God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 490: You trash don't deserve to talk to me

As Bai Xiaoyu finished the invitation, applause broke out in the audience!

It's just that everyone waited for a long time and didn't see the shadow of Qiu Mingyue!

"President Qiu? Manager Qiu?"

Bai Xiaoyu on the stage called twice again, but Qiu Mingyue still did not appear!

"Hehe, probably Qiu is always due to traffic jams on the road. Everyone knows that our Los Angeles is also called ‘Blocking City’, so let’s do it! I'll take the initiative and play the game first! I hope that Mr. Qiu will not blame me for a while!"

Bai Xiaoyu smiled mischievously!

The audience below also smiled kindly!

The competition started soon, and several judges scored in turn!

However, after a full twenty minutes, Qiu Mingyue still did not appear!

This time, even Jiang Fan couldn't sit still!

Called Qiu Mingyue directly!

But the phone got through, but no one answered!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly!

Is something wrong?

After all, with Yue Jianhan, the possibility of Qiu Mingyue's accident is too low!

However, I don't know why, there is a faint premonition in his heart!

at this time!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

That number is actually from Yue Jianhan!

Yue Jianhan, never took the initiative to call Jiang Fan!

Could it be that something really happened?

Jiang Fan didn't care about the game, so he answered the phone directly!

"See the cold!"


Yue Jianhan's voice, with indescribable guilt!

"Mother, missing!"


Jiang Fan roared suddenly!

For an instant, everyone was stunned, and even the contestants looked at him stupidly!

"How are you? Are you okay?"

"I, I'm fine!"

Yue Jianhan felt even more guilty in his heart!

The master’s disappearance is obviously due to his own negligence, but the master is concerned about his own safety!

I am really useless!

"where are you?"

"I'm at the gate of Los Angeles University!"

"I'll be there soon!"

Jiang Gan hung up the phone and rushed out of the building!

Behind him, there was another exclamation!

No one thought that this master in their eyes could actually be able to martial arts!

Jiang Fan quickly arrived at the school gate!

At this moment, Yue Jianhan is looking decadent, waiting here!

Seeing Jiang Fan's arrival, Yue Jianhan fell on his knees without saying anything!

"Master! The disciple is guilty!"

"Fart! Are you guilty of wool? Get up!"

Jiang Fan helped Yue Jianhan!

The more he gets to this time, the more calm he gets!

"Tell me first, what's the matter!"


"Just now, my mother and I have arrived at the university, but at that time, there was a strange and murderous aura that suddenly appeared!"

"I am going to catch up, but the other person's breath is faint!"

"I chased it for a long time, only then discovered that I might have caught the tiger from the mountain!"

"By the time I come back, the master is gone!"

Yue Jianhan told the matter quickly!

After listening to Jiang Fan, he suddenly exhaled a suffocating breath!

"Don't worry, she's okay!"

"Master, you, how did you know?"

Yue Jianhan was stunned!

"Since the other party led you away, it must be to kidnap Qiu Mingyue. Since it was a kidnapping, how can anyone tear the ticket without extortion?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Yue Jianhan admires the five-body cast!

Worthy of being a master!

Sure enough, Taishan collapsed before, but his face did not change!

This calm and wise is definitely far better than ordinary people!

"However, the other party is really courageous. People who dare to move my Jiang Fan, hehe, really think I can't find you?"

The reason Jiang Fan is so emboldened is precisely because he has an advantage that no one has!


The omnipotent system!

The trick of kidnapping and extortion, for him, is simply giving away the head!

"System! Positioning Qiu Mingyue!"

"Ding! Positioning is complete!"


A light blue light curtain suddenly unfolded in front of Jiang Fan's eyes!

A dotted line points straight to the target!

"It's here!"

Jiang Fan's mouth hooked!

Qiu Mingyue was actually tied to her villa home!

The other party actually played with himself in the dark under the light!

"See the cold! Mingyue is at your own home, you can rush over now!"


Yue Jianhan was dumbfounded!

"Master, you, can you even count this?"

Yue Jianhan was completely dumbfounded!

Master, he is simply a monster, omniscient and omnipotent!

"Little meaning! Remember, don't do it if you don't have an order!"


"and so on!"

Yue Jianhan was about to leave, but Jiang Fan suddenly stopped him!

"That breath, how far away did it appear from you?"

"About three hundred meters!"

"Three hundred meters..."

Jiang Fan nodded!

"Don't get close to the villa within three hundred meters!"

"Master, why is this?"

Yue Jianhan looked puzzled!

"Since the other party just led you away, it is obviously not your opponent! Three hundred meters, it should be the limit distance he can reach, close to you, and won't be killed by you!"

"As long as it exceeds this range, the other party may not perceive you!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Master is wise!"

In Yue Jianhan's heart, he admired Jiang Fan to the limit!

"Okay, let's go first! I want to see what the other party wants to do!"

In Jiang Fan's eyes, Li Mang flashed!


"Ding Ding Ding!"

Just ten minutes after Yue Jianhan left, Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

"Jiang Fan?"

A gloomy voice suddenly sounded!


"Qiu Mingyue is in our hands! I don't want her to have an accident. Within ten minutes, he will rush to the East City..."


Jiang Fan hung up the phone directly!

The other side was stunned!

What kind of situation is this?

This kid, didn't you hear clearly!

"Jiang Fan! Qiu Mingyue is in our hands! I don't want her..."


Jiang Fan hangs up again!

Lie down on the bench next to you!

The opposite is at a loss! shocked!

Nyima is too rampant, right?

We are kidnappers!

"Jiang Fan! I warn you..."


The opposite is completely stunned!

No temper at all!

It took two minutes before I continued to call!

However, as soon as Jiang Fan picked it up, the kidnapper's pleading sounded directly on the other side!

"Brother! Don't hang up! Don't hang up yet!"

"Qiu Mingyue is really in our hands! You, as long as you need, come to the cement warehouse in the East City, and we will let people go!"

Opposite, almost begged!


Too frustrated!

We are kidnappers, now, what is the difference with the beggar?


"You don't deserve to talk to me like trash! Let your boss behind the scenes talk to me!"

"You, how do you know?"

The opposite was shocked!

However, the next moment!

"Hehe, Mr. Jiang is really amazing!"

A female voice has already sounded directly!

If Qiu Mingyue saw this woman, she would definitely recognize her, she would be coldly sentimental!

"You are too stupid! To be able to lure Yue Jianhan away, that idiot just couldn't do it!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"Also, Qiu Mingyue is definitely not in the cement warehouse, right?"

"From here to the cement warehouse in Dongcheng, it's a full dozens of miles. If I go there, even if I know where Qiu Mingyue is by then, I won't be able to rush to save her in time! I can only listen to you! Right?"

"You, what do you know all about?"

Shocked coldly!

An unbelievable look!

This kid, as expected, is almost a demon!

"These little tricks are meaningless! If you really want to talk about it, come to Los Angeles University to see me now!"

"Otherwise, just tear up the ticket!"

After Jiang Fan finished speaking, he just hung up the phone!

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