The pretense was over, Jiang Fan immediately ordered everyone to set off!

After all, completing the task matters!

Moreover, Fengyunding is not a place to stay for long!

He had a hunch that when those ring spirits appeared again, there would be a flying over in strength!


A group of people have left Fengyunding, but the speed of a few little hobbits is too slow!

In the end, they had to sit on Yawen's horse, and the others would walk on foot!

A group of people walked through the wilderness for two days, passed a dense forest, and finally came to a plain!

"Great! As long as you walk through here and walk for another day, you can enter the realm of the elves! At that time, the power of our people will be able to block all evil!"

Yawen looked excited!

Others also showed a relaxed look!

Only Jiang Fan, frowning deeper and deeper!

According to the plot, the ring spirit should have appeared long ago. Why hasn't it reacted until now?

This routine is wrong!

"Jiang Fan, what's wrong with you?"

Yawen asked curiously!

"No! Can't stop, speed up!"

Jiang Fan suddenly looked behind him!

In that remote place, he always felt that something was peeping at him!

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke out, Aragorn's expression suddenly tightened!

"Teacher, is there a problem?"

"Someone is watching me!"

"Will the Dark Lord Sauron, after all, the Lord of the Rings is with us!"


Jiang Fan's heart moved, and suddenly he looked at Frodo!

"Show me the Lord of the Rings!"

"My lord, this..."

Frodo looked tangled!

Jiang Fan was too lazy to talk, and when he mentioned Frodo directly, he was going to search for the Lord of the Rings!


"Teacher! Can't touch it!"

Yawen and Aragorn screamed at the same time!

But, the next moment!

There is already an extra ring in Jiang Fan's hand, a golden ring that exudes an alluring luster!

Supreme Lord of the Rings!

"Ding! You found it, the cursed epic item: The Supreme Lord of the Rings!"

Epic? !

Jiang Fan was stunned!

This is the first time he has come into contact with such high-end equipment!

Moreover, it is so easy!

If, take it away now...

Jiang Fan's heart moved!

At this moment, a charming voice suddenly sounded!

"Put it on! Put it on!"

"Put it on! You will have infinite life! Infinite power! Infinite wealth!"

"Put it on! Put it on, you are the king of the world! You are the master of the world!"

"It's over!"

Seeing Jiang Fan's expression, Aragorn felt cold!

Yawen is even more desperate!

Everyone can see the magic of the Lord of the Rings!

Once held in the hand, no one can escape its charm except for the hobbit who has no desires!

Even the mighty wizard Gandalf did not dare to touch it at all!


"Damn! A group of people are just trying to grab this shit?"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

The allure of the Lord of the Rings is indeed terrible!

No mortal can resist the temptation!

However, only oneself is an exception!

No matter how tough you are, can you beat the system?

With the system in hand, the world's artifacts are all rubbish!

What's more, it's just a mere epic that can only be seen but not used!

This thing, even if you bring it back now, you must have a mission to lift the curse!

Maybe, kill Sauron!

Of course!

"wait for me a bit!"

As Jiang Fan said, he took the Lord of the Rings and hid behind a tree!

"Yes! Yes! That's it! Put it on! Put it on and sneak away!"

"Come to the Doomsday Volcano! To find the source of power!"

"Lose your mother! Shut up!"

Jiang Fan turned a blind eye to the temptation of the Lord of the Rings!

next moment!

He threw the Lord of the Rings to the ground and pulled off his pants!


"You, what are you doing?!"

"Don't! Yes, I have something to discuss!"

"Your sister! Stop it!"

Hidden in the ring, Sauron's clone was stunned!

But far away from me, a huge flame eyeball was filled with panic!

At this moment, everyone was shocked to see the look of the eyes!

A group of orcs who were building fortresses all looked shocked!

They actually saw fear in Sauron's eyes!

How is this possible?

Among the ring spirits, the most powerful Angmar Witch King was even more shocked.

Dark Lord Sauron, the most terrifying existence in this world, but now, he is actually in fear!

In the end, what happened!

what on earth is it!

But this is not over!

"Ah! My eyes!"

Sauron roared suddenly!

In the next moment, Sauron's eyes were full of despair!

Then, I closed it directly!

All the people who are still in Modo are dumbfounded!

Completely sluggish!

Actually, the persecuting Sauron closed his eyes!

Sauron, what did he see?

No one knows that Sauron at this moment has the heart to die!

It's so **** hot!

This bastard!

This bastard! Actually, dare to pee at yourself!

Simply unforgivable!

Absolutely, unforgivable!

Ring spirit!

"Don't follow him, investigate his identity!"

"Retrieve the Supreme Lord of the Rings!"

"The most important thing is, give it to me, get rid of this kid!"

"I want him to die without a whole body!"

"I want his soul! I will be imprisoned and tortured forever!"

Sauron suddenly let out an angry roar in his heart!

He had been monitoring Jiang Fan through the Lord of the Rings before!

The purpose is to find out Jiang Fan's identity!

But now, he can't care about anything!

Just want to kill Jiang Fan!

The five ring spirits who had been behind Jiang Fan and the others, whose bodies had become invisible, suddenly appeared!

The collective, rushed towards the direction of Jiang Fan and others!

Aragorn and others were still worried that Jiang Fan would leave!

After all, if Jiang Fan really wants to leave, relying on his toughness, absolutely, no one can stop him!



In the next moment, everyone heard a smooth sound of water, and the music generally sounded!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

This voice is too familiar!

However, Jiang Fan is just peeing. It's Mao, who wants to wear the ring?

At the next moment, everyone's mind suddenly had an unusually terrifying thought!

"That, shouldn't it be..."

"no, I can not!"

"That is, the Supreme Lord of the Rings!"

"Owning it is equivalent to owning everything!"

"Everyone who gets it treats it as a treasure!"

"How could someone pee on the Lord of the Rings?"

Everyone was stunned!

As for Jiang Fan, he walked out with a relaxed look!

"Here! Take it! This thing is absolutely safe now!"

Jiang Fan put the Lord of the Rings directly into Frodo's arms!

"Oh my God! He, he really did that!"

"Too tough!"

"Simply, even worse than Sauron!"

"Domineering! Peeing on the Lord of the Rings, this is simply frantic!"

The crowd all looked admiring, looking at Jiang Fan!

Frodo looked sluggish!

Before him, the feeling of being seduced by the Lord of the Rings was gone!

I just feel that the whole body is relaxed for a while, just like a bird soaring in the blue sky!

But why is it so disgusting in my heart!

Great god!

When you are done urinating, just put it in your pocket!

I don't want it at all now!

It's so dirty!

Frodo wanted to cry without tears!

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