Everyone trembled, and then, without a word, turned around and left!

They weren't scared away by Jiang Fan!

After all, the temptation of a whole billion is enough to make most people ignore death!

However, now, retreat is the wisest!

Otherwise, if this lunatic really makes a move for a while, the one who is targeted by him first will definitely die!

It's just that the direction everyone retreated is surprisingly consistent!


Yue Jianhan suddenly appeared beside Jiang Fan!

"These people seem to be ready to unite against you!"


Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"Although they are united, twenty-four hours! When the time is up, you can just let go and kill!"


Yue Jianhan looked happy!

Since following Jiang Fan's side, Jiang Fan has made him self-cultivation every day!

I don’t know how long it’s been since I opened my own Qinggang Longsword!

Now with Jiang Fan's special permission, the long sword behind him is trembling faintly!

"But Master, why didn't you let me do it just now?"

"Stupid! As soon as you do it, those idiots must run! What a lot of effort!"

"When they rush up together, it will be cool to kill!"

Jiang Fan smiled gloomily!

Yue Jianhan was shocked!

Master is so shameless! Too insidious! Too cunning!

But it's amazing!

Even this can be counted!

Yue Jianhan admired Jiang Fan more and more!

And Jiang Fan has already taken out his mobile phone directly!

"Assemble! Go to Wang's house!"


The king's villa!

In the past, the Wang family was always brightly lit, but today, it is dim here!

It's like a ghastly grave!

Butler Wang Fu hesitated at the door for a long time, and then walked in!


Wang Fu asked softly!


Wang Wenjie's gloomy voice sounded slowly!

"how's it going?"

"Patriarch, the news was released last night. I believe that it won't be long before there will be a steady stream of killers coming to kill Jiang Fan!"

Wang Fu said cautiously!

"It won't take long, how long is it?"

Wang Wenjie's voice is indescribable hoarse!

"This, it should be, these two days!"

"These two days? Hey!"

Wang Wenjie smiled gloomily!

That laughter made Wang Fu feel terrified for a while!

Subconsciously, he turned on the light in the room!

I saw that at this moment, Wang Wenjie's face was gloomy, sitting on the sofa!

The wounds on his arms are still bleeding!

And in his eyes, it was all bloodshot!

Just one day later, he was as if he was a teenager!

Even the temples have gray hair!

"Patriarch! You, what's wrong with you?"

Wang Fu trembled with fright!

"What's wrong with me?"

Wang Wenjie looked blank!

Wang Fu hesitated, finally, picked up a mirror and placed it in front of Wang Wenjie!

"Here! Who is this!"

Wang Wenjie was startled!

Then, he suddenly reacted!

Unbelievable, looking at yourself in the mirror!

"This, is this me?"

"This, how could this be me!"

Wang Wenjie roared suddenly!

"Patriarch! Patriarch!"

Wang Fu hurriedly took away the mirror!

"Patriarch, you are just too tired! Rest for a few days and it will be better!"

"Yes! Yes! I'll take a few days off and it will be fine!"

Wang Wenjie smiled!

Afterwards, he looked ruthless!

"How many days off? How the **** do I have a few days! Tomorrow! Tomorrow Jiang Fan will not die, it will be me!"

"Patriarch, there are so many killers, Jiang Fan will definitely die!"

"What if? What if Jiang Fan is not dead?"

Wang Wenjie trembled all over!

"No! Patriarch, we, but a full billion! No one will not be tempted with this money! Jiang Fan, he will definitely die!"


Wang Wenjie looked expectant, looking at Wang Fu!

"Really! Patriarch! Jiang Fan is definitely dead this time!"

"Good, good!"

Wang Wenjie laughed strangely!

After that, the sluggish appearance was restored again!

Seeing Wang Wenjie's appearance, Wang Fu only felt that his whole body was icy cold!

Wang Wenjie is obviously about to collapse!

Jiang Fan is really, too cruel!

Kill the heart!

This is what he wants to completely abolish Wang Wenjie!

Even if he was really killed by those killers, Wang Wenjie, the Wang family, would be completely finished!

At this moment!

"Steward Wang! It's not good!"

A security guard suddenly rushed in!

"what's up?"

Wang Fu's complexion changed!

And Wang Wenjie trembled all over!

"Outside, outside, a lot of people came!"

"A lot of people are here?"

Wang Wenjie stared at the security guard suddenly!

"Is there Jiang Fan? Is there Jiang Fan?"

"This, this, I didn't see clearly..."

"Then **** don't watch it! Get out!"

Wang Wenjie roared suddenly!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The security guard rolls and crawls!

However, before he could go out, the voice of Wang's security staff suddenly sounded outside!

"Who? This is the Wang Family, it is forbidden—ah!"

The security staff of the Wang family outside suddenly screamed!

However, this is just the beginning!

In the darkness, the screams of the Wang's bodyguard continued to sound!

Accompanied by bursts of presumptuous laughter!

Wang Wenjie trembled all over!

In my mind, involuntarily emerged the scene of the Jiang family's demise!

At that time, there were countless screams from the Jiang family!

At that time, I only felt that I was listening to a song, a moving movement!

But why is it that now, so scared of myself, almost collapsed?

who is it?

Who the **** is it?

Wang Wenjie didn't dare to go out to see at all, so he could only stand in the villa trembling all over!

for a long time!


A crisp footstep suddenly sounded at the door of the villa!

Immediately afterwards, a kind-looking old man, surrounded by a group of men, slowly walked into the villa!

"You! Is it you? Lu Zhenglong?!"

Wang Wenjie was stunned!

Why, why is it Lu Zhenglong? !

"Yes, I never thought that Young Master Jie would even know me!"

Lu Zhenglong smiled!

"Master Lu! I, my Wang family and you have no grievances and no grudges, why do you want to do this!"

"Haha, Master Jie, who did you offend, do you still use me?"

Lu Zhenglong smiled slightly!

"Who did I offend? The people under your Lord Lu, I never--"

"Damn! What an idiot!"

Tu Kang on one side is impatient!

"You **** offend Mr. Jiang, it's only blame for Master Lu to let you go!"

"Mr. Jiang?"

Wang Wenjie was stunned!

Afterwards, he only felt for a while, the hair was terrifying!

"You mean, Jiang Fan?!"

"Not bad!"

Another footstep sounded, and then, a man with a grim complexion, also brought his subordinates, walked in!

"Wang Wenjie, you owe Mr. Jiang from the Wang family. He is going to pick it up in person today!"

"Xue Chengyue!"

Wang Wenjie's pupils were full of horror!

But this is not over!

"Hehe, Wenjie, I have advised you long ago, don't do everything, you just don't listen!"

Accompanied by this voice, an old man with a grim face also walked in!

"Wu, Wu Weizhou?!"

Surprisingly, the Patriarch of the Wu Family!

And behind Wu Weizhou, there was Wu Sicheng with a sneer!

Wang Wenjie looked desperate!

Sit on the ground!

But this is not over yet!

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