God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 437: Brother Fan is right

Zhao Lei only felt his face burned!

What a shame!

I was so scared just now!

Oh shit!

You must find the place back, otherwise, you will be a joke!

"Okay! I bet with you!"

"If you stole something, see if I won't take your skin off!"

As Zhao Lei said, he winked at the security guard!

The security smirked, holding the hand of the U disk directly, and drew it into Jiang Fan's jacket pocket!


"what is this!"

The security drew his hand and yelled!

"Hahaha! Kid! You're done!"

Zhao Lei laughed proudly!

"Look, what is this—what?!"

The second half of Zhao Lei's sentence is more shocking than going home from get off work, seeing his wife having **** with others!

Just because the security guard's hands are empty and there is no hair!

The security is also dumbfounded!

I obviously put the U disk in, but why did it disappear?

"No, it's impossible!"

As the security guard said, he must continue to search for Jiang Fan!



A crisp slap in the face suddenly sounded!

Seeing Jiang Fan raised his hand and slapped on the face, he took the security guard away!

When the security guard was in the air, he screamed for a while, and he fainted with a "hiccup"!

After landing, more than a dozen big teeth spurted from his mouth!

"It's good to let you touch it, so you're still addicted to it, aren't you?"

Jiang Fan looked disgusted and took a sip!

The others are all dumbfounded!

Is this kid really a takeaway?

It's the **** dentist, right?

With a slap, a big living person's mouth and teeth were all taken away!

This is too cruel!

At this moment, Jiang Fan had a gloomy expression and looked at Zhao Lei!

"Director Zhao, since I haven't found anything, I'm welcome!"

"Wait! You, what do you want to do?"

Seeing Jiang Fan walking towards him with a gloomy look, Zhao Lei was sweating all over his head!

"What are you doing? Of course, get your bet back!"

Jiang Fan grinned!

"Stop him! Stop him!"

Zhao Lei shouted desperately at several security guards!

Several security guards have not recovered from Jiang Fan's terrifying hand strength at this moment!

However, the supervisor was fatal, and several security guards looked at each other, and immediately gritted their teeth and rushed forward!

But Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly got cold!


"Kneel down!"


The security guards only felt chills, and their legs were no longer under control. For a moment, they all knelt down involuntarily!

Xie Xing's eyes shined!

As expected of Brother Fan!

A word, let everyone kneel!

Is this the strength of the procedural apostle?

so amazing!

And Zhao Lei has been dumbfounded!

What kind of background is this kid, how can people kneel down just by his momentum?

damn it!

This time, I am afraid that I have offended a great man!

"Haha, this gentleman, I am afraid there is a misunderstanding in this matter!"

"Well, why don't I go find a hotel to set up a table, and I'll apologize for you!"

Zhao Lei's legs trembled, while smiling flatly, he backed away!


"What kind of thing are you? Give me a table too?"

Jiang Fan smiled contemptuously, and the next moment, he pinched Zhao Lei's neck!

Then, he fell heavily to the desk!


Zhao Lei was smashed, and he almost didn't lose his breath!

Even the nosebleed was shaken out!

"Help, help! Help!"

Zhao Lei howled desperately!

He had a hunch that Jiang Fan was definitely not joking!

But, really, have two hands of your own!

"I can still call it out, it looks like I am in good health!"

Jiang Fan smiled grimly, and suddenly hit Zhao Lei who was lying on the desk with a punch!


Zhao Lei only felt that his big face was smashed by a ton of steel ingot!

The bridge of the nose shattered in an instant and the big teeth spurted wildly! Even the eyes are protruding!

Only the strength to groan is left!

Several security guards kneeling on the ground were directly frightened!

Shaking all over! Almost did not pee!

Too violent!

It's too bloody!

Is this going to beat people to death?

"Xie Xing! This bet was made because of you. Now, I leave the bet to you!"

Jiang Fan pointed at Xie Xing!

"Come here, scrap his hands!"


Xie Xing was stunned!

"Fan, Brother Fan! Really, do you really want to do it?"

"if not?"

Jiang Fan looks serious!

"Xie Xing, remember! This world is simple and cruel!"

"Practicing everything you want will only make people think that you are a bully!"

"Your kindness not only fails to awaken their conscience, but makes them worse!"

"So, for those who dare to provoke you, you must fight back fiercely!"

"Today is the day you start again! And this little man's hands are my gift for you!"

Jiang Fan directly picked up a baton and threw it to Xie Xing!

"Do it!"

Xie Xing took the baton in one hand, only to feel that his whole body was shaking!

Brother Fan is right!

It is because of myself, that people like Zhao Lei, Xia Lu, and Dong Dabao will insult themselves even more severely because of their constant tolerance!

If you want to survive, if you want to respect yourself, you have to fight back!

But, that, that is a pair of hands after all!

These hands are gone, what should I do after Zhao Lei?

Thinking of this, Xie Xing suddenly hesitated, and involuntarily looked at Jiang Fan!

However, when he saw it, his heart was tight!

I saw that in Jiang Fan's eyes, I don't know when, there was a hint of disappointment!

And the look in Zhao Lei's own eyes, although full of begging, but deep in those eyes, it was obvious, with a hint of ridicule! A trace of contempt!


Xie Xing slowly exhaled a suffocating breath!

"Brother Fan, I understand!"

At this moment, Xie Xing's body suddenly stopped shaking, and his eyes became firmer than ever before!

Without hesitation, he picked up the baton and strode towards Zhao Lei!

Then, without saying anything, he hit Zhao Lei's arm with a heavy stick!

"wait wait wait!"

Zhao Lei panicked!

Xie Xing is just licking the dog. He is a rubbish. How could he have the guts!

He, how dare he?

However, he hasn't waited for him to finish!


A crisp sound of broken bones suddenly sounded!

The tibia of Zhao Lei's left arm has directly become ninety degrees!

next moment!


Zhao Lei hurts, howls desperately!

The whole body is like a dying maggot, twisting desperately!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan's big hands are like iron hoops, pressed firmly on his body, no matter how much he twists, he can't break free!

Everyone was stunned!

Xie Xing actually did it!

Moreover, such a cruel hand was moved!

The point is that he actually paid it back without changing his face!

Everyone trembled in shock!

However, the object of their panic was not Xie Xing, but Jiang Fan!

With just two words, he actually turned Xie Xing, a dog licker, and a coward into a cold-blooded butcher!

Who is this takeaway?

so horrible!

"Not bad! Next, another one!"

Jiang Fan smiled at Xie Xing, and finally a hint of appreciation appeared in his eyes!


"Etc., etc!"

Zhao Lei howled desperately!

"Xie Xing! Please! Don't!"

"I, I was wrong! I was really wrong!"

"I don't dare anymore!"

Zhao Lei was already scared and completely peeed his pants!

He is very regretful now!

Remorse taunting Xie Xing, even more remorse, offended Jiang Fan!


"Zhao Lei! What Brother Fan said today made me completely awake! I don't need your apologies for your rubbish!"

Xie Xing roared and suddenly raised his baton!

At this moment!


"Xie Xing! Are you crazy!"

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