Ha ha!

It's finally blocked!

Last night, they were almost scared to pee by Jiang Fan!

So it was completely broken, and the idea of ​​finding Jiang Fan trouble!

However, if the Ma family came to Los Angeles for nothing, it would simply make everyone see a joke!

Since Jiang Fan can't afford to offend, use Takeaway Star Liwei!

It just so happened to ask about Feng Lang's whereabouts, so that Miss San, the clutches of Jiang Fan who escaped!

It's not that the Ma Family doesn't want to climb high for a person like Jiang Fan, but simply can't afford it!

The person who can kill the first presiding judge is not the existence of their Ma family that can be contaminated!

"Takeaway Star! Wouldn't you think that our Ma family let you go so easily?"

"Yes! Say it! Where did you hide Lord Lang?"

The three of Granny Huai glared at Jiang Fan!

These three idiots crying yesterday are worse than their father's death, why today, Niu B coaxed!

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, but immediately thought that his current identity is the star of takeaways!

Good too!

Just because Yu Rui was holding her breath! Now, take these idiots and practice your hands!

Jiang Fan smiled grimly, ready to take action!

At this moment!


Two winds suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan raised his brows and suddenly fell back!


Two flying knives slashed across his chest, and they were deeply nailed into a willow tree not far away!

Flying knife!

Could it be the one who assassinated Qiu Mingyue?

Jiang Fan's spirit is lifted!

However, he laughed at himself afterwards!

The style of the throwing knife is wrong, and this guy who shots is simply a weak B!

"Hey! Takeaway Star! If you know you, just come with us!"

On a hot day, the young man who was still wearing a leather jacket and had a Moxican killer-Matt haircut suddenly took a few of his men and sprang out from the roadside!

"who are you?"

"Huh! Don't even know our star brother?"

"Tell you! Star brother, but the number one master in Los Angeles!"

"That's right! Brother Xing's flying knife, there is nothing wrong with it!"

"Just counted you as lucky! Otherwise, Brother Xing really launched a ruthless attack, ten of you, it's not enough to kill!"

A group of young men clamored!

"Ahem! Low-key!"

The young man smiled proudly and looked at Jiang Fan!

"I am the number one master in Los Angeles! Liu Xing! Boy! You should know who you offended!"

"If you don't want to die, just go with me!"

"L.A. No. 1 master?"

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

Granny Huai and others changed their expressions even more!

Could it be that this seemingly weak young man has hidden his strength?

"That's right! Our Star Brother's strength is sufficient, level three!"


Jiang Fan's mouth twitched, and Huai Po and others were even more confused!

Does the Los Angeles people have a misunderstanding about strength?

Level three is the number one master, so what are we?

"Hey! That old lady! And those two little white faces, Brother Xing has to do something, so hurry up and stay away!"

"Yes! Don't break your blood for a while, and be scared again!"

"Have you heard? What the **** are you stupefied!"

A group of subordinates scolded one after another!

"court death!"

In the eyes of Granny Huai, a cold light flashed!

The next moment, a burst of energy suddenly burst from her, directly blasting towards a group of gangsters!


With a bang, a group of thugs are like pins bombed by a bowling ball!

They vomited blood and screamed, and flew out!

After landing, everyone broke their bones, and howled miserably!

Liu Xing is stunned!

With eyes wide open, he looked at Granny Huai in disbelief!

for a long time!


Everyone only heard a scream coming from far away!

"Takeaway Star! You have a helper this time, I will let you go! Next time, I see you have such good luck!"

Liu Xing actually slipped away!



The next moment, the figure flickered!

Liu Xing, who had just run out of less than five meters, was directly surrounded by Jiang Fan four people!


Liu Xing screamed!

Bow down to Jiang Fan!

"Big brother! I, I was hired! It has nothing to do with me!"

"Who sent you?"

Jiang Fan looked curious!

Can send such a fool, the other party seems to be a man of good temperament!

"Why do you ask so much? Just kill him!"

Granny Huai sneered, and the crutch in her hand was about to drop!

"Help! Takeaway star! Boss Zhang asked me to come!"

Liu Xing frightened his liver and screamed desperately!

Boss Zhang?

Jiang Fan frowned, suddenly raised his hand, and grabbed the walking stick in Granny Huai's hand!


Full of energy!

Jiang Fan and Huai Popo took a step back at the same time, and Liu Xing was blown out a full five meters away by the scattered energy!

"My God, my God! Are these two guys monsters?"

Level 3 is just the limit of elite special forces. Facing ordinary people, it is indeed very strong!

However, let alone a dual-talented monster like Jiang Fan, even a big pair and a small pair can kill countless leeks with a casual shot!

Liu Xing didn't even have any internal strength, so he was frightened stupidly!

"how come?!"

Weird mother-in-law's face suddenly changed!

As soon as the so-called expert makes a move, he will know if there is any!

She is a powerful ninth level! Moreover, he has been polished in this state for more than ten years!

Even if you shoot casually, it is definitely not a normal level seven that can stop it!

Even if the combined strength can reach the eighth level of the big and small doubles, they will definitely not be able to resist it!

Takeaway Star makes a shot at will, and he and himself are at odds with each other!

Moreover, the opponent's infuriating attributes are as strong as yang! Violent exception! But it can accumulate but not send!

This kind of control can never be achieved by yourself!

When the other party really makes a move, it must be shocking!

What is this sacred kid?

And Jiang Fan frowned slightly!

It's worthy of the ninth level, after all, there are two small levels short of it!

It seems that it is not difficult to beat the opponent violently, but if you want to kill such a master, you must do your best!

The big pair and the small pair on one side were already stunned!

The takeaway star can actually fight with Granny Huai.

Doesn't this mean that in a real fight, this kid is more powerful than the two of them together?

Forget Jiang Fan, after all, even the apprentice is a monster of level ten!

But why is this takeaway star so difficult to do?

Could it be that Los Angeles is destined to be the cradle of the strong?

Oh shit! It's too difficult to mix up here!

Qingjiang is better!

"Takeaway Star! Who are you!"

At this moment, Grandma Huai's face is full of caution!

It's definitely not easy to be able to be strong with oneself at level 7, and the other side's teachings are definitely not easy!

"I am your father!"

Jiang Fan cursed irritably!


"Stop talking nonsense! I just happened to be upset today! If you want to do something, I will accompany you!"

"Huh! You can achieve such an achievement at a young age, and if you grow old, you will survive!"

"As long as you tell Feng Lang's whereabouts, today, I will not embarrass you!"

Granny Huai said nicely, but Dashuang and Xiaoshuang were stunned!

What an idiot can tell, Granny Huai is so awkward!

For an instant, both of them looked at Jiang Fan in shock!


"I haven't seen anything that is not a wave, I have never seen it!"

"Fight, not roll!"

Jiang Fan doesn't urinate Granny Huai at all!

"You little-"

Granny Huai gritted her teeth angrily!

"Okay! You have a seed! You wait for me!"

As Grandma Huai said, she turned around and ran!

The big pair and the small pair are oiled on the soles of the soles, and you are lucky!

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