
Jiang Fan appeared again, already in a gloomy wilderness!

In the distance, faintly, there is a hill-like highland!

At this moment, the sky is completely dark!

Occasionally, there were a few roars of wild beasts around!

Listen to the sound, it must be a large predator!

The Lord of the Rings World is in crisis, Jiang Fan frowned, and directly activated the Jinyiwei suit!

Immediately, there was almost an extra set in his yellow take-out clothes, the whole was dark black, embroidered with golden two-horned python pattern pull-style clothing!

Exactly, flying fish suit!

At this moment!


A weird and harsh roar suddenly sounded!

Just by listening to the sound, you can feel the strength and evil of the other party!

And the direction is that high ground!

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, and suddenly spoke!

"System, what is this place?"

"Ding! Current location, Fengyunding Observatory!"

Damn it!

Without saying anything, Jiang Fan stepped on the bicycle and ran straight to the high ground ahead!

According to the plot, Frodo and the others were caught up by the ring spirits here!

One of the ring spirits stabbed Frodo with a sword!

If it weren't for Aragorn's lover, the elven Yawen arrived in time, Frodo would definitely die!

And the roar that was full of evil just now, maybe it's the ring spirit!


Jiang Fan is as fast as a phantom!

Soon, rushed to the high ground!

At this moment, there was a lot of fog here, and even above, fierce fighting sounded!

not good!

Jiang Fan put away his bicycle and jumped!


Within a few steps, Jiang Fan had already reached the top of the observation deck!

I saw that a burly man with a sword in his right hand and a torch in his left hand was fighting with a few weirdos who were covered in cloaks!

This person is Aragon!

And Frodo is lying on the ground with a face full of weakness at the moment!

The other three hobbits were surrounding him, with a frightened expression, looking at those weird people!

Although these weird people are strictly shielded by the cloak, their identities are already revealed through the hideous armor that is occasionally exposed!

It is the nine emperors of the human empire, and now, the ring spirit!

At this moment, Aragorn was besieged by five ring spirits, but it did not kill all quarters like in the movie, but was suppressed and could not breathe!

The speed of these ring spirits is extremely fast, and every time a sword is cleaved, a handful of weird green flames will be brought up on the sword!

These flames occasionally spilled on the ground, actually melting the stones!

Aragorn is desperate!

If in terms of strength, he is definitely better than Ring Spirit!

However, these ring spirits are immortal, and the sword is full of magic fire. This thing, even if it is one's own vindictiveness, can't resist it several times!


I haven't become the Lord of Gondor yet. Is he going to die here today?

And the little hobbits looked desperate!

That's it!

Today, they are going to die!

Shire's food, beer, they can't eat anymore!

Seeing that one of the ring spirits will penetrate Aragorn with a sword!

At this moment!


A deafening gunshot resounded suddenly, Middle Earth!

In the next moment, the magic sword of the ring spirit was hit crooked by the bullet directly, wiping Aragorn across!

Everyone was surprised at the same time!

All look in the direction of the sound!

I saw, just at the edge of the observation deck, a handsome man wearing a domineering python-print long suit and a yellow mandarin jacket was smiling, blowing his muzzle!

So handsome!

Aragorn was shocked directly!

I have never seen such a handsome man!

Is it an elf?

Do not!

More handsome than elves!

Moreover, his clothes are really weird!

The embroidered on it, although I don't know what it is, but I know at a glance, it is definitely a powerful and incomparable beast!

The little hobbits were also stunned!

It's so cool!

Too chic!

When Aragorn first appeared on the stage before, they thought that this was the limit of human pretense!

But seeing Jiang Fan completely refreshed their cognition!

Unlike Aragorn and others, the few ring spirits saw Jiang Fan, they steeped and retreated, forming a line!

Not only will Aragorn be ignored, even Frodo who is wearing the Lord of the Rings will be ignored!

The magic sword in his hand pointed directly at Jiang Fan!

Aragorn was stunned when he saw the ring spirit's reaction!

This is the reaction of the Ring Spirit only when it encounters an extremely powerful existence!

Could it be that this man, who is more handsome than the elves, is more powerful than his looks?

However, Jiang Fan smiled coldly in the face of the heavily guarded Ring Spirit!


what? !

Aragorn and others were shocked!

It's crazy!

Actually, dare to talk to Jie Ling like this!

And several ring spirits burst out a harsh roar, suddenly rushing towards Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan smiled contemptuously and flicked his right hand!


Songwen ancient sword, impressively in hand!

Swordsmanship to ward off evil spirits!


In an instant, the sword light was almost like mercury!

The cloaks of several ring spirits were shattered by the sword light in an instant!

A few ring spirits were stunned!

Damn it!

What kind of swordsmanship is this?

too fast!

Basically, I can't see it clearly!

Aragorn and others opened their mouths even more!

It was shocking!

Sword, how could it be so fast?

Who is this man?

Could it be, from a faraway, never-explored continent, the legendary continent?

As the cloak shattered, Jie Ling finally revealed his true face!

I saw that each of them was wearing a one-piece armor that covered the whole body!

Moreover, the surface of these armors are actually all fine spikes, and on the elbows, knees, toes and other parts, they are inlaid with thick and long steel needles like daggers!

Jiang Fan's long sword slashed on these armors, sparks splashed in an instant!

However, except for scratches, these armors are actually intact!

Seeing that Jiang Fan couldn't hurt himself, a few Jie Ling suddenly attacked Jiang Fan under the sword rain!

"Handsome guy! Their armor is made by the Dark Lord of Doom Volcano's magic iron! It's hard to erase!"

Aragorn yelled in a hurry!


Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes and suddenly put away the ancient pine pattern sword!

Aragorn and others were stunned!

How did Jiang Fan put the sword away?

Is it going to run?

But, the next moment!

In Jiang Fan's hand, a murderous long sword appeared suddenly, with a knife and a handle. It was two meters long and full of murderousness!

Embroidery knives classification: cut horse long knives!

"Nine Suns True Scripture! Burst!"


Jiang Fan's whole body is soaring!

Several ring spirits suddenly screamed, turned and ran!

The momentum on Jiang Fan's body is too strong!

They are definitely not Jiang Fan's opponent now!



Jiang Fan waved his sword!

The air seemed to be torn apart, and a ripple suddenly appeared!

And one of the ring spirits was directly cut off by Jiang Fan!

Damn it!

Aragorn only feels his scalp numb!

Too tough!

Cut off the ring spirit with a single blow!

This kind of strength is comparable to the ancient demon gods!

The hobbits were even more stunned!

so funny!

Can human beings be so powerful?

This guy, this guy, shouldn't it be a humanoid dragon!


The ring spirit that was cut off by Jiang Fan turned into a black air and drifted away!

The remaining ring spirits even screamed, and suddenly jumped from the observation deck!

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