God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 553: They obviously have a leg

Los Angeles Airport!

As soon as Jiang Fan got off the plane, he heard a noise not far away!

He turned his head to take a look, then hurriedly bowed his head and left!

Both the big and the small are shocked at the same time!

Los Angeles, but Jiang Fan's home court!

What did he see, how could he, such a guilty expression!

The two turned around and saw that not far away, a group of fans were holding light signs with eager faces!

In the VIP channel not far away, more than a dozen security guards are guarding both sides of a group of people!

The current one, with an unusually strong aura, an elegant temperament, and an unparalleled woman, is actually Su Lingyu!

"Mr. Jiang! It's Su Lingyu!"

"More than that, there is also a crew of Yijian Wushuang!"

"That's Zhang Wentao!"

Big and small are excited!

They have also watched the promotional video of "Yi Jian Wushuang"!

The shocking scenes, the solid shots, and the beautiful pictures, at first sight, made them fascinated by Su Lingyu and the takeaway star, this pair of CP!

Although the Takeaway Star and Feng Lang's disappearance have a lot to do with them, they are no longer from the Ma family!

The two of them were so excited that they hurried to call Jiang Fan!

These two are the second stuff!

Jiang Fan cursed in his heart, and hurriedly turned around to stop them!


The two voices were so loud that they actually attracted Su Lingyu's attention!

In an instant, across a passage, Jiang Fan and Su Lingyu looked at each other directly!

Su Lingyu was slightly startled, and then, suddenly revealed an unusually sweet smile!

Jiang Fan!

He actually came to pick himself up!

Su Lingyu's heart was moved!

It's a pity that there are too many fans and she can't get past!

Su Lingyu glanced at Jiang Fan apologetically, then pointed directly at the phone!

Jiang Fan looked dumbfounded!

But still pick up the phone!

Soon, a message came!

"Huayang Hotel!"

Jiang Fan nodded and walked directly out of the airport!

Back in the city, Jiang Fan immediately ordered both Big and Little to go back to Ma's house first!

However, the two of them looked tangled!

"Mr. Jiang, we have loyal to you, now, we will return to Ma's house..."

"It's okay. Go back first. I'll be fine in a few days. I will call myself and ask Miss San for someone!"


Happy for both big and small double-sided colors, don't hesitate!

And Jiang Fan, has found a place where no one is, directly incarnate, takeaway star!


The bicycle was fast, and soon, it came to the Huayang Hotel!

At the moment, there is a huge crowd at the entrance of Huayang Hotel!

Seeing Jiang Fan appeared, everyone was excited!

"Takeaway Star!"

"He hasn't appeared for a long time!"

"Idol! Look here!"

"Wow! So handsome!"

The crowd was so excited!

Desperately rushed towards Jiang Fan!

Fortunately, a group of security guards rushed out to block the excited crowd!

And the motorcade of Su Lingyu and others just came to the door!

"Jiang—Mr. Water!"

As soon as Su Lingyu saw Jiang Fan, he couldn't help but rushed forward!

However, fortunately, she desperately controlled, and then stopped!

Later, Zhang Wentao, Li Tianlin and others all greeted Jiang Fan one after another!

Only Yu Rui has a gloomy expression!

Staring at Jiang Fan fiercely!

The anger in his eyes is almost burning!

It's just that, now at the door, all reporters!

It's definitely not the time to settle accounts with Takeaway Star!

Yu Rui desperately controls his anger!

And seeing that the starring and director of "Yi Jian Wushuang" are all there, a group of reporters are already completely excited!

"I got news before that Su Lingyu came to Los Angeles. Now it seems that it's more than that!"

"The crew are all here, it must be for publicity!"

"Could it be that the feature film has been made?"

"Will there be a premiere in Los Angeles?"

"Didn't it mean that Su Lingyu was pregnant with the child of a takeaway star? How could it not look like it!"

The crowd shouted!

And Zhang Wentao had already spoken to the crowd!

"Hello everyone! You, let me feel the enthusiasm of Los Angeles, this city again!"

"This time, we are actually doing publicity for the movie "Yi Jian Wu Shuang"!"

"Los Angeles, is our first stop in this global promotion!"

"The press conference will be held tomorrow morning! Any questions, you can leave it to ask later!"

"That's right! At that time, we will show some of the clips we have taken!"

"thank you all!"

After Zhang Wentao finished speaking, a group of people suddenly entered the hotel!

And the crowd boiled directly!

The appearance of the crew can only show that it is not far from the official release of the film!

Everyone looks forward to it!

In the hotel!

All the crew gathered in one room!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Water, I should have told you in advance! But..."

Zhang Wentao looked apologetic, looked at Su Lingyu, and stopped talking!

"It's okay! I understand!"

Jiang Fan knew what was going on in an instant!

It must be Su Lingyu, who wants to surprise himself!

"However, the post-production of the film has been completed?"

Jiang Fan looked curious!

"It's basically done. When the global promotion is over, the last stop is to return to the capital, which is the day when it is officially released!"

Zhang Wentao nodded!

"Global Propaganda?"

Jiang Fan was startled!

"Well! After the press conference in Los Angeles tomorrow, we will be divided into two teams. The domestic publicity will be handled by Director Zhang and Tian Lin, and our next stop is Europe!"

Su Lingyu said softly!


"Yes! It's you and me!"

Su Lingyu looked at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes!

This is, she and Zhang Wentao won it over!

It is equivalent to the honeymoon trip in Su Lingyu's dream!

"Well, I'm going to the capital in a while, I don't know if the time is too late!"

In more than half a month, Chen Ling will be married to Lin An by the Chen family, and she must stop her in advance!

"The whole promotion is expected to be ten days. You won't even have ten days?"

Su Lingyu looked at Jiang Fan nervously!

"Ten days? Yes!"

Jiang Fan nodded!

Su Lingyu was overjoyed!

And Zhang Wentao was finally relieved!

Jiang Fan's temper is clear to him. If he doesn't want to go, no one can please him!


Could it be--


Why am I so stupid!

Miss Su, obviously has a leg with Mr. Jiang!

Otherwise, how could Miss Su demand that she and Jiang Fan have to carry out international publicity together!

This must be that the two of them have made an appointment long ago!

You have to ask Wang Yi, the deputy director who accompanies the two to do the promotion, so that he should not be a light bulb when the time comes!

"Oh, I've been on the plane all afternoon, so tired! You talk first, I'll take a rest!"

Zhang Wentao said, winking at Wang Yi directly!

"Yes, yes! Tomorrow's press conference, I have to be responsible for setting up the scene, and I will also leave first!"

Wang Yi also hurriedly stood up!

"Master, I have an appointment with the lead singer of the Mop Band, Chang Tian, ​​I will go out to play today, and I will also leave!"

Li Tianlin smiled and got out of the room first!

Soon, Jiang Fan and Su Lingyu were left in the room!

"Jiang Fan..."

Su Lingyu bit her Zhu lip lightly, and suddenly, affectionately, looked at Jiang Fan!

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