God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 517: Brother, you're too shameless

Just as the old man was backing desperately, there were so many eyes around him staring here!

These people are all hidden in the dark, killers!

Before, the three killers who fled in embarrassment with Rios' heads just told these people the news, and these people were directly angry!

You can kill Rios in a second, it's really strong!

But, which person here is not on the same level as Rios?

Can you kill one or a group?

They originally planned to rush forward and kill Jiang Fan directly!

But just when they were preparing to do it, they found that the old man appeared!

This old man is a master of the Western world's supernatural power system!

It's real, the tenth-level powerhouse!

In front of tenth-level masters, they have no chance at all!

Originally, at the moment when the old man made his move, they already wanted to retreat!

After all, there are ten levels of shots, and that billion is definitely an old man's!

But at this moment!

Long Yan made a move!

And not only did he make a shot, but with a punch, the old man couldn't stop him, but could only retreat!

The old man couldn't stop at all this retreat!

But everything behind him, no matter the trees, walls, all kinds of sundries, as long as they touch him, they will be deserted and blown to pieces!

But the look in the old man's eyes became more and more frightened!

He has exhausted all the means to unload his strength, but Long Yan's punching power has not diminished, on the contrary, it is getting stronger and stronger!

Almost to the point where it can't be suppressed!


Before the old man had finished speaking, his whole body suddenly froze!

The next moment, he gave a wry smile and suddenly shook his head!

"Unlucky! I remember, who are you!"

After saying this, the whole body of the old man suddenly burst into pieces of sand!

This tenth level master of abilities!

He was killed by Long Yan with a single punch!

All the killers hiding in the dark were stunned!

I just feel trembling all over!

Even the teeth are shaking!

Too tough!

At the same level, this kind of strength is simply unheard of!

Especially, what did the old man's words before his death mean?

But when he killed the old man in a flash, Long Yan seemed to have done a very trivial thing!

With a respectful look, return to Jiang Fan!

"Before, no, Brother Fan! Do you think there is room for improvement with my punch just now?"

What the **** do I know!

Jiang Fan scolded in his heart!

However, he stood with his hands behind and smiled faintly!

"Yin and Yang, the way of heaven and earth, the observance of all things, the parents of change, the beginning of life and death, the house of gods!"

"One yin and one yang is Tao, one stroke and the other is skill! Tao pays attention to balance, and skill is about success or failure!"

"The changes of the four seasons, the victory of cold and heat, heavy yin must be yang, double yang must be yin, so yin governs cold, yang governs heat, so if cold is severe, it is hot, and if hot is severe, it is cold!"

"There is yang in the yin, and yin in the yang! The cathode produces yang, and the anode produces yin! The lonely yin does not produce, the lonely yang does not grow!"

"You understand?"

Jiang Fan was full of nonsense, "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" and "Book of Changes", and even the lines in "A Dream of Red Mansions" were memorized!

Anyway, how am I supposed to say!

When Long Yan said it, his face was dumbfounded!

What the predecessors said is mysterious and mysterious! It's so high!

Long Yan was shocked!

However, I didn't understand a single sentence for Mao Me?

What is the way of heaven and earth, heavy yin must be yang, double yang must be yin, if I can understand that I am a grandson!

However, I still feel great!

and so on!

Double yin must be yang, double yang must be yin? !

Suddenly, Long Yan's pupils shrank!

After a long time, Long Yan was suddenly shocked!

I was shaking with excitement all over!

"Senior! I understand! I finally know why I lost that year!"

"It took me ten years to turn Yin Jin into Yang Jin. I thought I had reached the limit!"

"But, thanks to your suggestion, I understand that to re-turn Yang Jin into Yin Jin, return to the original and return to the truth, and the Yin and Yang blend together. This is the real consummation!"

"Senior! Senior is really amazing! At a glance, you can see where my bottleneck is!"

"Long Yan, this is a great grace to give you a career!"

As Long Yan said, he suddenly fell to his knees, and was about to kowtow to Jiang Fan!

Senior is too good!

I just understood a few sentences, and actually got such a benefit. If I understood everything, wouldn’t it be--

damn it!

I am so stupid! It's wasting a lot of painstaking predecessor!

Long Yan was so grateful to Jiang Fan that he fell to the ground!

It's a pity that he is so fat that he can even use the strength to eat milk, but his head just can't touch the ground!

Jiang Fan is in a circle!

Damn it!

I don't even know what I'm talking about, you really understand it!

It looks like it's still very awkward!

What's so special? I dare not write like this in novels!

Brother, you are too shameless!

And those killers who wait and see are completely stunned!

Everyone rubbed their eyes desperately!


Jiang Fan is actually pointing this master!

And this master seems to have gained great benefits from his narration!

This can only be done unless it is a big difference!

In other words, isn't Jiang Fan's strength, stronger than him--? !

No one dared to think about it anymore!

In an instant, all the killers had their tears coming down!

Grass mud horse!

Which one of the shortcomings of ethics sent this task?

Obviously, let them die!

What a hatred this is!

"Withdraw, withdraw!"

"Yes, yes! Withdraw! Must withdraw!"

"Quickly retreat! This ghost place, I don't want to stay longer for a second!"

"No wonder the last wave of people walked so anxiously!"

"Those bastards, I didn't even tell them in advance!"

"This Jiang Fan, let alone rank ten, unless the legendary rank fifteen appears, otherwise, whoever will die!"

"Go back and let the news go! It might be a trap!"

"Yes! He may have sent this task himself! The purpose is to let us come and train his men!"

"Too insidious! Withdraw! Withdraw quickly!"

A group of assassins can't take care of anything, Sa Yazi runs away!

Soon, a few days later, a message immediately spread to the entire world of killers and mercenaries!

"Have you heard? Huaxia Luocheng's one-billion-dollar order is a trap!"

"No more! Legend has it that there is a demon of the world, who used money to tempt masters from all over the world to die!"

"It's not just that! The reason why the demon did this is because he wanted to use the blood of a master to sacrifice magic weapons!"

"Nonsense! I heard that the man was a believer of an ancient demon god, and his purpose was to make a blood sacrifice so that he could summon the true body of the demon god!"

"Nonsense! That person named Jiang Fan, he himself is the reincarnation of the Demon God! The purpose is to absorb the soul! This matter, but the undead master Doloma said himself!"

"That's right! We were there when Jiang Fan was drawing the soul! It was really, it was terrifying!"

"Huh! What do you group of Westerners know? That Jiang Fan is actually the rebirth of the immortal emperor. He wants to kill the blood sacrifice so that he can return to the immortal realm for revenge!"

"Nonsense! He is clearly the demon **** of our West!"

"Fart! It's the fairy monarch of the East!"


The dark world is full of rumors and chaos!

At this moment, Jiang Fan has finished delivering food and has arrived at the University of Los Angeles!

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