When Fang Ting ran away, everyone was stunned!

Even Jiang Fan was at a loss!

What is this little girl running?

Jiang Fan was about to catch up and ask, but after another thought, I'll talk about it tomorrow!

Soon, it was nine o'clock!

"It's almost there, teachers, why don't you go to eat first?"

Qiu Mingyue spoke slowly!

It's not that she is afraid that Chang Tian is hungry, but that she cares about Jiang Fan!

According to the number of registered players, the audition will last a total of three days!

And after that, there will be a round of screening, leaving 32 players to participate in the promotion match!

After the promotion game, only eight people will be left!

These eight people will play the finals at the University of Los Angeles!

It is said that at that time, there will be the top music industry seniors in the country to participate in the evaluation!

After a series of trainings, the remaining three people will go to Shencheng to participate in the final recording of "The King of Chinese Singers"!

Since time is too late, you must not suffer Jiang Fan!

Your own man, can't let him boil down!

When several people saw Qiu Mingyue's twinkling eyes, and Jiang Fan's feeble appearance, they suddenly understood in their hearts!

"Yes, yes! Go eat first!"

"Oh, Qiu finally spoke up! Actually, I'm already hungry!"

"Yes! Then let's go quickly!"

"Baxianlou! If you say yes, I will treat you! Don't be polite, everyone!"

On the one hand, these people showed their favor to Qiu Mingyue, on the other hand, they were really tossed crazy by the players!

It's so terrible!

Compared with the players in the back, JOJO who sang the five rings in front is simply the king of singers!

Fang Ting's singing is even more natural!

Soon, a few people came to the Eight Immortals Tower!

As for the bodyguard--

Haha, Jiang Fan is here, really, some safety is too much!

The Eight Immortals are the top hotels in Los Angeles. Among them, the eight dishes called "The Eight Immortals" often require reservation one month in advance!

A few people had just entered the box, and a slender waitress with outstanding temperament immediately followed!

Then, without waiting for others' orders, he began to make tea diligently!

Soon, the fragrance of tea overflowed!

"Okay, make tea and go out!"

"Bring the menu, we need to order!"

As soon as Cao Zhixu entered the Eight Immortals Tower, he returned to his true colors!

With an arrogant expression, he said to the waiter!

However, the waiter ignored him at all!

Instead, respectfully, came to Jiang Fan with a cup of tea!

"Mr. Jiang, please use it!"

For an instant, everyone was stunned!

This, what is this situation?

This waiter is too good, right?

Also, why did she give Jiang Fan tea first?

correct! How did she know Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan took the tea with a flat expression and took a sip!

"Is there a ready-made Eight Immortals?"

what? !

You need to order the Eight Immortals!

This kid is really crazy!

These eight dishes are not something you can eat with money!

Unless it is the seven great masters of Los Angeles, or the leader of Los Angeles like Lu Zhenglong! Otherwise, no matter who it is, you have to make an appointment honestly!

Moreover, even if they are the seven masters, if they are unlucky, they will not be able to eat it!

Although Jiang Fan is Qiu Mingyue's man, this tone is really crazy!

Chang Tian and Su Mo shook their heads with embarrassment!

As for Cao Zhixu, he gave a cold snort of disdain!

Boy, it's okay to hit B in front of me, come here and want to pretend, you are insulting yourself!

Hey, although it's not your opponent, it's cool to see your jokes!

Qiu Mingyue frowned!

It turned out that Jiang Fan wanted to eat Eight Immortals, so he knew it, so he made an appointment in advance!

It takes one month for someone else to make an appointment. If it is her, you only need to say hello three days in advance.

It's not that she has to line up too, but to prepare these eight dishes, it takes three days at the fastest!

It seems that today, Jiang Fan is going to be disappointed!

However, after three days, didn't he have an excuse to find him again?

Qiu Mingyue was suddenly overjoyed!

"This, you also know that the'eight immortals' in our shop are not a gimmick, but because the process is really complicated..."

The waiter looked embarrassed!


Sure enough!

"Mr. Jiang, don't make it difficult for others. These eight dishes will definitely not be eaten today!"

"If you want to taste it, I will ask you again in a month!"

"After all, although it's more expensive, it's not easy to see you!"

Suddenly, Cao Zhixu smiled falsely!

However, his eyes are full of mockery!

Boy, just be a little boy!

Really treat yourself as a person?

Slap your face now, right?


Neither Jiang Fan nor the waiter looked at him at all!

"But fortunately, the elder of the Wang family had just asked for a copy before. I'll pass it to you directly. Do you think this works?"

The waiter suddenly smiled and said to Jiang Fan!

Everyone's expressions changed in an instant!

Cao Zhixu gasped even more!

His face was pale for a moment!

Wang family, big and young?

Wang Wenjie!

Is this waiter crazy?

Actually, dare to transfer the dishes that Wang Wenjie ordered in advance to Jiang Fan?

Chang Tian and Su Mo were even more shocked!

This waiter, wouldn't he know who Wang Wenjie is?

Even Qiu Mingyue was stunned!

"All right! If that idiot dares to make trouble, come and call me!"

Jiang Fan was meaningful and smiled at the waiter!

Wang Wenjie?

What a coincidence!

"Mr. Jiang is really good at joking. If the Baxian Tower didn't even dare to offend the Wang Family, then it would have been closed long ago!"

The waiter smiled like a flower for a moment!


How dare to seduce my man!

Qiu Mingyue instantly became angry!

As for the royal family, they were all left behind by her!

But the waiter suddenly turned around and smiled gently at her!

"Ms. Qiu is indeed a beautiful country, and being with Mr. Jiang is a perfect match!"

"Hehe, nowhere! Miss sister, you are also very beautiful!"

Qiu Mingyue's face suddenly became faster than the palette!


You have a vision!

"Then you two, wait a moment, I'll go out and give an order!"

The waiter said, bowing slightly, and then he walked towards the door!

"Hey! Are you afraid that your manager will get angry if you do this?"

"Also, you, do you know who the Wang family is?"

"They, they are not your little waiter, you can offend!"

Suddenly, Cao Zhixu looked at the waiter in panic!

If this is to turn Wang Wenjie's dishes, it is simply to slap Wang Wenjie in the face!

At that time, Qiu Mingyue must be fine, but a few of them must be extremely ugly!

Now, I can only start with this idiot waiter, let her hurry up and return the food!

Cao Zhixu was sweating all over his head!

Oh shit!

What day is today!

First, he accidentally offended Jiang Fan, the demon king of the world, but now he actually wants to offend Wang Wenjie again!

It's simply unlucky, unlucky, unlucky!


"Hehe, sir, really can laugh! Introduce myself, my name is Huang Ling, I belong to Baxianlou, manager!"


Cao Zhixu's eyes widened suddenly!

The others are also incredibly unbelievable!


This woman is actually the manager of Baxianlou? !

However, the next moment, everyone seemed to think of something, and they all looked shocked and looked at Jiang Fan!

The manager of Baxianlou would actually serve Jiang Fan, serve tea and hand water!

Na Jiang Fan...

"Also! This gentleman, we don't want to offend more than the Wang family, Mr. Jiang!"

Huang Ling smiled slightly, turned and left!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

Looking at Jiang Fan blankly!

Before they thought that Jiang Fan was so arrogant because of Qiu Mingyue!

But now it seems that this is not the case at all!

Qiu Mingyue, what method did he use to give Jiang Fan and flicker!

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