Since Wang Tianhai was abolished by Jiang Fan, his psychology has been completely distorted!

Thinking of his son, the Wang family who was admired by thousands of people before, will be like a dog in the future, he actually felt an indescribable joy!

"Dad! Please! Don't!"

"Give me a chance! Give me a chance!"

Wang Wenjie yelled frantically!

However, Wang Tianhai never looked back!

"Give you a chance? Hey, let you continue to give Lao Tzu a green hat? Go to hell!"

As soon as Wang Tianhai's voice fell, Wang Wenjie's yelling stopped suddenly!



Wang Wenjie actually lowered his head and chuckled lightly!

"why are you laughing?"

Wang Tianhai was stunned!

The others are even more at a loss!

"Old man, do you really think that the opportunity I mentioned is to let you let me go?"

"Hey! I meant to say, give me a chance not to kill you!"

Wang Wenjie suddenly raised his head!

However, his previous look of fear disappeared!

Instead, his face is full of indescribable yin!


Wang Tianhai was taken aback!

At this moment!


A sharp knife has directly penetrated his viscera!

It was the butler, Wang Fu!

Everyone was stunned!

Change this incident directly, stunned!

And Wang Wenlong's mind is completely blank!

"Wang Fu, you, you..."

Wang Tianhai looked at Wang Fu incredulously!


He couldn't understand, Wang Fu, how could he kill himself?

"Master! You are really, too perverted these few months!"

Wang Fu smiled!

"If it weren't for Young Master Jie, the Wang family would have been ruined by you!"

"I have served the Wang family for decades, but I can't watch it. The Wang family is destroyed in your hands!"

As Wang Fu said, he drew the knife directly!

"You, you..."

Wang Tianhai shook his body and finally fell to the ground!

And Wang Wenjie, already gritted his teeth, got up!

Deadly, stare at Wang Wenlong!

"Aaron! You are so awesome!"

"Big brother..."

Wang Wenlong was dumbfounded!

Shaking all over, looking at Wang Wenjie!

Big brother, actually killed my dad!

"Along, I always thought that in addition to playing, you are actually very simple! I didn't expect that you would be so ruthless!"

"No, no, brother, I, I was forced!"

Wang Wenlong collapsed!

Kneeling and crying!

"Big Brother! If I don't lie, Dad will kill me!"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die! Please, for the sake of a brother, let me go! Let me go!"

Wang Wenlong kowtow desperately!

Soon, there was a blood stain on his forehead!

Wang Wenjie looked gloomy and hesitated for a long time!

"Come on!"

Wang Wenjie suddenly shouted!


All the bodyguards looked at each other, and then all bowed their heads!

"Book a ticket to the mold country, and send the second youngest to there to take care of the family business!"

Everyone was stunned!

Wang Wenjie actually let Wang Wenlong go?

How is this possible?

"Big brother..."

Even Wang Wenlong himself was stunned!

Wang Wenjie walked slowly to Wang Wenlong's side, and then slowly bent down!

"Along! I really want to kill you!"

"But you, after all, are my brother, it's me, watching you grow up!"

"The little beast Jiang Fan used only one video, which completely disrupted the interior of our Wang family!"

"Moreover, his current strength is terrifyingly desperate!"

"Compared to strength, we are not opponents, and we are more than intellect, we are played round and round by him!"

"This time, our king's family, I'm afraid there will be more fortunes!"

"You go, go to the mold country, the Wang family's property there is enough for you to live a lifetime!"

"But, never, come back again! Never, thinking of revenge!"

Wang Wenjie looked at Wang Wenlong with a complicated expression, and said softly!

"Big Brother!"

Wang Wenlong was completely stunned!

An unbelievable look!

for a long time!

"Oh! Big brother! I'm sorry! Big brother!"

Wang Wenlong burst into tears!

At this moment, I am full of regret and guilt!

"Don't cry! Remember, you can't beat Jiang Fan! But, take good care of your children and grandchildren, let them, don't forget my royal family, blood and blood!"

Wang Wenjie's eyes are decisive!

"Big brother! I, I won't go! I want to stay, with you!"

"Aren't we, do we have two more chances? Two times! Find the strongest master, you will definitely be able to kill Jiang Fan!"

Wang Wenlong wiped his nose vigorously and looked at Wang Wenjie with red eyes!

"Stupid boy! How could Jiang Fan give us a chance to comeback?"

"Then, then let's tell the Zhou family! Let the Zhou family kill Jiang Fan!"

Wang Wenlong's eyes suddenly lit up!

"Hey, Zhou family? When they arrived, the Wang family would have been in ruins!"

"Moreover, as long as the Zhou family knows the news, I'm afraid that you won't even survive!"

"Let's go! Remember my words, never come back!"

Wang Wenjie stood up slowly and said softly!

"No! Brother! I won't go!"

Wang Wenlong grabbed Wang Wenjie's shirt tightly!

"Come on!"

Wang Wenjie screamed!

"Take the second youngest!"


Seeing Wang Wenlong being taken away by his subordinates, Wang Wenjie's expression gradually turned cold!

"Jiang Fan! Since you want me to play, I will die with you!"

"Fu Bo! Hang on the dark web, pay a billion bonus, buy Jiang Fan's life!"


Forber was stunned!

"Master Jie, no! Patriarch! One billion?!"

"Yes! One billion!"

Wang Wenjie looked ruthless!

"Patriarch, one billion, it's not a small amount. Even if you can kill Jiang Fan, the Wang Family..."

"Jiang Fan is not dead, how can we have a future!"

Wang Wenjie screamed!

"Yes! But, this is different from the rules set by Jiang Fan! In case, in case Jiang Fan uses this excuse to kill you..."

"It's ok!"

A strange look suddenly appeared in Wang Wenjie's eyes!

"I suddenly remembered, I seem to have another one, news of life-saving!"


Qiujia Manor!

"What? There are experts beside Qiu Mingyue and Jiang Fan?"

Qiu Yuanshan looked surprised and looked at the female secretary coldly!

"Well, when Jiang Fan went to find Qiu Mingyue today, I wanted to follow it secretly, but just after that, I felt a strong aura!"

"Isn't it Jiang Fan?"

"Jiang Fan is only level 8, even if he hides his strength, he will definitely not have such a strong aura!"

Coldly insist!

"Can you find out the identity of that person?"

Qiuyuanshan frowned!

"That person's strength is simply unfathomable! And his aura is unmatched! It is very likely that he is a kendo expert of more than tenth level!"

"Tenth-level kendo expert?"

Qiu Yuanshan was stunned!

"Then, what happened later? Where did they go?"

Shaking his head coldly!

"If it wasn't for my talent ability or concealment, I'm afraid it would have fallen to the ground!"

"So, I don't know their next trip!"

The corner of Qiuyuanshan's eyes jumped!

"Jiang Fan! This kid looks more difficult to deal with than I thought!"

"Patriarch, do you want to speed up the progress? Jiang Fan's current strength has improved too fast! But within a few days, he reached the eighth level!"

"Furthermore, now there is another inexplicable master around him, continue to wait, I am afraid that something will happen!"

With a cold look dignified!

Before, she still looked down on Jiang Fan's strength, but now, even she has no confidence in dealing with Jiang Fan!

Qiu Yuanshan pondered for a long time, finally flashed a ruthless look in his eyes!

"It's almost time to test, do it tomorrow night!"


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