God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 482: The most vicious revenge

Wang Wenjie panicked!

"Jiang Fan! If you have something to discuss!"

"You, how much do you want? I, I will give you one billion! No! One billion! One billion, enough for you to live a lifetime!"

Jiang Fan keeps walking!

The sound of falling footsteps in Wang Wenjie's ears was just like the bell of the countdown to life!

"Jiang Fan! I beg you! Ten billion is not enough? Me, I can add more!"

"I have two properties in Beijing! There is also a cruise ship in Haizhou! As long as you let me go, it will all be yours!"

Wang Wenjie only felt that his heart became more and more frightened, desperately begging Jiang Fan!

Even tears and nose, all flowed down!

And Jiang Fan has already come to Wang Wenjie! His eyes were full of sarcasm, looking at him silently!

For an instant, Wang Wenjie seemed to have returned to that, terrifying summer!

At that time, Jiang Fan was also looking down at the ants, looking at himself!


Wang Wenjie suddenly fell to his knees!

"Jiang Fan! Jiang Shao! You listen to me, you have abolished me, there is no benefit!"

"As long as you let me go today, not just the money, what do you want, what I will give you!"

Jiang Fan was still silent, but his hands slowly grabbed Wang Wenjie's arm!

Wang Wenjie was scared to pee!

The more silent Jiang Fan is, it can only show that he has made up his mind!

"Uuuuu...Jiang Fan! You can't do this! I, I am the heir of the Wang family!"

"You abolished me! My dad will never let you go! Uuuuu... the entire Wang family will have to fight with you, never die!"

Wang Wenjie's liver and guts were split, but he didn't dare to resist, so he could only cry desperately!

However, when he heard his words, Jiang Fan's movements suddenly stopped!

Wang Wenjie was stunned, and suddenly looked overjoyed!

"Yes! Let go! Let me go, as long as I let go, I promise in the name of the heir of the Wang family that I will never trouble you again in the future!"

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment, then suddenly grinned!

"Sorry, Master Jie, the position of your heir, I'm afraid, can't be kept!"

"what did you say?!"

Wang Wenjie was taken aback!

next moment!

Jiang Fan suddenly pulled hard!


In the blood flying, Wang Wenjie's two arms are just flying!


An extremely miserable howl, and in an instant, resounded through the entire Eight Immortals Tower!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan with horror!

At first, they thought that Jiang Fan was just scaring Wang Wenjie. They didn't expect Jiang Fan to actually start!

Moreover, it was actually such a cruel hand!

Everyone's heart beats wildly, cold sweat is coming!

And Xue Chengyue was even more pale!

Jiang Fan, that Jiang Fan, the former No. 1 in Los Angeles, are indeed back!

"Jiang Fan! Jiang Fan!!!"

"You beast! You bastard!"

"Ah!! My hands! My hands!!!"

Wang Wenjie howled desperately!

Sounds like a night owl!

"Young Master Jie, why are you calling so harshly? Go to the hospital now, and you can pick it up!"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled!

Wang Wenjie was stunned!


Hurry up to the hospital, the arm will definitely be connected!

He lay on the ground, crawling toward his arm desperately!

But at this moment!

Jiang Fan was grinning, he severed his hand first and picked it up!

Wang Wenjie's pupils shrank!

"Jiang Fan! You, what are you doing?"

"Hey! Guess it!"

"Jiang, Jiang Fan, Jiang Shao! Please, give me back, give me back!"

Wang Wenjie was full of horror, begging desperately!

"Okay! Give it back to you!"

Jiang Fan said, suddenly his eyes were fierce!

Jiuyang's true energy suddenly erupted!


The two severed hands were directly blasted into powder by the terrifying infuriating energy!

"Do not!!!"

Wang Wenjie let out a miserable cry!

Desperate beyond words!

"Hands, my hands..."

Wang Wenjie looked at the powder on the ground stupidly!

For a long time, he stared at Jiang Fan suddenly!

In the eyes, there is almost a spite that will overflow!

"Jiang Fan! You beast! You bastard! Kill me if you have a **** seed!"

"Come on! Kill me!"

Wang Wenjie is almost crazy!

Howl desperately!

"Kill you? It's not that easy!"

"Remember, you still have two chances!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly, turned around and left!

Two more chances?

Wang Wenjie was stunned!


"You, you lunatic! You pervert!"

Wang Wenjie suddenly burst out, screaming in horror!

He finally knew what Jiang Fan was going to do!

These three opportunities are a big trap!

Jiang Fan wanted him to despair a little bit during these three opportunities!

And in despair, the restless all day long, waiting for death!


This is Jiang Fan, the most vicious revenge!

He wants to torture himself, make himself crazy, and break down!

Then, watching the Wang Family helplessly, disappeared completely!

This lunatic!

And Xue Chengyue and others trembled all over!

too frightening!

Such a terrifying revenge is 10,000 times more vicious than killing the enemy directly!

This is not the destruction of the body, but the direct destruction of the enemy's spirit!

This is simply more terrible torture than Blazing Purgatory and Daoshan Oil Pot!

Jiang Fan!

This person, even if he encounters the catastrophe, absolutely, absolutely, cannot offend him!

Seeing Jiang Fan had already reached the door!

Wang Wenjie, who had originally looked desperate, suddenly laughed wildly!

"Jiang Fan! Don't you know? Your bodyguard, when I play with her, it's so cool!"

"She was calling your name before she was killed by Lao Tzu!"

"What's her name? Jiang Lin? Hey! Such a good little girl, I will never forget it in this life!"

"If it weren't for her body to be messed with, I would think now..."

"you wanna die!"

Jiang Fan suddenly roared!

Almost teleported to Wang Wenjie, and grabbed his neck!

"Yes! Come! Come! Kill me!"

Wang Wenjie stared at Jiang Fan fiercely!

He would rather die than suffer such terrible torture!

Just, for a long time!

Jiang Fan suddenly let go!

And not only did he let go of his hand, he also showed a slight smile!

"Death? It's not that easy!"

"Jie Shao, I suddenly thought of a question!"

"If you drag these two opportunities and don't kill me, it will be very troublesome!"

Jiang Fan grinned!

"So, the second chance, before sunset the day after tomorrow!"

"If you fail to kill me during this period, then I will make you a human being!"

After these two words were exported, everyone just felt a chill out of their bodies!

"You, you, devil!"

Wang Wenjie looked at Jiang Fan in despair!

Huang Ling and Tao Ping almost didn't vomit!

too frightening!

Jiang Fan is indeed a terrifying demon!

As for Xue Chengyue, he is full of luck now!

Fortunately, the Xue family did not participate in the Jiang family's affairs!

Fortunately, I was the first to choose to be friends with Jiang Fan!

"Seize the opportunity!"

Jiang Fan smiled, patted Wang Wenjie's cheek, and then finally left!

"Gong Shao Jiang!"

Xue Chengyue took the lead. Everyone bent down with respect and fear!


After leaving the Eight Immortals Tower, Jiang Fan finally let out a suffocating breath!

"Xiao Lin! Don't worry, Master will never let this beast live and die so happy!"

Jiang Fan smiled lowly!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

At this moment, his mobile phone rang suddenly!

Jiang Fan answered the phone!

Wu Sicheng's voice came out directly!

"Brother Fan! DNA comparison is out!"

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