
Jiang Fan knew what Tang Zhiyuan looked like!

However, Xia Fanxing dealt with Ning Chang'an, and made sure that Ning Chang'an and his group were panicked!

In case they were afraid that Xia Fanxing would settle accounts after the autumn, and they would unite to give Xia Fanxing a trip, that would be a bit troublesome!

He severely slaughtered Tang Zhiyuan, the old guy, and taught him a long lesson. It was a help to Xia Fanxing to comfort his subordinates!


"Well, Jinhu Hotel at noon, waiting for Teacher Jiang to drive!"

Tang Zhiyuan looked happy! Pidianpidian ran away!

Golden Lake Hotel?

This is one of the top hotels in Los Angeles!

Tang Zhiyuan, this old guy really can afford to pay for it!

However, when was the last time I went to the Golden Lake Hotel?


It seems to be when I taught Tanglou and Li Shanshan!

Is this old fellow Tang Zhiyuan accidentally or deliberately?

Jiang Fan shook his head, entered the teaching building and went straight to Class 3!

At this moment, among the three classes, there is a lot of excitement!

Headed by Murongcui, all the students are tirelessly absorbing the knowledge from the books!

After all, as long as the test reaches 70 points tomorrow, the playground and all kinds of hustle and bustle are waiting for them!

And if it doesn't meet the standard, Jiang Fan's terrifying ruler will fall on someone's head if it's not good!

However, in a lively learning atmosphere, only Fang Ting seemed a little absent-minded!

Yesterday, without telling everyone, I secretly participated in the "China Singer" audition contest, and also left the election!

However, I actually met Jiang Fan!

In a panic, she turned and ran!

After all, I am still a student!

It's easy to be labelled by teachers, not doing business properly!

Today, I wonder if Jiang Fan will scold himself!

At this time, Jiang Fan had already entered the class!

"Fang Ting, come out!"


Fang Ting turned pale, hesitated, followed Jiang Fan out of the class!

The students in Class 3 looked at Fang Ting in surprise!

"what happened?"

"Why did Jiang Fan look for Fang Ting for?"

"Fang Ting is very honest these days, has she made any mistakes?"

A group of students are full of doubts!

"What did you see me running yesterday?"

On the corridor, Jiang Fan asked!

"I, I'm afraid you scold me!"

"Scold you? Why?"

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

"I, I didn't study well at home, instead I ran out to participate in the competition!"

Fang Ting lowered his head and said!

Only then did Jiang Fan understand!

"It turned out to be because of this! Okay, let's go back!"

"Huh? Teacher, don't you train me?"

Fang Ting was stunned!

"Do you know why the teacher asked you to study?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly!


"Because the more you learn, the more fulfilling your thoughts! The more extensive your knowledge! The clearer your mind!"

"Even if you don't use these things, bragging is better than knowing nothing!"

"The teacher asks you to learn, but it does not mean that learning is your only way out!"

"It's just because learning is profitable but not harmful!"

"Since you have your own ambitions, you must actively fight for it!"

"But the teacher still wants to tell you that if you choose a goal, you must stick to it! Never give up halfway!"

Fang Ting was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!


Fang Ting suddenly hugged Jiang Fan!

So touched!

"Damn! Teacher Jiang, that's great!"

"What I said just made me enthusiastic!"

"As expected of Jiang Fan! Really level!"

"Damn! I also have to study hard, not for anything else, just for the sake of telling others the truth in the future!"

The students in Class 3 were secretly lying in the door, one by one, looking at Jiang Fan in admiration!

"Teacher, don't worry, I will work hard!"

Fang Ting wiped a handful of tears and looked at Jiang Fan with a firm gaze!

"Teacher believes in you! Go back first!"


Fang Ting was about to leave, but suddenly she looked at Jiang Fan!

"Teacher, besides, can you keep the game secret for me?"


"I, I'm afraid of my classmates, laugh at me!"

"Stupid boy! Although our third class is bad and noisy, there is one thing, but it is in other classes, and everyone else can't match it! Do you know what it is?"

"What is it?"


Jiang Fan looked straight!

"Before the third class, we could say that we did nothing wrong, but no one had ever bullied the weak!"

"There has never been a person who hurt a classmate in the back!"

"Including our previous bet, everyone wants to kill me, but even if they try their best, they will fight for their results!"

"In the bones of Class Three, there is a sense of arrogance!"

"You said they would laugh at you? They can't do such a dishonest thing!"

A group of eavesdropping students were all stunned!

Jiang Fan's evaluation of them is so high!

"The bastard, although he is scolding us, but why am I still a little moved?"

"Huh! I didn't expect us to hide so deeply, but Jiang Fan discovered it!"

"Hey! Yes, our third class is indeed arrogant!"

"Wait, why do I always feel like I'm on the hook again?"

A group of students always feel that there is no problem!

"Don't worry, they will never laugh at you!"

"Okay! Go back!"

Jiang Fan patted Fang Ting on the shoulder, turned and left!

Fang Ting hesitated before returning to the class!

However, as soon as he entered the classroom, a group of students immediately surrounded him!

"Fang Ting, shouldn't you be, have you participated in the qualifiers for the Chinese King of Singers?"

"How's the result? Have you had the audition?"

"It's definitely over! Fang Ting is the singer of our third class! A mere audition, isn't it easy to catch?"

"Why don't you tell us, or everyone will cheer you on!"

A group of classmates are all talking!

But Fang Ting only felt moved!

She thought that everyone would laugh at her!

"Thank you, I passed the audition!"


"Fang Ting is good!"

"This week's holiday, let's all go to the promotion match to cheer you on!"

"Yes! All the way to the final!"

Three shifts clamored one after another, and Jiang Fan had already returned to the office!

A group of little **** thought they didn't know they were eavesdropping!

Two good words came up, are they all confused?

"Hu Guang, let me use my mobile phone!"


Jiang Fan took Hu Guang's mobile phone and dialed a number as he walked out!

"Zhang Jinzhu!"

"Damn! Who are you? You dare to call my name!"

On the opposite side, Zhang Jinzhu, the owner of Melody, directly sounded annoyed!

"Takeaway Star!"


Zhang Jinzhu gasped in shock!

"Haha, Yuan, it turned out to be your old man! I don't know, you, what do you want?"

"Find me a well-qualified singer tutor, I have a friend who needs training!"

"No problem! No problem!"

"Very well, her name is Fang Ting, I will let her pass in a while!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely train her to..."

Before Zhang Jinzhu finished speaking, Jiang Fan hung up the phone!

However, he just returned the phone, and before he went to find Fang Ting, the voice of the system suddenly sounded!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

"Papa can you sing twinkle twinkle litter star?"

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