God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 571: The birth of the emperor in one fell swoop

Seeing Jiang Fan's reaction, everyone involuntarily shut their mouths!

Suddenly a peculiar premonition arose in everyone's heart!

Tonight, perhaps they will witness the birth of a legendary emperor!


As the first note sounded, Jiang Fan's fingers flicked across the keys like a breeze!

Soothing music, directly into everyone's eardrum!

"Good music!"

"This kid, actually can really play the piano!"

"More than! This kind of music is by no means as simple as being able to play!"

"This kid definitely has real abilities!"

Everyone was stunned!

However, their astonishment has just begun, and it has directly turned into shock!

The original soothing music, the whole style suddenly changed!

It actually spans several ranges, it becomes intense and joyful in an instant, and at the same time it brings a hint of dark wind!

However, the weird thing is that this kind of transfer does not make people feel the slightest abrupt!

On the contrary, it's like a natural fit!

"It's amazing! He can control the transfer so easily!"

"No! Not only that!"

"This, this tune, is ghost fire!"


"At the end of Liszt's performance, there were errors, the most difficult thing to play, ghost fire!"

From the beginning to the end, Ninety-nine percent of the song "Wisdom Fire" is 32th notes, not to mention the horrible technique when you want to play!

First of all, you need an irregular fast double tone with your right hand, and a perverted jump with decorative sounds on your left hand! From 9 to 18 degrees!

The most important thing is to cross your extremely abnormal hands!

If one does not play well, twisting his hands together is normal!

Even in today's world, there are very few that can be fully interpreted!


The brisk and erratic piano music tightly grabbed everyone's ears!

Everyone's eyes widened!

And Jiang Fan, like a stroll in the garden, with ten fingers like a snake, directly performed this top-level difficult piece of music perfectly!

"Oh my God! It's wonderful!"

"Never heard of such a moving ghost fire!"

"Such music, he is a master! Definitely a master!"

"It's shocking! The master hidden in the market!"

Everyone was shocked!


However, this is just the beginning!


At the next moment, Jiang Fan suddenly played again with the most intense and wildest posture, with a double speed state!

For a moment! A fierce and vigorous, with endless crazy piano music, suddenly resounded in the heart of this city of music!

Everyone’s scalp is almost exploded!

"God, my goodness!"

"Actually, it can be accelerated!"

"This is impossible! In this world, it is already outrageous to be able to interpret this piece of music!"

"He can actually speed up! Double the speed!"

"The point is, I have completely forgotten the original voice!"

"Why do I think that what he played is the most correct!"

"Hall-level! He is definitely a hall-level master!"

The crowd trembled!

The audience is boiling!

It's amazing!

No wonder this takeaway star is so arrogant!

Especially in the city of music, how dare you be so presumptuous!

Nothing else, just because people have such confidence!

Grand piano master!

And, definitely still, among the hall-level, hall-level!

Su Lingyu and others stared even more!

It's incredible!

How did Jiang Fan do it?

Not only Guzheng playing makes people fascinated, but now, even piano music can make people tremble!

The point is that he is still an actor, a master of swordsmanship!

But his true identity is just a simple, takeaway!

Jiang Fan!

The magical Jiang Fan!

Unique, Jiang Fan!

And sitting in the audience, a middle-aged man in his forties, stood up abruptly!

This person is the grand piano master of Vienna, Sigmund Joseph!

However, Joseph's eyes at Jiang Fan at this moment were full of horror!

The whole person was even more excited, and the goose bumps all over his body rushed!

"This, this is not simply speeding up, the note has changed!"

"He is revising and reinterpreting it!"

"This is no longer a ghost fire, but a new song!"

"Genius! No! Innovating while playing, this is more than just a genius! This is God!"

In Joseph's life, he has only met one person who can perform such a superb piano performance!

That person is like the emperor in the performance!

Even if he is well-known in Europe, in front of him, he is just a humble disciple!

That person's name is Jiang Fan!


This takeaway star must be Master Jiang Fan!

Apart from him, no one can achieve this level!

Joseph's words are like adding a scoop of cold water directly to an already boiling oil pot!

The whole theater is crazy!

Everyone's eyes are full of horror!

On-site modification? Re-interpretation?

How is this possible!



No one can do it except the gods!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan unexpectedly started playing for the third time!

But this time, the style has changed again!

He even played this piece that was supposed to be full of weird soothing and elegant!

Everyone is holding their hearts tightly!

Excited, shocked, horrified, dumbfounded, none of them can describe their state at the moment!

Three performances, three styles, three sets of arrangements!

All in one go!

God's work!

Everyone has become a slave to music!

Everyone can only indulge in music and can't extricate themselves!

For them, Jiang Fan's performance has been sublimated into magic!


With Jiang Fan pressing the last key, the performance is finally over!

And all of them have been completely pierced by cold sweat!


A long silence!



Fierce applause, almost instantly, sounded like an explosion!

"Oh my God! It was shocking!"

"The Piano King!"

"We actually witnessed the birth of an emperor with our own eyes!"

"With such an emperor-level character joining, this movie must be famous forever!"

Everyone was excited, dancing and dancing!

The commentary master Jin Kelly stood up directly and bowed deeply to Jiang Fan!

When she thought of just now, she actually dared to be so presumptuous to Jiang Fan, she only felt that her face burned!

It's so abrupt!

I actually offended such a great person!

Damn it!

A group of reporters are even more ashamed!

They only now know how ignorant they really are!

As for Johnson and others, their faces flushed with excitement!


For the four words of Takeaway Star, the distribution agent of my family this time, definitely posted!

The box office is bound to explode!

Su Lingyu's beautiful eyes seemed to grow on Jiang Fan!

The little star in her eyes, Yu Rui gritted her teeth!

This bastard!

Why does it seem to be everything? Besides, everything is fine?

Is he a monster?

And Jiang Fan finally stood up slowly, sweeping the audience, smiling faintly!

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