God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 512: Don’t you know how to read the almanac before going out?

When the car door opened, Tu Kang immediately walked down respectfully!

"Mr. Jiang, that matter can't be suppressed!"

Tu Kang said, it is exactly that the Wang Family has destroyed the door!

"There are so many people, the wind must be let out sooner or later. If you can't suppress it, you can't suppress it!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

In this matter, he hadn't planned to hide it from anyone, but he acted in a low-key manner!

That's why Lu Zhenglong took the initiative without permission and didn't dare to let anyone talk about it!

"You came to me personally, isn't it just for this thing, right?"

Suddenly Jiang Fan looked at Tu Kang meaningfully!

"Hehe! Mr. Jiang Mingjian!"

Tu Kang smiled awkwardly!

"Well, after going back last night, Lord Lu has already informed the Los Angeles forces and appointed me as his successor!"

"This matter, I know it's all Mr. Jiang's face, so..."

As Tu Kang said, he directly took out an antique jade bib and gave it to Jiang Fan!

"Mr. Jiang, I, Tu Kang, don't say anything. I know you like these things. It's a refreshing idea. Please accept it!"

Jiang Fan had expected this incident long ago!

In Los Angeles, the underground forces and Jiang Fan have the best relationship, only Niu Xinghe and Tu Kang!

However, although Niu Xinghe is a prince, his reputation is far less than Tu Kang!

Lu Zhenglong announced that Tu Kang would succeed him. On the one hand, Tu Kang was indeed loyal to him!

On the other hand, it is completely to please Jiang Fan!

Almost all of the most powerful people in Los Angeles were present at the turn of events last night!

Because of this, Lu Zhenglong has become more aware of Jiang Fan's strength!

He now fully understands that only if Jiang Fan is happy, can his position be stable!

Jiang Fan took Jade Bi, but unfortunately, no system prompt sounded!

"Take this thing back!"

Jiang Fan shook his head!

"Mr. Jiang——"

Tu Kang's complexion changed!

I thought I had sent the wrong thing!

"Don't get me wrong, this thing is useless to me! But if there is something similar to Zhang Zhaolong's copper coin sword or ancient coins, keep it for me!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


Tu Kang looked happy!

At this moment!

The door of the coffee shop opened, and Ning Changan ran out, covering his face!

However, seeing Jiang Fan and Tu Kang together, his expression suddenly changed!

Run away!

damn it!

Isn't that Tu Kang?

Jiang Fan, this kid, called him, is it ready to kill himself?


No way! Be sure to return to the capital as soon as possible!

Tell Ming Shao about this!

Ning Changan ran fast without raising his head!


The next moment, he only felt that he had hit a wall, fell straight back, and fell on all sides!

"Fuck! You fucking—"

Ning Changan didn't finish speaking, suddenly his face changed drastically!

I saw that in front of him, was standing a man like cast iron!

This man is a burly figure, and his dark skin is full of almost violent muscles!

Especially, this man's momentum is like a tiger!

Ning Changan's teeth trembled!

Shaking all over!

However, this person didn't even look at him, but looked directly at Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan!"

"Zhao Wenlei?"

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

This person turned out to be the second-generation powerhouse of the Zhao family, as well as the brother-in-law of Zhao Wuzhen and Zhao Wuhong!

It was the first time since the Jiang family was destroyed that someone from the Zhao family took the initiative to find themselves!

However, when they heard Zhao Wenlei's name, the others were taken aback!

"Zhao Wenlei? The eighth-level master of the Zhao family?"

"The Zhao family has always been low-key, why is Zhao Wenlei here?"

"Who is this handsome takeaway boy?"

"Could it be that Zhao Wenlei came to find the fault because it was late to deliver the meal?"

"Don't be silly! How can such a big family order takeaway!"

But Tu Kang's face sank directly!

Zhao Wenlei's expression is gloomy and extremely unfriendly!

Obviously, very hostile!

"Mr. Jiang, do you want to let the brothers come over?"

"No need!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand and took the initiative to walk towards Zhao Wenlei!

And when Ning Changan saw Jiang Fan coming, he was almost too soon, scared to pee!

Weep and run away!

Jiang Fan didn't take care of Ning Chang'an at all, but came to Zhao Wenlei in a hurry!

"long time no see!"

"Humph! It's been a long time indeed!"

Zhao Wenlei sneered!

"Jiang Fan, come to Zhao's house with me!"


"Hey! If there is anything, you know it in your heart!"

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Fan frowned!

"Huh! What do you mean, don't you know?"

"Jiang Fan! Don't talk nonsense! If you are acquainted, go quickly!"

"You are Wu Zhen's friend after all, don't make it too ugly!"

Zhao Wenlei looked impatient!

"Fuck! How the **** are you talking to Mr. Jiang?"

Tu Kang was finally angry!

Point at Zhao Wenlei and curse!

So many levels of nine were wiped out by Mr. Jiang!

Eight levels of multiple JB!

I dare to be so arrogant to Mr. Jiang!

"court death!"

Seeing Tu Kang dare to be rude to himself, Zhao Wenlei suddenly became furious!

Raising his hand, he drew towards Tu Kang!

He knows the identity of Tu Kang, this person must not be killed!

However, he must teach him a lesson and let him know that the Zhao family is not an existence that can provoke them, the underground forces in Los Angeles!

Seeing, he was about to slap Tu Kang on the face with a slap!

At this moment!


A big hand with slender fingers directly blocked his wrist!

For a moment, Zhao Wenlei only felt that he had almost photographed a mountain made of alloy!

The painful whole arm is numb!

Zhao Wenlei was shocked!

When he looked intently, his eyes widened suddenly!

What was blocking him was actually Jiang Fan!

This, how is this possible!

How could Jiang Fan be so strong?

However, before he could react, Jiang Fan suddenly raised his right hand!

The next moment, he slapped Zhao Wenlei on the face!


A loud noise!

Zhao Wenlei was pumped up and flew upside down, and with the sound of howling wind, he hit the street light behind him!

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

The street lamp shook suddenly, and then, the rivets on the base bounced like an explosion!

In the end, he collapsed!


The street lamp fell directly on the road!


Everyone gasped!


That's the street light!

Before, a car that was driving under the influence was hit, and the car was almost split in half. The street light didn't fall down!

But with Jiang Fan's slap, he actually slapped the street lamp down?

And still, violently shot down!

What kind of strength is this special?

"Too, too exaggerated?"

"Is this, the legendary, powerful force?"

"No! This is absolutely from the novel, the power of the dragon and elephant!"

"Is that human being?"

"Is it a Buddha? Tathagata palm?"

The crowd was shocked, looking at Jiang Fan!

Too tough!


Zhao Wenlei lay on the ground, his mouth full of blood, and he groaned!

This guy is worthy of the eighth level, unexpectedly, he still has consciousness!



Jiang Fan directly stepped on Zhao Wenlei's chest!

A hideous look!

"Damn! I really gave you a face!"

"People who want to move me! Didn't you **** look at the almanac before you go out?"

Jiang Fan said, stomping down fiercely!


Zhao Wenlei spouted a mouthful of blood!

The ribs are even more "cuckled, cocked" three broken!

"Wow~~!!! Forgive me!"

Zhao Wenlei suddenly burst out with a scream of horror!

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