God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 487: The hot network-wide crisis is approaching

Seeing the kidnappers move a knife, a group of tourists were shocked!

"This group of scum! It's really shameless to use children as hostages!"

"Call the police! Let the police dispatch a sniper!"

"Young man! Don't be impulsive!"

"Yeah! Hold the kidnapper first, if he hurts the child, it will be too late!"

The crowd exclaimed!

However, Jiang Fan not only kept his pace, but disdainfully smiled!

"Okay! Do it if you have a seed!"

"You, what did you say?"

The kidnapper was stunned!

"I will let you do it!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold! Get closer and closer!

"You, are you crazy? Don't, don't come over! Come again, I'm really doing it!"

The kidnappers were sweating!

Jiang Fan's eyes are too oppressive!

He couldn't help stiffening his body!


Jiang Fan suddenly shouted!

The kidnapper trembled!

at this time!

Jiang Fan suddenly turned into a phantom!

Suddenly appeared in front of the kidnapper, squeezing his wrist!


The kidnapper let out a miserable cry, and Jiang Fan broke his wrist directly!

"Dang Cang!"

The switchblade fell to the ground!

The kidnappers, holding their wrists, rolled around in pain!

"Qian Yan, are you okay?"

"I'm fine! Teacher, you are so handsome! I knew, you must have a way!"

Qian Yan didn't panic at all!

In his opinion, as long as Jiang Fan is there, even if it is the Hulk who kidnapped him, he is not afraid!

And only then did the crowd react!


"This speed is simply the Flash!"

"Moreover, full of momentum! The kidnapper almost peeed with the roar just now!"

"Domineering and handsome! It's simply, Prince Charming!"

"Little brother, my dad is the boss of Coal! Let me be your girlfriend!"

The crowd gathered around, with a look of admiration!

But Jiang Fan smiled and left directly with Qian Yan!

The security guards of the amusement park have rushed over, and in a while, they will naturally send a few kidnappers to the police station!

Next, everything goes well!

When Jiang Fan returned to the city with a group of contented students, it was already the afternoon!

However, Jiang Fan didn't know that his behavior was recorded by the previous anchor named Mimi!

However, because Mimi didn't face Jiang Fan, she just recorded her side face!

Mimi was originally just a third-line anchor, but as Jiang Fan's hands and feet appeared on her head, the popularity of her live broadcast room suddenly rose!

Soon, it reached the level of a first-line Internet celebrity!

"Too handsome! This little brother, just a side face, is so handsome!"

"Kung fu is even more powerful! Stepping on a human head, you can still walk like flying!"

"My eldest cousin has also practiced martial arts, and he said that he wants to reach this level, at least level 4 or above!"

"Level 4? It's simply Yan Wu Shuangquan!"

The audience is excited!

The comment area is even more refreshing!

"Anchor, I want to apprentice, explode the coordinates, I will give you ten rockets!"

"What is this little brother's name? Do you have a girlfriend? As long as you are willing to burst, I will give you a hundred rockets!"

"Trash upstairs! Anchor, I will brush a hundred rockets for you first! Give me the materials alone!"

"Anchor, give me an account, as long as you give me your little brother's identity information, I will directly call you half a million!"

All kinds of rewards are like snowflakes!

Densely packed, occupying the entire screen!

Mimi was so excited that she was shaking all over!

In this short period of time, he received more gifts than the past two years combined!

"Thank you brother and sister for the reward! I don't know the identity of the little brother for the time being, but don't worry, I will help you figure it out next time you broadcast it!"

Mimi left an eye on it!

Jiang Fan only appeared once, and he could actually bring such a big benefit, he can get it, and make good use of it!

However, even Mimi couldn't think of it, this video, unexpectedly, intensified!

For a time, the whole network was shocked!

I'm all speculating about the identity of the little brother who is so flaunted!

Unconsciously, Jiang Fan used another identity again to become an internet celebrity!

However, because of the excessive traffic, he also entered, in the eyes of some people!


"President Qi! Look at this!"

A subordinate rushed directly into the office of Star River Entertainment's president, Qi Rongchang!

"What is it?"

Qi Rongchang frowned and shouted angrily!

At the same time, he took a careful look, a handsome man sitting on the sofa, full of the aura of the superior, with a mole on his left eyebrow!

This person is surprisingly, Zhou Ning!

"Shao Ning, the people in your team are ignorant, I made you laugh!"

Qi Rongchang looked embarrassed!

Zhou Ning just smiled softly!

"what's up?"

Qi Rongchang saw that Zhou Ning had no reaction, and then he glared at his men!

"President Qi, this, you, just look at it!"

Qi Rongchang frowned and took over his mobile phone!

"Huh? Isn't this our live streaming app?"

"Yes, President Qi, you watch the video that ranks number one!"

Qi Rongchang clicked on the video, and suddenly his eyes lit up!

With his years of experience in the industry, he has smelled a smell of opportunity!

"President Qi! This video, in just three hours, has exceeded 4 million views! It jumped directly to the number one spot this week!"

"Simply, the potential is endless!"

"If, if this kid in the video can be dug out, then the traffic revenue of Galaxy Entertainment will definitely be a hit in a short period of time!"

The subordinate looks excited!

"Not bad!"

Qi Rongchang was also excited to slap the table!

"Where is this anchor named Mimi?"

"It's from Los Angeles!"

"Okay! Contact her immediately and ask about the identity of this kid!"


The subordinates agreed and were ready to leave!

At this moment!

"and so on!"

Zhou Ning suddenly spoke!

"Show me that video!"

As soon as he heard the word Los Angeles, he just felt his heart beat!

There is a very uncomfortable feeling!

And as the video clicked on, he frowned even more!

On the screen, the person just showed a profiled face, but this profiled face made him feel very familiar!

"Shao Ning, is there anything wrong?"

Qi Rongchang asked cautiously!

"No, nothing is wrong!"

Zhou Ning shook his head!

"Arrange your subordinates to find out his identity!"


"I have something to go now!"

Zhou Ning said, leaving directly!

However, as soon as he got out of the office, he took out his mobile phone!

"Zhou Ming!"

Zhou Ming, just some time ago, went to Los Angeles to inquire about Jiang Fan's news, Zhou Ning's men!

It's just that he was first regarded as Jiang Fan's friend by Ma Desheng, and he was ridiculous! He also had a fight with the "Holy Light Judgment" killer Beast King that the Yang family found at the time. During this time, he had been recuperating in the Zhou family!

"Shao Ning!"

Zhou Ming respectfully agreed immediately!

"Go to Los Angeles again! Go to Wang's house and ask about Jiang Fan's whereabouts!"

"Jiang Fan?!"

Zhou Ming was stunned!

Last time, he had determined that it was the Yang family who was lying. Why did Ning Shao still check Jiang Fan?

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