God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 533: I, Jiang Fan, the first person

"Brother, the second generation of the Jin family, that is, your nephews, is not a climate, and only the third generation is still worthy!"

"There are five of them. Brother, I like to drink Zhuyeqing, so I gave them five and changed their names!"

"An altar of green bamboo leaves!"

"Hahaha, isn't it interesting?"

At the banquet, Jin Deyan laughed while toasting Jiang Fan!

"Haha, interesting, interesting!"

Jiang Fan laughed dryly!

This old man is really a talent!

But Jin Yi and the others are speechless!

"Grandpa, you still have to drink less! Doctor Yang said, your body..."

Suddenly Jin Zhu spoke cautiously!

"Huh! People live all their lives just to have a mouth! It's better to kill me if I don't let Laozi drink!"

Jin Deyan snorted coldly!

Picked up the wine glass and looked at Jiang Fan!

"Brother, I..."

The old man didn't finish speaking, suddenly his face turned pale, and then he fell down!



"Quick! Let the doctor Yang come over!"

"When I was preparing for the banquet, I already called him! It should be there soon!"

Everyone, all panicked!

If you are in trouble, you must help!

"Hold on!"

Jiang Fan suddenly gave a low voice!

Then, he grabbed Jin Deyan, his right hand was already on the veins of the old man's wrist!

"There is a loss of qi and blood, the five elements are out of balance, and the veins are like rotten wood, Lao Jin, I am afraid it will not work!"


"This, how is this possible!"

"Just now, it was fine!"

"This, what can I do!"

Everyone, all panicked!

However, the look they looked at Jiang Fan was a bit wrong!

Maybe it's because before, Jiang Fan's two big mouths twitched!

But, who dares to mention this matter!

Jin Deyan is really dying, their Jin family, but they still have to count on Jiang Fan!

At this moment!

The door was suddenly pushed open!

Then, a middle-aged man strode in!

This person is what everyone said just now, Doctor Yang, Yang Yun!

At the same time, the medicine gate is in Shencheng, elder!

"what happened?"

As soon as Yang Yun saw the crowd making a mess, he was taken aback!

"Doctor Yang! You are here! Hurry up, look at Grandpa! He passed out again!"


Yang Yun frowned!

He hurriedly came to Jin Deyan's side, stretched out his hand and touched his veins!

"There are two losses of qi and blood, the five elements are out of balance, and the veins are like rotten wood, old man, I'm afraid it is..."

Before Yang Yun finished speaking, everyone was shocked and looked at Jiang Fan!

Doctor Yang's diagnosis is exactly the same as Jiang Fan!

They were in a mess just now, and they haven't reacted yet, but now they are all shocked!

Could it be that Jiang Fan still knows medical skills?

"Don't talk about this! Doctor Yang, hurry up and save Grandpa first!"

Jin Zhu hurriedly spoke!


Yang Yun looked embarrassed!

"I only thought it was a banquet, so I didn't bring anything!"

"In this way, first carry the old man to the bedroom, and I will get the silver needle right away!"

As soon as Yang Yun spoke, a group of people were going to lift Jin Deyan!



Jiang Fan frowned!

"What stop it! This is life-threatening!"

Yang Yun's face sank!

"You move now, he can't even last three minutes!"

Jiang Fan's face was plain!

"Who are you? Don't talk nonsense here!"

Yang Yun looked dissatisfied!

But Jiang Fan ignored him at all!

"Keep away a little bit, I want to give Lao Jin an injection!"

Everyone is shocked!

And Yang Yun frowned!

"Boy! I don't care who you are, now, it's not the time to make you pretend! Get out of here! Otherwise..."

However, he hasn't finished speaking!

Just look at Jiang Fan, gather the infuriating energy directly at your fingertips, and shoot like wind!

"Boom boom!"

Jiang Fanyun points like flying, from top to bottom, tapping at seven points in Jin Deyan's Tiantu, Xuanji, and Huagai!

next moment!


Jin Deyan snorted and woke up unexpectedly!

"This, this is, condensed into a needle?!"

Yang Yun was shocked directly!

He also said that people are pretending to be compelling. It turns out that people have real abilities!

The others were also stunned!

"My God! It's amazing!"

"Grandpa God, he's still a genius doctor!"

"Awesome! Blessed is the Jin family!"

"It's a godfather! This method is unheard of!"

Tong Shan Tong Hai was even more shocked!

Being able to condense the infuriating energy as if it were in substance, this is not only something that can be done with a strong internal force!

Still need, a very subtle method!

It seems that Mr. Jiang is not only strong in strength, but what he has cultivated is amazing!

"Brother, thanks a lot!"

Jin Deyan, grateful!

Had it not been for Jiang Fan, he would have died just now!

However, Jiang Fan looked solemn!

"Lao Jin, I'm afraid you, time is running out!"

Everyone is shocked!

And Yang Yun frowned directly!

Jin Deyan laughed!

"I know, but I live seventy-seven, which is enough!"

"It's just that the Jin family doesn't have me, I'm afraid there will be trouble!"

The Jin family is indeed the second family of Shencheng, but it has been suppressed by the Hu family all the time!

Moreover, the rest of the families have been there all the time, staring at them!

If it weren't for Jin Deyan's clever means, the Jin family might have been carved up long ago!

This is why he is shameless, soliciting Jiang Fan!

As long as Jiang Fan is the backer, even if the descendants of the Jin family are no longer useful, at least they can last for decades!

However, when other people heard what Jin Deyan said, they were panicked!

Jin Zhu and several people want to be the masters of the house!

However, it is not now!

They know how many abilities they have!

If Jin Deyan is not there now, then the Jin family will only become a piece of fat!

"Brother, if I really leave, I hope you can help the Jin family!"

"In return, the financial and material resources of my Jin family are up to you!"

Jin Deyan looked solemn!

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment, then suddenly spoke!

"Don't worry, you can't die!"

"Hehe, brothers are really joking!"

"Do not!"

Jiang Fan smiled proudly!

"I won't let you die, heaven can't accept you!"

Everyone just felt that their hearts were stunned!

It's crazy!

Jiang Fan is absolutely domineering at this moment!


"Hehe, kid, I admit that you are very powerful, even if you condense your energy into a needle, it is not an exaggeration to call you a genius!"

"However, this is too crazy, right?"

"Even the elder Yaomen dare not say that!"

Yang Yun sneered!

It's a young man, with a bit of talent, he really dare to say anything!

However, Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"A mortal's vision is limited after all. You can't imagine it, it's normal!"

"What?! Kid! Are you talking about me, are you insightful?"

Yang Yun's expression sank!

As the elder of Yaomen, even if Jin Deyan treats him, he dare not presumptuously!

"Sorry, I'm speaking straight, don't be offended!"

Jiang Fan smiled apologetically!

Hearing Jiang Fan's apology, Yang Yun's complexion was a little better at last!


"But you're right, I'm talking about you, shallow knowledge!"

Everyone was stunned!

This is so straightforward to speak, this is clearly, hate!

Yang Yun's complexion was even more instant, and it rose even more red than pig liver!

"you you!"

"Okay! Boy, just got the pulse, the father has the most, and there is still a week!"

"As long as you can keep him safe in January, I will worship you as a teacher!"

Yang Yunqi trembled all over!

It's so irritating!

It was the first time he saw him so mad to this extent!


"January? Haha, it is really superficial!"

Jiang Fan sneered!

"I, Jiang Fan, want someone, Ten Temple Yama, who dares to stay!"

"January? I'll give it to you, ten years!"

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