God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 526: Valkyrie Jiang Fan Peerless Ruthless Man

At this moment, the sergeants on both sides shouted to kill the sky!

All have been smashed!

Jiang Fan's sudden appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention!

"Who is that person?"

"Weird dress, not our side!"

"It must be Cao thief's side, the spies who are monitoring the battlefield!"

"Kill him!"

A group of cavalry dressed in white robes rushed straight towards Jiang Fan!

"General! A weird man appeared not far away!"

"The other party's identity is unknown, I'm afraid it's a spy on the side of the rebel!"

"Look, the rebels have already gone to meet them!"

"Huh! Take a hundred people ride and take it down for me!"

Immediately, another group of cavalry in black helmet and black armor rushed towards Jiang Fan!

Seeing the two cavalry teams rushing forward with murderous aura, Jiang Fan suddenly narrowed his eyes!

In the eyes, even more murderous flashes!


Cut the horse with a long knife, impressively in hand!

"Haha! Sure enough, Cao thief's spy!"

The brawny man in white robe who rushed forward suddenly laughed when Jiang Fan showed his weapon!

A giant axe in his hand suddenly slashed towards Jiang Fan!

With the impact of the horses, coupled with his tremendous strength, he vowed to take Jiang Fan with one axe in two steps!


The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth suddenly evoked a sorrowful smile!


Jiang Fan suddenly roared and swung down the huge horse-cutting sword!

For a moment, the brawny only felt that his whole body was erect!

The long axe that was originally cut suddenly went sideways!


Long axe, break!

The brawny's eyes widened in disbelief!

However, the sword continues to fall!


The brawny man led the horse, and was shocked by Jiang Fan, with one cut and two strokes!

However, the power of the long sword has not vented yet!

It hit the ground fiercely!


A loud and deafening noise spread across the entire battlefield in an instant!

Everyone looked in the direction where the sound was coming from, but at a glance, they were all shattered!

"General Wei was killed!"

"Where is this person sacred? He actually led Wei Xu together and broke it all!"

"Peerless warrior!"

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

The remaining white-robed cavalry retreated in terror!

But the black helmet and black armor gang who wanted to attack Jiang Fan desperately held back their horses!

Never dare to move forward again!


Jiang Fan cut the horse with a long knife and thrust it into the ground!

Then, suddenly shouted!

"Where is Cao Cao!"


The entire battlefield was silent!

"Dare, dare to ask the strong man, what is the matter, want to see Cao Gong?"

The black helmet and black armor group, the leading general, asked tremblingly!

This man is too fierce!

Although he beheaded Lu Bu's subordinates, but in the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, all kinds of forces were intertwined, it is hard to say whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend!

"Tell Cao Cao, I am Jiang Fan!"


A group of soldiers were all stunned!

"War God Jiang Fan!"

"In the first battle in Wancheng, rescue Cao Gong's master of the world!"

"Single person with one sword, bringing back the body of General Dian, a peerless man!"

"It turned out to be him!"

"But, the attire is wrong!"

Everyone was shocked!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Take out the yellow jacket directly and put it on your body!

"Oh my God! It's really him!"

"It must have come to help us when he learned that Mr. Cao was in trouble!"

"Lu Bu is finished this time!"

"Quick! Go tell Duke Cao!"

There was a burst of excitement in Cao Cao's army!

Morale is great!

The army, which had fought for several battles, was already exhausted, but once again, it showed a terrifying fighting spirit!

The army of Lu Bu's group panicked!


But at this moment!

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

In Xuzhou City, there were a few loud bangs of gongs!

And the gate of the city opened suddenly!

Lu Bu's army suddenly withdrew!

Mingjin retreat!

"Awesome! As expected of a Valkyrie!"

"As soon as he appeared, Wei Xu was beheaded, and Lu Bujun was scared to retreat!"

"No wonder Mr. Cao has been obsessed with Mr. Jiang!"

"With the help of such an expert, Xuzhou will be defeated in the first battle!"

Cao Jun was all excited!

Looking at Jiang Fan with a look of admiration!

And at this moment!

An excited voice suddenly sounded from not far away!

"Brother Jiang Xian!"

I saw that Cao Cao in armor, riding a tall horse, was looking excited, rushing towards Jiang Fan!

The horse hasn't stopped, Cao Cao has turned over and dismounted, and hugged Jiang Fan!

"Brother Jiang Xian! I haven't seen you for more than a year, I can't imagine that you are becoming more and more energetic!"

"Haha, Brother Cao has won the award!"

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment, and finally smiled!

The last time they met was when Dian Wei died!

When he saw Cao Cao, Jiang Fan couldn't help but think of the heroic Dian Wei!

It is precisely because of Dian Wei's take-out reward item "one husband is the customs" that he has the ability to pass the first killing mission!

Before Dianwei died, he entrusted himself to take care of Cao Cao!

"Brother Jiang Xian, it would be nice if you came! Originally, it was easy to conquer Xuzhou!"

"But Lu Bu's friend is so powerful that he even cut down seventeen of my subordinates!"

"The war is anxious, please help me with Brother Jiang Xian!"

Cao Cao looked forward to it!

At this moment, the corners of his mouth are full of large bubbles, and the tongue coating is whitish. It is obviously abnormally angry!

Jiang Fan thought for a moment!

"Which city in Xuzhou's land boundary is this?"



Jiang Fan's eyes lit up suddenly!

History, he cannot interfere too much!

However, it would be easier if it was Xiapi!

That year, Lu Bu was captured by Cao Cao in Xiapi, and then he was killed!

Looking at the current situation, it is already after the water has flooded Pi!

However, Lu Bu has been unusually valiant, so he persisted until now!


Jiang Fan nodded!

Lu Bu, he was just about to see it!


Cao Cao laughed!

"The generals will listen to the order! Go back to the camp and fix it!"


Soon, Cao Cao had taken Jiang Fan and returned to Shuai's account!

It's just that there is still one person in the handsome account!

This man is tall, with extremely long arms, big ears, and a loyal face, but he has an aura of his own!

"Brother Jiang Xian, let me introduce you, this one is the current emperor, Xuan De Gong!"


Damn it!

Liu Bei!

Jiang Fan was shocked!

Why is Liu Bei here?

However, he reacted immediately!

Xuzhou was originally Liu Bei's site, but as a result, Lu Bu was cheated!

Liu Bei had no choice but to rely on Cao Cao!

After Lu Bu Xiapi was arrested, Cao Cao wanted to keep him alive, but Liu Bei spoke up and suggested that Cao Cao kill him!

This old boy has a loyal face, but he is definitely a ruthless man!

Jiang Fan's heart suddenly jumped!

If this is now, Liu Bei has been slashed with a single knife, what props have to be revealed?

Moreover, wouldn't Cao Cao be able to unify China?

Calm! Calm!

Jiang Fan forcibly suppressed the turbulent heart, smiled lightly at Liu Bei!

"Duke Xuande!"

"Don't dare! Don't dare!"

Liu Bei smiled!

There was a panic in my heart!

Why is Jiang Fan so weird looking at his eyes?

It's like looking at a pile of gold!

"General Shenwu, I heard Cao Gong mention it many times before, and when I saw it today, it was really extraordinary!"

Liu Bei was worried and hurriedly complimented Jiang Fan!

"Where and where!"

Jiang Fan smiled faintly!

"I heard that Xuande Gong also has two brothers, why haven't I seen them?"

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