God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 444: This look, this smile

be quiet!

It's quiet!

Everyone, with their mouths open, looked at Jiang Fan stupidly!

"Huh! Huh!"

Jiang Fan shook his neck at random!

The crisp sound of the stretched joints directly frightened several of Cao Zhixu's assistants to their knees!


"Big brother!"

"I, we are, just eat a meal!"

"We have the old at the top and the young at the bottom! Those who can't stand up to your old man, fist!"

"Lang Zhenzhen, this **** made us come. It has nothing to do with us!"

"Yeah, yeah! The wrongdoer has the debtor! You, please forgive us!"

It's so cruel!

Assistant Wang just wanted to slap this kid, but this kid gave him back, an insidious mansion!

Besides, are they **** human legs?

It is simply a missile launcher!

The assistants were so scared that the bladder was going to blow up!

"This kid, who is it?"

"This skill is too powerful!"

"Kick people like this with one foot, I have never heard of it!"

"Does the delivery staff still practice martial arts now?"

The crowd was even more shocked!

"As expected of Brother Fan! Strong!"

"Idol! No wonder Mr. Qiu is so obsessed with Brother Fan! Just this kind of impact--"

"Don't talk nonsense! How could President Qiu be so superficial! Don't forget, Brother Fan is the strongest, but his looks!"

"If you want to look good, you want punches and punches, this is a real man!"

Lei Yang and others, full of worship! !

Qiu Mingyue is even more beautiful!

So handsome!

Worthy of being my Qiu Mingyue man!

This kind of domineering method is far better than ordinary people!

As for Lang Zhenzhen and Cao Zhixu, they are already confused!

It's too fierce!

How can this takeaway be so tough?


Sure, something will happen!

"Actually, dare to provoke me!"

Jiang Fan didn't even look at it, a few knelt assistants!

On the contrary, with a smile on his face, he looked at Lang Zhenzhen!


Lang Zhenzhen trembled all over, directly, swallowing and spitting!

But then she sneered immediately!

"Huh! Isn't it just a little bit of effort? What's so great!"

"Tell you, our entertainment circle knows martial arts, there are many people!"

"Sister Zhenzhen, stop talking!"

When Cao Zhixu heard the truth from Lang, he suddenly broke down in cold sweat!

This silly old lady!

This kid dared to make such a heavy hand, he was obviously a desperado!

Confronting him now, I'm afraid that for a while, I don't know how to die!

"Huh! Tell me what's wrong? I'm a woman!"

"Takeaways are just hanging silk, do you dare to beat women?"

Lang Zhen really laughed proudly!


"Are you a woman?"

Jiang Fan directly picked up a bowl of hairy blood on the table and slammed it on Lang Zhenzhen's head!


The sound of hot oil pouring on the pork belly suddenly sounded!

next moment!


Lang Zhenzhen suddenly let out a scream, even worse than killing a pig!

The whole person hurts and fell directly to the ground, rolling desperately!

At this moment, her face was covered with hairy belly, pepper, and duck blood!

The big face covered by hot red oil was scalded with countless small bubbles!

A big face that is already mean and tough is even more ugly!

"It hurts! It's hot!"

"It's so spicy! My face! My eyes!"

"Help! Help!"

Lang Zhenzhen desperately screamed!

Tears and nose burst into the red oil in an instant, smearing his face!

When the rest of the people saw it, they only felt that their scalp was tingling!

Too ruthless!

This kid is simply an evil spirit that crawled out of the Yin Cao Jifu!

It's so hard to put such a heavy hand on a woman, it's just a beast!

so horrible!

From now on, in any case, absolutely can not provoke him!

"You, you, you are too cruel!"

Cao Zhixu trembled and looked at Jiang Fan incredulously!

"To shut up!"

Jiang Fan glanced at him coldly!

For a moment, Cao Zhixu only felt that the person in front of him was not alone at all!

It is a wild beast with teeth like sharp blades and blood dripping from the corners of the lips!

Cao Zhixu tightly covered his mouth, never dared to make a sound anymore!


Jiang Fan made a heavy kick and stepped on Lang Zhenzhen's head!

"Unexpectedly, in Los Angeles, the most courageous person is actually you!"

"Want to pull my tongue out? Then I will give you another chance!"

"no, do not want!"

"Please! Let me go!"

Lang Zhenzhen was completely panicked when he heard Jiang Fan's words!

I can't even care about the pain on my face, desperately begging for mercy!

I'm so stupid!

Those who can sit next to Qiu Mingyue are obviously not ordinary people!

What about yourself, so stupid!

damn it!

Why do I have to provoke him!

"Spare you? Of course!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, but his eyes were all ruthless!

At this moment!

"Mr. Qiu! Ms. Qiu! Please, let this gentleman quickly let her go!"

Cao Zhixu suddenly looked towards Qiu Mingyue!

All the faces are begging!

Since Jiang Fan wants to sit next to Qiu Mingyue, it is obviously Qiu Mingyue's friend!

As long as Qiu Mingyue speaks, and it is true, there will be rescue!


"Sorry! The man who offended me, I can't think of a reason to forgive her!"

Qiu Mingyue sneered!


Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

This man, this takeaway, is actually Qiu Mingyue's man? !

"Mr. Jiang, is Mr. Qiu's man?"

"Ms. Qiu's fiance, isn't it the young master of the Yang family?"

"No, think about it carefully. At the beginning, the person who had a marriage contract with Qiu always seemed to belong to the Jiang family, young master!"

"Jiang Family? Jiang Fan?!"

"Could it be that Mr. Jiang, who was once the No. 1 young man in Los Angeles, Jiang Fan?!"

Chang Tian and Su Mo have unbelievable faces!

They just thought it was the same name at the beginning, but they didn't expect that Jiang Fan was really that person!

Cao Zhixu was even more shocked!

Qiu Mingyue's man!

That's it!

Damn it!

You bitch!

I was hurt by you this time!

And Lang Zhenzhen's face was ashamed for an instant!

It's over, it's over!

I am really blind!

The previous self was like a wild dog howling at the dragon!

In an instant, her bladder loosened, and her excrement and urine flowed!


Jiang Fan frowned in disgust and took a step back!

"You guys, throw this thing out for me!"

Jiang Fan pointed directly at several kneeling assistants!

"Yes Yes!"

Several assistants of Cao Zhixu desperately climbed up, lifted the scared Lang Zhenzhen, and ran away!

Just now, Lang Zhen really said that he was going to pull his tongue out, obviously not joking!

Jiang Fan originally wanted to concoct her according to the law, but the current Lang Zhenzhen is really too dirty!

At all, I can't do it!

"Sorry Mingyue, it messed up everything here!"

Jiang Fan said apologetically to Qiu Mingyue!

"It doesn't matter, as long as you are happy, it doesn't matter if the building is demolished!"

Qiu Mingyue smiled sweetly!

Damn it!

This look! This smile!

Jiang Fan is definitely Qiu Mingyue man!

Everyone, all looked excited!

Only Cao Zhixu, his face pale!

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