At the moment Jiang Fan smashed Dongying Killer's neck!

Xu Chuan, who was drinking tea, suddenly trembled with his right hand holding the teacup!

The tea is even more sprinkled!

However, he didn't care about wiping. Instead, he looked shocked and looked at his right wrist!

There was originally a white silkworm tattooed, but now, the appearance of the white silkworm is fading and gradually disappearing!

"Actually, dead?!"

Xu Chuan looked incredible!

This tattoo is tattooed by the secret method of Dongying. Through the tattoo, the owner can determine the life and death of the dead man!

"Impossible! This kid, isn't he only level seven?"

"Marizi has killed an eighth-level master!"

"How could it be possible to die!"

Xu Chuan gritted his teeth, his face ached!

This is his most powerful existence!

Moreover, even Hosuki and Yamada didn't know about the existence of Mariko!

Originally, Xu Chuan wanted to kill Jiang Fan in one fell swoop to frighten Lu Zhenglong, but he did not expect that things would turn out to be like this!

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Xu Chuan clenched his fist tightly!

Completely panicked!


"Lu Zhenglong, the old guy, must have found a problem!"

"Can't wait any longer!"

"Those! Yamada!"

Xu Chuan gave a low voice!

The door opened, and the two Dongying people who had been beaten up by Jiang Fan before suddenly appeared at the door!

"Do it! Go kill Lu Zhenglong!"

"But, sir, didn't you say last time that when Lu Zhenglong is dead, Los Angeles will be in chaos?"

Xizhu was stunned!

"I can't take care of it! Do it now!"


The two Dongying people agreed and rushed out immediately!

But Xu Chuan looked gloomy, hesitated, and wanted to dial a number!

However, he pondered for a long time and finally put down the phone!

"Jiang Fan! I really underestimated you!"

"However, as long as Lu Zhenglong dies, it is me who wins!"

The night is getting stronger!

And Xizhu and Yamada, like a wisp of blue smoke, rushed into Lu Zhenglong's villa!

A group of subordinates at the door did not notice the trace of the two!

"Hey! Sir should have done this long ago!"

"Yes! The best way to deal with Huaxia people is to cut off their heads!"

The two of them grinned, and soon they came to the study!

At this time, Lu Zhenglong will practice calligraphy in the study!

The two came to the door, looked at each other, and then nodded at the same time!

next moment!

Xizhu kicked open the door!

And Yamada rushed in with a sneer!

At this moment, Lu Zhenglong was frowning and looking at the calligraphy and painting in front of him. When he saw the door open wide, his expression suddenly changed!


"The one who wants your life!"

Yamada grinned, and already slashed at Lu Zhenglong!

"It's you!"

Damn it!

How could Xu Chuan this **** suddenly make a move?

It shouldn't be!

Lu Zhenglong obviously knew about the existence of the two Yamadas! Otherwise, Jiang Fan will not be notified last time!

Unfortunately, everything is too late!

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Lu Zhenglong's mouth!

If you contact Jiang Fan earlier, I'm afraid this kind of thing won't happen!

At first sight, the long knife had already hit the top of Lu Zhenglong's head!

at this time!

"Hey? Dongying sword technique?"

A rough voice suddenly sounded!

And at the same time this voice sounded, Yamada only felt that an extremely terrifying pressure was coming!

He was so stiff that he couldn't even shake his little finger!

And the thin bamboo that followed in came with horrified eyes, and fell to the ground!

damn it!

Who the **** is it?

so horrible!

They were actually suppressed by their momentum, and they could only wait to die!

This is something that can't be done at level nine!

Could it be that the other party is--

In an instant, Hosoku and Yamada's scalp was about to explode!

grade ten!

Actually, he was spotted by a tenth-level terrifying monster!

"Hey! Hey!"

Just when everyone looked shocked, a heavy gasp suddenly sounded at the door!

Then, a big fat man with a visual inspection of at least 500 catties, while shouting slogans, finally squeezed in from the door with difficulty!

Lu Zhenglong looked shocked!

He was so fat that he was so refreshing and refined, it was the first time he saw him!

And from the corner of his eyes, slanting to Long Yan's face, the two Eastern Killers were even more bewildered!

"Open, are you kidding me?"

"Could it be that this fat man is the one who deterred us?"

"He looks like this, really, level ten?"

The two of them stared wide-eyed, their faces were full, unbelievable!

"The surname is Lu, do you particularly like the feeling of a knife on your head?"

Seeing Lu Zhenglong still staring at him in a daze, Long Yan suddenly frowned!


Lu Zhenglong finally reacted at this moment, and then took a step back, leaving the range covered by the long sword!

"Thank you! Thank you very much, gentleman, great kindness, Lu Mou is unforgettable!"

"You don't want to talk such a **** shit! If it wasn't to please that big man, I will care if you die!"

what? !

Lu Zhenglong's eyes widened suddenly!

These two Dongying killers, able to touch all of their subordinates, must be extremely powerful!

However, this fat man's words can actually scare the two of them, and they dare not move. Obviously, the strong is even more outrageous!

And what level is it to be able to make such a terrifying guy please a big man?

Lu Zhenglong was shocked!

The two Dongying killers were even more shocked with cold sweat!

"Dare to ask sir, who, that big man, what's his name?"

Lu Zhenglong's heart beats wildly!

"Humph! Just let me tell you!"

Long Yan looked admired and spoke slowly!

"That big man, it is, Senior Jiang Fan!"


Jiang Fan? !

Lu Zhenglong was shocked!

This terrifying monster is actually Jiang Fan's subordinate!

The two Eastern killers were even more pale!

They wanted to kill Jiang Fan last time!

Now it seems that it is true that the mouse escorts the cat-looking for death!

That's it!

Completely finished!


"You two are lucky, get out!"

Long Yan waved his hand suddenly!

The two Dongying people only felt their bodies lightened and immediately regained their freedom!

The two of them looked dumbfounded, and then turned around and ran!

But Lu Zhenglong looked anxious!

"Sir! Can't let it go!"

"Shut up! Lao Tzu is only responsible for you not to die, killing is not my responsibility!"

Long Yan didn't forget Jiang Fan's words. At that time, Jiang Fan said that as long as Lu Zhenglong does not die, nothing else will happen!


Lu Zhenglong was stunned!

Jiang Fan, what does this mean?

It doesn't make sense to send someone to protect yourself and let the killer go!

Could it be--

Suddenly, Lu Zhenglong was shocked, only to feel that a chill rushed from the soles of his feet to the Tianling Gai!

No wonder he was able to kill two Dongying people last time, but he let them go!

No wonder now, another strange order was given to Long Yan!

Jiang Fan!

This kid is so cruel!

He clearly wanted to use Xu Chuan to blackmail himself!

As long as Xu Chuan and his assassins are still alive, then he must continue to hold Jiang Fan's thigh tightly!

Over time, he will completely become Jiang Fan's puppet!

The purpose of this kid is not given to him by himself, it is similar to a loan shark, with only a few benefits!

He wants to control the entire Los Angeles through himself!

And myself, in order to save my life, I can only listen to him!

Lu Zhenglong trembled all over, only that his scalp was about to explode!

Cold sweat drenched clothes in an instant!

Jiang Fan, the boy, has come up with more things in the past two days than Xu Chuan's two or five boys, who have planned for five years!

Xu Chuan, Xu Chuan!

You idiot!

You have clearly made a wedding dress for Jiang Fan in the past five years!

too frightening!

This kid Jiang Fan is a monster!

Thinking of this, Lu Zhenglong couldn't control it anymore and picked up the phone!

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