At this moment, Wang Wenjie was half lying on the chair with a smug expression!

But before, the maid who originally belonged to Wang Wenlong was serving him carefully!

"Jiang Fan, I didn't expect that I would look for you so soon, right?"

Wang Wenjie smiled triumphantly!

The Eastern European killer he contacted before has arrived!

Today, he is going to play dead Jiang Fan!


"Fart, let it go!"

Jiang Fan is not in the mood to talk nonsense with him!


Wang Wenjie's face sank!

However, he sneered immediately!

"Hehe, let you be arrogant for a while! At 7 o'clock tonight, in the Eight Immortals Tower, come if you have the seeds!"

"It seems you are ready! Don't worry, I will be there!"

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan's mouth suddenly evoked a bloodthirsty smile!

Soon, one afternoon passed!

And the results of the third class have also been released!

"The average score is 72.5. This week, you can get excited!"

Looking at the results, Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

This group of bear kids are really striving!

"Oh yeah!"

"Playground! Playground!"

"There is still a class fee of 100,000 yuan!"

"It's cool this time! Have fun tomorrow!"

"Long live Jiang Fan! Long live Jiang Fan!"

Three classes were howling in excitement!


At this moment, the door of the classroom was suddenly pushed open!

Ma Desheng, with an angry expression, strode in!

"What are you yelling—why~~!!!"

He strode too far, forgetting that the knife edge on his **** was just right, the original imposing roar turned into a scream!

The voice was stern, as if a handful of Indian Devil Pepper was stuffed on a chrysanthemum!

All three classes were stunned!

Jiang Fan was also stunned!

Ma Desheng, this is, the third class is coming?

"You, you guys, what did you call? I don't know, I don't know what it is, is it time for class?"

Ma Desheng clutched his butt, barely pretending to be majestic!

It's a pity that his voice just fell, and the school bell suddenly sounded!

"Haha! School is over!"

A group of students were so happy that they ignored Ma Desheng and rushed to the door one after another!

In the chaos, Ma Desheng didn't know who was overthrown, his **** suddenly knocked to the ground!


Ma Desheng felt pain for an instant, his eyes rolled up!

That's it!

The knife must be broken!

This group, this group of bastards!

I can't get around you!

Ma Desheng was so angry that he couldn't wait to explode three classes!

"Director Ma, if there is nothing else for you, I will leave too!"

Jiang Fan smiled, turned around and left!

"Stop, stop!"

Ma Desheng screamed and finally managed to get up!

"Jiang Fan! I heard that there is a student in your class who didn't want to study well, so he went to participate in a singer competition! Is there such a thing?

"Director Ma, are you confused? With such a difficult thing, how can we go to the third class, who are too lazy to wipe their **** in the toilet!"


Ma Desheng was stunned!

As the saying goes, the words are rough and not rough, Jiang Fan said, it seems a bit reasonable!

However, Jiang Fan has always been talking nonsense!

You have to ask clearly!

Although Blue Eagle also has music training courses, it stipulates that students should never make their debut before the end of their studies!

As a result, young people are not mature enough, and they are easy to be misled!

The other one is less educated and uneducated. If you go out and make a joke, you will lose it, but Lan Ying’s face!

"Jiang Fan! Don't be sloppy, tell me quickly, is there such a thing?"

Ma Desheng shouted angrily!

Show off the director's demeanor!


"Director Ma, you, there is blood under your crotch!"

Jiang Fan suddenly exclaimed!


Ma Desheng touched his butt, and sure enough, the knife edge tore, and his **** was bleeding again!

"Damn! My ass! My ass!"

"Help! School doctor! My **** is bleeding again!"

Ma Desheng limped while howling, turned and ran!

Jiang Fan shook his head. Ma Desheng, an idiot, didn't know what evil he had done in his previous life, so why did he meet him?

After leaving Lan Ying, Jiang Fan didn't go to the Eight Immortals Tower at all. Instead, he asked Xie Xing directly!

"Brother Fan, do you have any instructions?"

Xie Xing is full of spirits at this moment!

After all, he is now the treasurer of Uncle Zhong's chicken soup chain!

It's just that, although he looks like a dog, he has a sneaky look!

Before, Bai Xia and Cheng An had already told him about the relationship between Jiang Fan and Zhou's family!

And Uncle Zhong's Chicken Soup is a very important part of Jiang Fan's future chess game!

So now, absolutely must keep a low profile, and don't let people discover the relationship between Jiang Fan and them!

"this is for you!"

Jiang Fan took out a USB flash drive, and then gave such orders!

Xie Xing looked excited and nodded again and again!

Soon, it was seven o'clock in the evening!

At this moment, the Eight Immortals Tower!

Wang Wenjie is leading a group of subordinates, sitting in the hall!

Today, the entire Baxian Building has been reserved by him!

Wang Wenjie looked at the time with excitement!


It's almost time, it's time to kill Jiang Fan!

The reason why he chose to meet Jiang Fan here is to shock everyone!

Don’t you Baxianlou want to protect Jiangfan? Isn't your Xue family going to protect Jiangfan?

Then I, Wang Wenjie, will step on Jiang Fan in front of you!

Kill him, maimed him!

When the time comes, I will not believe you, and I am willing to stand up for a dead or useless person!


Wang Wenjie smiled, smugly, and glanced at the manager of Baxianlou, Huang Ling!

Oh shit! The figure of this chick is really good!

After Jiang Fan was abandoned for a while, the Xue family must want to make peace!

At that time, I must play this woman to death!

And Huang Ling didn't pay attention to Wang Wenjie at all, instead she looked solemnly and looked at the person behind Wang Wenjie!

It was a white man with a height of over 1.9 meters and he was extremely strong!

Moreover, the whole body of that person was filled with a strong aura!

Just standing there, Huang Ling and a group of subordinates felt palpitations!

damn it!

Wang Wenjie, where did you find such a master?

If Jiang Fan fails today, then the entire Xue family will have to be implicated!

And my fate, I'm afraid, even worse!

"Hey! Huang Ling, Jiang Fan is dead today! If you obediently kowtow now and admit your mistakes, I won't be embarrassed by Master Jie, how about?"

Huang Ling's expression changed, but before she could speak, a low male voice suddenly sounded!

"Wang Wenjie, on the territory of my Xue family, it's not your turn to be rampant, right?"

I saw that a man in his 30s with a grim face suddenly walked down from the door!

Behind him, in addition to Tao Ping, there were also two men with cold and sharp faces!


Huang Ling looked happy!

Xue Chengyue is here!

"Xue Chengyue?!"

Wang Wenjie was startled!

However, he sneered immediately!

"Xue Dashao! It seems that you are determined to press Bao on Jiang Fan?"

"Yes! Jiang Fan, our Xue family is in Baoding!"

Xue Chengyue glanced at the white man behind Wang Wenjie, then waved his hand!

"Go! Check out his foundation!"

Behind him, without saying anything, the two men jumped up and rushed straight to the white man!

These two people were bodyguards hired by Xue Chengyue Chongjin, and they were all level six masters!

However, seeing the two rushing up, the white man smiled disdainfully, and suddenly his legs exploded!

"Bang! Bang!"

The two men let out a miserable cry, before landing, they turned into two pieces of solid ice!

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