God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 576: Debt-free and light-hearted

Patrick was stunned!

He opened his mouth and looked at Jiang Fan blankly!

Anna looked at a loss!

what happens?

Obviously there was only one shot, but these fourteen thugs were all injured!

Could it be that the bullet, with a turn? !

What a joke!

"Brother, brother, just a little joke, you, you don't, are you serious?"

Patrick's head was covered in cold sweat, and he barely showed a smile that was uglier than crying!

That's it!

Things are big!

This takeaway star is definitely not an ordinary person!

Just now he was able to kick Jeff over with a single kick. Now, with this kind of spear skill, even the top gunners don't have this kind of ability!

Horrible Chinese people!

"Don't worry, I won't care about you! But how much are you going to pay for your life?"

Jiang Fan casually blew out gunpowder smoke and asked with a smile!

"How much do you want, how much I will give!"

Patrick is desperate!


"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! You can get 20 karma points for selling this item!"

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! You can get 30 karma points for selling this item!"

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! Sell this item and get 46 karma points!"

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! Sell this item and get 124 causality points!"

"Ding! The system has detected..."

Jiang Fan wandered around Patrick's basement, and actually got a full 700 karma points!

And seeing Jiang Fan taking away pieces of treasure like a magic trick, Patrick's entire heart was twitching! All dripping blood!


It's so cruel!

These things are all real money!

Some of them were booked in advance by the customer and did not take them away!

The loss is big!

This time, it was a blood loss!

Not to mention two million dollars, even twenty million dollars, it's not as big as his loss!

Seeing that there were no more items that could be exchanged, Jiang Fan finally stopped!

At this moment, Patrick only felt that his heart was breaking!

"First, sir, this is, this is the gold card of Union Bank of Switzerland, which contains 10 million euros. Please accept it!"

At this time, Anna finally took a gold card and came up tremblingly!

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Jiang Fan nodded in satisfaction, and put the gold card into his arms casually!

"Patrick, thanks a lot!"

"No, you're welcome!"

Patrick barely squeezed a smile!

Until Jiang Fan left, he slapped the table viciously!

"Asshole! Beasts! Beasts!"

"My treasure! My money!"

"This **** bastard! There is no bottom line!"

"He is simply a vampire! A blood-sucking leech!"

Patrick trembled with anger!

"Boss, what shall we do next?"

A thug asked cautiously!

"What to do? What do you say?"

"If it wasn't for your trash! Can I lose so much?"

Patrick yelled!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

At this moment, the phone on the desk suddenly rang!


Patrick answered the phone and yelled angrily!

"Patrick, the movie hard drive, are you getting it?"

"Get your mother! Just because I took your business, I lost all my underwear!"

"Patrick! Pay attention to your words!"

The male voice on the opposite side obviously brought a wave of anger!

"Fuck you! I warn you, don't let me see you again!"

Patrick roared and hung up the phone!

"Boss, you are like this, isn't it? I'm afraid it will have a great impact on our reputation!"

Anna asked cautiously!

"Reputation? That **** picked a dozen things from me! A few of them belonged to customers!"

"My reputation has been ruined!"

Patrick gritted his teeth!

"Go to Big Bear! Tell him, I pay a million, and get that kid back for me!"


Anna is refreshed!

As one of the most successful black market merchants in Vienna, Patrick’s guests are not only wealthy children, but also some more difficult ones!

At this time, the help of underground organizations is needed!

Every year, people like Patrick will take a part of the profit and give it to the local powerful organization as a protection fee to deal with some difficult guests!

And Big Bear is Patrick's patron!

In normal times, only need Patrick to notify, Da Xiong's men will be dispatched to make the other party disappear completely!

However, this time, Jiang Fan took too many things!

Jiang Fan must be brought back first!

Let him spit out those babies!

And Jiang Fan, at this moment, is hiding in a small alley with no one!

Seven hundred causal points!

It's so cool!

It's worthy of the usual two or three takeaway rewards!

The key is that he can finally summon Lu Bu now!

Although the last time the character got more than 300 causal points, but after the system is finished, there are only more than 200 left!

Since the collapse of the Jiang family, Jiang Fan likes to stay behind, including causality!

More than 200, if there is an accident, it is definitely not enough!

Therefore, he hasn't paid the bill for a long time!

But now it's different. With Patrick's dedication, he has a thousand more causal points for emergency, which is definitely more than enough!

"System! Pay the bill!"

"Ding! The host balance is 4007 causal points! Because it does not exceed the scope of the three orders, the total liability is 3,000 causal points!"

"Ding! The deduction of causal points is complete!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the title-debt-free and light!"


There are unexpected gains!

Debt-free and light: Don't be an old man, start with me! Because of the host’s good reputation, the system specially issues this certificate!

Remarks: With this title, the host will get the opportunity to loan no more than 5,000 credits anytime, anywhere!

Tip: This title can be switched at will in any world!

Damn it!

Jiang Fan was directly excited!

Five thousand quota!

Switch to any world at will!

This is simply five thousand more causal points out of thin air!

The system is awesome!

However, the next thing is the highlight!

Lu Bu!

Dad is here!

Lu Bu: Righteous Son

Level: Level 7


Weapon: Fangtian painted halberd (silver level)!

Armor: Beast Face Swallowing Head Chain Armor (Silver Grade)!

Cloak: Baihuapao (Silver Grade)!

Headwear: Purple gold crown with tied hair (silver level)!

Belt: Le Jia Linglong Lion Wild Belt (Silver Grade)!

Shoes: Gold thread and green soap (silver grade)!

Overlord Halberd: This skill is divided into seven types and 21 moves, each of which contains three changes, which is infinitely powerful!

Extraordinary talent: Lu Busheng is extraordinary, talented and intelligent, especially with martial arts, his savvy is against the sky!

Royal Equestrian: Riding state, all attributes increased by 20%!

Loyalty: 50

Remarks: Lu Bu in Renzhong, Chitu in Malaysia! The first general in the Three Kingdoms period! Ten thousand people are invincible!

Personal Quotations: Nima's Liu Bei! You wait for me!

"System! Summon, Lu Bu!"

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