God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 433: Respect you are a man

The Melody Building is twelve stories high, and the ownership of the entire building belongs to Melody Media!

As the largest brokerage company in Los Angeles, this is not only the headquarters of Melody Media, but also a place for Melody to train new talents!


Jiang Fan rode a bicycle and stopped steadily downstairs in the Meile Building!

Looking at the four big golden characters of "Meile Media" on the building, Jiang Fan suddenly showed a sneer!

"Is Zhang Jinzhu here?"

Jiang Fan walked directly in and asked at the front desk!

"Are you looking for Mr. Zhang? Excuse me, is there an appointment?"

The front desk asked politely!

Although Jiang Fan's clothes are ordinary, he looks like a street vendor, but his temperament is so outstanding!

Although he wears a mask and can't see his face clearly, he just looks at his eyes to know that he is definitely a handsome man!

However, why is his mask so similar to the takeaway star?

The sister at the front desk looked confused!

"There is no appointment, but you can tell him that the takeaway star is coming to him!"

"Oh, good!"

The sister at the front desk agreed, and then suddenly exclaimed!

"Takeaway Star?! You are, Takeaway Star?!"

At the moment downstairs, there were people coming and going, as soon as I heard the exclamation from the front desk, they all looked over!


"Oh my God! It's really a takeaway star!"

"The takeaway star actually came to Merlot!"

"Could it be that Mr. Zhang signed him down?"

"But, this is a takeaway star! How can there be any reason for a big coffee like him to come here in person!"

"The company is really rude this time!"

"Yes! The takeaway star came to the company to report, and at least it would have to be picked up by a Rolls-Royce car and delivered!"

The crowd was shocked!


All surrounded!

"Takeaway Star! Sign me!"

"Sign me first! I'm your diehard fan!"

"I'm so excited! I can see you here! I would like a group photo!"

"Takeaway Star! I am Yu Yue, the leading actor of the recent hit TV series "Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai Free Shipping". Let's have a meal together tonight!"

"I'm Meimei from GG Dance Company! Takeaway star, can you come and see us dancing?"

"Brother Takeaway Star! Our rag band is going to make a MV soon, can you please make a guest appearance? We are your senior star fans of the "Star Cluster"!"

Surrounding Jiang Fan are all the flow combination of the recent fire, and acting niches!

In recent years, there have been countless fans!

However, in front of Jiang Fan, everyone instantly incarnates, my brother and sister!

However, seeing what they look like at the moment, no one laughs at such things as star chasing fans!

After all, in front of them, China’s strongest traffic king-Takeaway Star!

Jiang Fan was almost overwhelmed by the crowd for an instant!

Damn it!

How come celebrities chase stars, more crazy than ordinary fans?

At this moment, the front desk had already called Zhang Jinzhu's office!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

At this moment, Zhang Jinzhu was playing with two charming women!

When I heard the phone ringing, my face suddenly sank!

"what's up?"

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang, Wai, Wai, Takeaway Star, coming!"


Zhang Jinzhu was startled suddenly, and then, unable to take care of the two beauties, he lifted his pants and ran downstairs!


It seems that the No. 1 master in Los Angeles is really not built!

This efficiency is high!


As long as you sell the true identity of the takeaway star to Shao Lu, it will be just around the corner!

And downstairs!

Jiang Fan, who was surrounded by enthusiastic fans, wiped out a cold sweat desperately!

"Everyone! Be quiet, everyone!"

"This time, I am here to find Zhang Jinzhu for something! I will finish the work in a while, and I will try my best to satisfy everyone's wishes!"

For fans, Jiang Fan is always generous as long as he can!


"Thank you idol!"

"But we are not very demanding. Although we have said so much, it is enough to just see you!"

"Yeah! So happy!"

The crowd reluctantly moved away!

At this moment!

"Takeaway Star!"

Zhang Jinzhu's voice suddenly sounded!

In the tone, it is full of excitement!

"Are you Zhang Jinzhu?"

"Yes! I am the boss of Melody Media, Zhang Jinzhu!"

Zhang Jinzhu is triumphant!

"Takeaway Star, please!"

"Do you know why I am looking for you?"

"Hahaha! Of course I know!"

Zhang Jinzhu is even more proud!

It seems that the top player in Los Angeles is so reliable!

Can actually let the takeaway star take the initiative to deliver it to your door!

It seems that before revealing his identity to Shao Lu, he can still earn a lot of traffic!

"Takeaway Star, come to my office to talk!"

Zhang Jinzhu looked like he was winning!

In order to keep the secret of his identity, Takeaway Star must now obey his words!


"No need!"


Zhang Jinzhu was taken aback!

"Knowing why I am looking for you, I dare to welcome you. I respect you as a man!"

Jiang Fan looked admired!


Zhang Jinzhu is at a loss!

I don't know what Jiang Fan is talking about!

However, the next moment!

"For a man like you, I will give you a happy one!"

Jiang Fan suddenly roared, and then rushed directly to Zhang Jinzhu, rounded his arm, suddenly slapped in the face, and threw it fiercely!


A crisp sound!

The glass in the entire lobby on the first floor shook fiercely!

Zhang Jinzhu only felt that he had been hit by the aircraft carrier that had just launched into the sea!

The brain plasma almost never sprayed out of the nostrils!

The magnificent "I Really Want to Live Another Five Hundred Years" murmured in my ears!


A bang!

Zhang Jinzhu's whole body, knocked seven or eight tables, chairs and four vases into the air, and then slammed directly onto the wall!

In an instant, the entire wall shook fiercely!

Zhang Jinzhu was firmly embedded in the wall!

It's quiet!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan blankly!

It's too fierce!

With a slap in the face, Zhang Jinzhu was shot on the wall!

It's so easy to shoot future generations!

However, the takeaway star is so good, why play Zhang Jinzhu?

Even respect him as a man?

What the **** is this?

Compared to the crowd, Zhang Jinzhu was directly beaten and forced!

The whole person is at a loss, not anymore!

for a long time!

"Mr. Zhang! Mr. Zhang, are you okay?"

"Oh my God! The power of the takeaway star is too powerful!"

"It's a personal missile!"

"Mr. Zhang! Mr. Zhang! Are you dead?"

"What exactly is going on?"

The crowd is in a mess!

The security guards were even more frantic and dragged Zhang Jinzhu off the wall!

"Takeaway Star, you, you!"

Zhang Jinzhu groaned desperately!

He still didn't understand why Jiang Fan would beat himself!

"This matter, I think you are a man, stop here! You and me now, even if it is cleared!"

After Jiang Fan finished speaking, he turned and left!

This guy, dare to do something, really is a man!

Unexpectedly, there are such talents in Los Angeles!

Jiang Fan admired!

That being the case, he would be generous and let the opponent go!

It's just that he hasn't reached the door yet!

"Little bastard! Who the **** will clean up with you!"

"You dare to hit me! I'm not over with you!"

"Come on! Destroy him for me!"

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