

Note: Using this item, you will return to a world you have traveled through, and choose the time node to appear!

This thing!

Jiang Fan only felt the blood pouring up for a moment!

The whole was excited and trembling!

You can actually go back to a world you've traveled through!

Doesn't it mean that you can go home?

It's not this real world, but back to that, real home!


Jiang Fan trembled and roared suddenly!

"Use Iwillbeback! Destination: 2016, Earth!"

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