"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the ability-four hundred years of life!"

Four hundred years of life: within four hundred years, except for suicide, homicide, and force majeure, the host will be immortal!

Damn it!

Jiang Fan is really square!

This thing cannot be said to be bad!

Even from a certain angle, it is already strong against the sky!

Even ordinary people, as long as they live long enough, the knowledge accumulated over these four hundred years can turn him into a superman!

And the wealth that can be accumulated in four hundred years is enough to create a brilliant family!

Even with these four hundred years of martial arts training, even the most **** talent can become a peerless powerhouse!

This thing, if taken out, is enough to make people all over the world beaten up!

However, for Jiang Fan, this ability, which is enough to make everyone jealous, is simply useless!

I even delivered Nezha's takeaway, so I must have other powerful orders!

In case of receiving an order from Taishang Laojun, a pill of elixir can soar in the day!

Received the queen mother, that flat peach can live the same life as the sun and the moon!

No matter how bad, if you take a person from Zhenyuan Daxian and eat personal ginseng fruit, you can live forty-seven thousand years!

These four hundred years of life, alas!


In this world, Jiang Fan is the only one who can treat these 400-year birthday rewards as rubbish!

Jiang Fan shook his head disappointedly and left the system space directly!


Reappear in the real world!

"Fang Ting! Go, go to Melody Media!"

Jiang Fan returned to Class 3 and waved directly to Fang Ting!


Fang Ting was stunned!

All three classes were stunned!

"Go, why do you go to Melody Media?"

"Oh, a friend helped you contact Zhang Jinzhu. He found a music teacher for you. You can train for a few days!"


Everyone was stunned!

Melody Media, but the number one entertainment company in Los Angeles!

Zhang Jinzhu is the emperor of the Los Angeles entertainment industry!

Which Jiang Fan friend is so good? Actually, Fang Ting can be sent to Merlot for training!

Moreover, Zhang Jinzhu was in direct contact!

"Why does Jiang Fan seem to know everyone?"

"That's Melody Media, just arrange it if you want to arrange it?"

"Besides, looking at him, it's easier than drinking cold water!"

"How much ability does this pervert have?"

A group of students were shocked!

"Old, teacher, really?"

Fang Ting looked even more unbelievable!

That is, Melody Media!

Where I want to go in my dreams!

"Of course! Let's go!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Soon, the two came downstairs!

Jiang Fan took off the take-out clothes, and then pointed at the bicycle!

"Come up!"

"Old, teacher! Melody Media, but in Dongcheng District! It's dozens of miles away from here!"

"Yes, or, let's take a taxi! I have money!"

Fang Ting was full of black lines and said directly!

Riding a bike, when it gets to the place, it's dark!

"No, a few minutes, why waste that money? Get in the car!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

Fang Ting had no choice but to sigh!

Honestly, sat down in the back seat!

"Tighten my waist!"


Fang Ting was absent-minded and hugged Jiang Fan's waist!

Teacher Jiang is also true, what kind of waist is still holding!

Can this bike still fly?

But, the next moment!


The bicycle, like a bullet, suddenly rushed out!

Fang Ting only heard the wind whistling in her ears!

Strong forward inertia, almost didn't throw her out alive!


"This, this is a bicycle?!"

too fast!

It's almost as if you are riding a high-speed rail!

Fang Ting clung to Jiang Fan's waist tightly!

She felt that as long as she let go, she would be blown out by the wind around her!

Fang Ting can't open her eyes, she can't speak!

But in my heart, there was a stormy sea!

How could Teacher Jiang's speed be so fast?

It's almost the same speed as the takeaway star on the video!


Could it be!

Fang Ting's heart beat violently!

When Jiang Fan first arrived in Class 3, they almost mistakenly thought he was a takeaway star!

However, as time gradually passed, Jiang Fan became more like their friend, their eldest brother!

The takeaway star is constantly being mythological!

Over time, no one connected the two together!

But think about it carefully, what the two have in common is really too much!

Moreover, when the takeaway star appeared, it was always when Teacher Jiang was away!

is it possible?

Teacher Jiang, is the takeaway star? !

Fang Ting trembled with excitement!

But at this moment!

The wind stopped suddenly!



Fang Ting was startled!

Then opened my eyes and took a look!


Melody Building!

This, this has just passed, a few minutes!

This is too fast, right?

Do not!

Teacher Jiang, it's impossible to be a takeaway star!

Even if it is a takeaway star, there is absolutely no such speed!

Still, the teacher is amazing!

Jiang Fan brought Fang Ting to the front desk!

"Hello sir! How can I help you?"

The sister at the front desk was excited!

So handsome!

I have seen many handsome men and beautiful women, but when I saw Jiang Fan, I still felt that it was amazing!

"Hello, Zhang Jinzhu should have told you that there is a girl named Fang Ting coming!"

"Oh, yes, Mr. Zhang said, is this one?"

The front desk looked surprised and looked at Fang Ting!

Just now, Zhang Jinzhu told her directly that there is a big man who is coming, and you must not offend it!

As soon as a person arrives, notify him immediately!

However, although this girl is pretty long, she obviously doesn't look like anything, big shot!

"Yes! It's her!"

Jiang Fan nodded!

"Okay, two wait a minute!"

The front desk called Zhang Jinzhu directly!

Not after a while!

Zhang Jinzhu immediately rushed down from downstairs!

"Oh! Some missed far to welcome, some lost far to welcome!"

"Introduce yourself, Zhang Jinzhu!"

"You are Fang Ting, right? The potential is endless at first glance!"

"Don't worry, even if there is no teacher training, our Melody can definitely make you a star of tomorrow!"

Zhang Jinzhu looked at Fang Ting flatly!

Fang Ting is blinded!

Is the boss of Melody Media so cheap?

No matter how you look at it, I feel that it is unkind!

Wouldn't Teacher Jiang bring himself into the MLM den, right?

"You, hello, boss Zhang!"


Zhang Jinzhu frowned!

"Don't call me such a student, just call me Lao Zhang!"

Fang Ting was completely confused!

Looked at Jiang Fan stupidly!

"Teacher, what is going on?"

Teacher Jiang, what kind of friend did you look for?

How could Zhang Jinzhu please himself so much!

This is too invincible!

"Ahem! Boss Zhang! Where's the vocal teacher?"

Jiang Fan is embarrassed!

I asked you to find a teacher, not as a licking dog!

"Ah! That's right! The teacher is in the vocal room! Who is this gentleman?"

Zhang Jinzhu looked at Jiang Fan with surprise!

This kid, what a familiar feeling!

"My name is Jiang Fan, Fang Ting's teacher!"

"Jiang Fan?"

Zhang Jinzhu was slightly startled!

However, he immediately showed a look of disapproval!

It turned out to be just a teacher!

"It turned out to be Teacher Jiang, you can go back now!"

Zhang Jinzhu waved his hand!

Afterwards, he looked at Fang Ting with a fawning expression!

"Student Fang Ting, I found it for you, but our best Teacher Han at Melody!"

"This is an incredible character! Su Mo, who has been very popular recently, knows it? It was brought up by Teacher Han!"

Zhang Jinzhu took Fang Ting to the vocal room with a fawning expression!

However, when he turned his head, he actually saw Jiang Fan still following!

"What's the matter with you? Didn't you let you go back?"

"Our entertainment company, is this a place where people like you can come? Hurry up!"

Zhang Jinzhu frowned!

This person is really unruly!

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