God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 519: Seeing the long trousers fly away


Just a takeaway! How can it be! Actually, it can be favored by so many women!

Simply, God has no eyes!

Jin Zhu is angry!

Cough directly!

"Mingyue, the show will start soon, let's sit down first!"

However, Qiu Mingyue ignored him at all!

The rest of them also ignored him directly!

A group of people eating melons even laughed!

"Who is this grandson?"

"It looks like a producer!"

"Damn! Whoever he is, don't delay Laozi eating melons! Billow!"

The crowd looked impatient!

Jin Zhu was stunned!

Then, furious!

In Shencheng, no one dared to talk to him like this!

It's really the opposite!

But Qiu Mingyue's complexion moved, and a smiling face suddenly appeared!

"As the organizer, I am very grateful to you for being able to stir up the atmosphere so quickly!"


The women were all stunned!


"Yes! This time the show is sponsored by our Qiu Group!"

"Thanks to a few people, it directly drove the atmosphere of the scene!"

"It seems that the effect of this program will be even better than we expected!"

"Several go on! Don't stop!"

Qiu Mingyue smiled!

However, the faces of several women sank!

With a cold snort, they turned around and left!

They are not interested in advertising to Qiu Mingyue!

But Qiu Mingyue sneered when seeing a few women unwilling to leave!

With this kind of IQ, I still want to fight her!

In the entire Los Angeles city, except for Xia Fanxing, no one can play!

"Let's go!"

Qiu Mingyue smiled proudly at Jiang Fan and ran directly to the guest seat!

Jiang Fan wiped a cold sweat and was about to keep up!

At this moment!

"Hey! Delivered food, hurry up when the food is delivered! Don't affect the recording of our show!"

Jin Zhu suddenly said coldly!

"Sorry, I am a spectator, not here to deliver food!"

Jiang Fan smiled!


Jin Zhu was stunned!

And Jiang Fan has passed him by, ready to take his seat!


Jin Zhu felt his face flushed for a moment!

This kind of garbage, what qualifications do you have to be an audience!

However, in front of Qiu Mingyue, I must not lose my demeanor!

"It turned out to be like this, there is a place behind, choose a place yourself!"

Jin Zhu laughed proudly!

However, Jiang Fan ignored him at all, and sat down directly next to Qiu Mingyue!

Jin Zhu was startled, suddenly an angry expression on his face!

"Boy, you don't understand, don't you?"

"Is this place where you sit?"

"Hurry up to the back! Don't look at your identity!"

Jin Zhu looked contemptuously, and said to Jiang Fan!

Qiu Mingyue's face changed directly!

Just speak!


"Where does I sit? It's a shit! You're babbling, don't you?"

Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce!

This idiot was aiming at himself again and again, and he really regarded himself as an onion!

Jin Zhu saw the fierce light flashing in Jiang Fan's eyes, and he immediately persuaded!

Jiang Fan's body doesn't look sturdy, but his streamlined muscles look like a cheetah, full of explosive power!

Although Jin Zhu looked strong, his figure was completely shaped by fitness and drinking protein powder, and it was completely incomparable with Jiang Fan!

"You! I tell you! This position is for guests!"

"If you don't leave, I'll call the security guard!"

The golden color is inwardly!

"Mr. Jin, do you have bad eyesight?"

Qiu Mingyue finally spoke!

Point directly at the name tag on the guest table!

"Jiang Fan?"

Jin Zhu looked at the famous brand on Jiang Fan's table and was stunned!

This kid is indeed named Jiang Fan!

But, how could he become a VIP as a takeaway?

Is it because Los Angeles is popular to wear takeaway clothes?

And this kid is actually a rich second-generation?

Just when Jin Zhu looked dumbfounded!

Suddenly there was a tumult in the audience!

"Hey! Su Mo and the others are here!"

"And the boss of Melody Media, Zhang Jinzhu!"

"It's Cao Zhixu!"

"Wow! Brother Changtian!"

"Goddess Su Mo! I love you!"

The crowd is excited!

Screaming at the door one after another!

I saw that Su Mo and several judges, under the leadership of Zhang Jinzhu, walked in while waving at the audience!

Soon, a few people came near the VIP table!

Then, go straight to Jinzhu!

Jin Zhu smiled proudly!

Suddenly, I was greeted!

Although I look down on Zhang Jinzhu, he is a big shot in the Los Angeles entertainment industry after all!

Still have to be appropriate, give him some respect!

It's just that Jin Zhu has already stretched out his hand, but Zhang Jinzhu actually walked directly from him!

Jin Zhu is stunned!

Zhang Jinzhu, what's the matter?

Don't you know yourself?

No way!

The most urgent task is to resolve the embarrassment!

Fortunately, behind Zhang Jinzhu, there is another Cao Zhixu!

Jin Zhu laughed!

"Axu, you..."

Before he could finish his words, Cao Zhixu just walked past him!

And Su Mo and Chang Tian ignored him at all!

Jin Zhu opened his mouth wide!

As if standing in the bleak autumn breeze, watching lonely long trousers flying away!

The whole body is full of desolation!


what's going on?

Are these people blind?

Unexpectedly, all dare to ignore themselves!

Who is it that gave them such courage!

Jin Zhu was furious, and suddenly looked back!

Just looking at it, his eyes were almost staring out!

I saw that these few people were all surrounded by Jiang Fan, with a look of flattery!

That expression, it was as if he was serving his ancestors!

Jin Zhu was shocked!

These people actually went over themselves to please Jiang Fan!

Could it be that this kid is really not an ordinary person?

"Mr. Jiang, have you met Fang Ting?"

"It is indeed recommended by Mr. Jiang! This little girl really has amazing talent!"

"Mr. Jiang really has a unique vision! This time, Fang Ting is shortlisted, absolutely no problem!"

Several people all looked pleased!

Now, the news of the destruction of the Wang family has spread throughout Los Angeles!

Even if you don't know the inside story, you know that this matter is definitely not related to Jiang Fan!

To be able to destroy the Wang Family, in a sense, Jiang Fan is definitely the first person in Los Angeles!

Not to mention Jinzhu, even if the head of the Jin family comes, they still have to please Jiang Fan first!

And a group of viewers were also shocked!

"Fuck! Who is the master?"

"Why are these star judges all around him?"

"Awesome! The master is the master!"

"Yes! Not only is the love scene proud, the entertainment industry is also so open!"

"I'm so envious of this kind of open life!"

The crowd sighed!

However, Xue Ningyu and others took it for granted!

In Xue Ningyu's mind, Jiang Fan was once the number one master!

In Bai Xiaoyu's heart, Jiang Fan is even more a master of demon!

In Lu Meng's mind, Jiang Fan is the hidden master of calligraphy and painting!

It's normal for such a character to be sought after by celebrities!

And Jiang Fan waved his hand impatiently!

"Okay, that's your business, fair scoring, go ahead!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Cao Zhixu nodded again and again!

Zhang Jinzhu was left to accompany Jiang Fan, and the others came to the judges seat!

And Jinzhu, just like a piece of clothing, was dried directly from beginning to end!

Jin Zhu's entire face is blue at this moment!

He is the producer of "The King of Chinese Songs"!

It is the master of the entire "Chinese King of Songs"!

It is the real power figure of the Jin family!

Even in Shencheng, no one dares to ignore him!

But here, he unexpectedly, like a clown, was despised twice!

This, this simply makes him unbearable!

Jin Zhu took out his phone directly!

Quickly sent a text message!

He wants to find out who this Jiang Fan is!

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