God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 522: Are you from Pengci?

At this moment, Jin Zhu stood in front of Jiang Fan with an arrogant expression!

"Jiang Fan! This Fang Ting is not bad, so let's go, I agree to her participation, and the follow-up show will be recorded!"

Jin Zhu's eyes are full of charity!

In his opinion, this is him, giving Fang Ting a chance!

Fang Ting and Jiang Fan will definitely be grateful!


"Fuck you code!"

Jiang Fan slapped it up!

The golden bamboo was drawn directly, and the big teeth flew out!

He is really annoyed by this idiot!

A bad JB producer, I really don't know where the courage came from, and dare to trouble him again and again!

"You, do you dare to hit me?!"

Jin Zhu looked angry!


Jiang Fan kicked up again!

Just kick the bridge of Jinzhu's nose to pieces!

"Aren't you short-sighted? I've beaten so much, you still ask me if I dare?"

Jiang Fan was puzzled, so he went up again!

"You say I dare! You say I dare!"

"Boom boom!"

Jiang Fan asked as he kicked, kicking Jinzhu directly!

Dou Kun was also dumbfounded!

What is the identity of this takeaway?

Actually, so fierce?

Jin Zhu, but the producer of "The King of Chinese Songs"!

What's more, people from the Jin family in Shencheng!

Jiang Fan, how dare to do it!

However, when he saw the reaction of Zhang Jinzhu and others, his heart suddenly became tense!

Seeing that Jin Zhu was beaten by Zhang Jinzhu and others, no one actually tried to dissuade Jiang Fan from being beaten.

It's just saying that Jinzhu is purely looking for smoke!

Dou Kun was shocked!

I have faintly understood that Jiang Fan's background is, I am afraid, great!

When he thought of this, his cold sweat was all over his head!

And Jin Zhu, the tears that had been beaten by Jiang Fan came down!

The image of the uncle disappeared!

It is more miserable than the tramp on the street!

"Don't fight! Don't fight!"

"I was wrong! I don't dare anymore!"

Jin Zhu is still smart, and he didn't say that he was a member of the Jin family or something!

He also understands that the Jin family is good in Shencheng, and in Los Angeles, no one will kill him!

Speaking of it, just Jiang Fan's violent temper will only make him die worse!

"A bitch!"

Jiang Fan took a sip!

"Your **** show, do you really think I'm rare?"

"Fang Ting, I won't be on this show anymore!"

"Zhang Jinzhu, contact me with other platforms!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!


Zhang Jinzhu looks overjoyed!

Fang Ting is now Bao!

As long as this program is released, it will definitely be a big hit!

At that time, all platforms will be robbing people like crazy!

As for Zhang Jinzhu, the tide is bound to rise!

Jin Zhu was dumbfounded when he heard Jiang Fan's words!

Almost without even thinking about it, he hugged Jiang Fan's thigh!

"Jiang Fan! Mr. Jiang! No! Me, it's my mouth!"

"Please! You must not let Fang Ting go!"

If Fang Ting really left, his reputation in the future would really be stinking!

At that time, everyone will know that there is a Dasha B producer named Jin Zhu who directly eliminated the future singer!

The most important thing is that if this matter is known to the Jin family, his brothers must tell the old man about those animals!

Really wait until that time, let alone the next Patriarch, even if it is the current right, he will have to be deprived of it!

Jiang Fan is unmoved!

Kick away the golden bamboo!

"Get out! Don't be cheap!"

"no, I do not!"

Jin Zhu crawled back while crying, and hugged Jiang Fan's thigh again!

"Mr. Jiang! Give me a chance!"

"You open the conditions! You open the conditions at will!"

"Please! As long as Fang Ting stays, I promise you everything!"

Jin Zhu's crying liver broke!

At this time, he doesn't want any face or dignity!

Seeing Jin Zhu crying miserably, Fang Ting, who has not spoken all the time, finally moved her compassion!

"Teacher, otherwise, just promise him!"

Jin Zhu's complexion is overjoyed!

"Yes, yes! Mr. Jiang, please, it's up to your student's face! Give me a chance!"

"Forget it! Then give you a chance!"

Jiang Fan suddenly let go!

"Thank you Mr. Jiang! Thank you Mr. Jiang!"

Jin Zhu is grateful!

However, when he turned his head, he was immediately stunned!

I saw that Fang Ting was holding a mobile phone and filming him!

"You, what are you doing?"

"Oh, I learned from my teacher, save everything!"

Fang Ting smiled innocently!

Learned with the teacher?

Everyone was stunned!

Then, look at Jiang Fan!

But Jiang Fan actually looked at Fang Ting with admiration!

The crowd was shocked!

This is so shameless! It's so evil!

Are these two masters and apprentices from Pengci?

With this video in hand, if Jin Zhu dared to raise another moth, the consequences would be worse than letting Fang Ting go!

Jin Zhu is dumbfounded!

He can't wait to discount his legs!


Why is it so cheap!

Why do you have to come to Los Angeles?

Is Shencheng not fun? Are the female celebrities' legs not long enough?

Damn it!

"Um, producer, did you agree to all conditions just now?"

Fang Ting suddenly smiled and said!

"This... yes, yes!"

Jin Zhu said cautiously!

"Well, I want the teacher to go to Shencheng with me!"


There was no response from others, and Jiang Fan was stunned!

Qiu Yuanfeng hasn't solved it yet!

How can there be time to go to Shencheng!

"Don't go!"

Jiang Fan refused!

"Then, if you don't go, I won't go either!"

Fang Ting clenched her fist!

"Can not do it!"

Jin Zhu is in a hurry!

"Mr. Jiang! You, you can't help but go!"

"Don't worry, when you arrive in Shencheng, you will be at your own home!"

"Countless celebrity models, as long as you speak up, I will give you minutes in minutes-ahem!"

Jin Zhu hurriedly closed his mouth!

Don't talk about this unspoken rule now!

"Stop talking nonsense! No time!"

Jiang Fan didn't want to go!

After solving Qiuyuanfeng, you have to go to the capital to rescue Chen Ling. This trip to Shencheng will probably take a lot of time!

"Teacher! Please! Come with me!"

Fang Ting saw that she couldn't do it hard, so she pleaded with a pitiful expression on her face!

"Teacher, I'm a little girl, it's so insecure!"

"Look at this producer, he has a look on his face, and he clearly shows that he is a pervert!"

"Besides, the water in the entertainment industry is so muddy. What if something should happen to me?"

"I, I'm still a kid! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...

Fang Ting said, sobbing!

Jiang Fanming knew she was acting, but he was really a little worried!

After all, Fang Ting had pushed her up all the way along the way!

"Don't pretend, I'll walk with you!"

Jiang Fan finally agreed!

"Long live the teacher!"

Fang Ting hugged Jiang Fan's arm!

The smile is almost like a little flower!

Jin Zhu is even more excited!

Finally got it done!

King of Chinese singers!

As long as this show is popular, his status in the Jin family will inevitably rise!

Very good, this worry is resolved, the next step is to fix Qiu Mingyue!

Jin Zhu smiled triumphantly!

But at this moment!


The voice of the short message suddenly sounded!

Jin Zhu took out his phone and took a look, and suddenly gasped!

And the more he looked down, the whiter his face became!

At the end, I almost didn't faint!

At this moment, the expression he looked at Jiang Fan was no more disrespectful!

On the contrary, full of fear!

As for Qiu Mingyue, he now just wants to forget this name completely!

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