God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 587: You see too much of the world, right?

"Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway?"

Gao Jin was obviously startled!

Long Wu opened his mouth even more!

Takeaway? !

Brother! Your aura, your looks, and your chic demeanor!

If you are a takeaway, what am I?

The two looked incredible!

"Don't be so surprised! I felt your desire for food, so I came to deliver you food!"


The two were completely confused!

Gao Jin is holding his head even more!

My head is definitely not good!

There is an auditory hallucination!

at this time!


A handsome young man suddenly ran over from a distance!

Behind him, several killers are desperately chasing after him!

"Boom boom!"

The killer kept his gun, and the ground behind the young man hit by the bullet was dusty!

"It's a knife!"

Gao Jin's complexion changed!

"Jiang Fan! Help him!"

"no problem!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Picking up a pistol on the ground, he fired six shots directly at the knife!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Damn it!

Gao Jin looked dumbfounded!


I asked you to save him, not to kill him!

Long Wu is even more at a loss!

What about having fun together?

You forgot so soon?

The knife is even more frightening!

A few killers laughed!

"Pretty! Turned out to be my own!"

"Good job! This little **** is so sneaky! This time he is definitely dead!"

"Don't stop! Kill those two idiots too!"

The killers are so excited!

It's just that six bullets will hit the knife!

But at this moment!

Those few bullets actually wiped the hair of the knife and made a weird turn!

Hit directly on the heads of a few killers!


The heads of several killers were almost like watermelons, and they burst into pieces!

Everyone was stunned!

Gao Jin looked shocked!

Long Wu opened his mouth even more!

And the knife, the eyes are almost staring out!

for a long time!


The three cried out at the same time!

The bullet can actually turn!

This shooting method is simply more magical than fancy billiards!

It's so awesome!


"A bullet with a curvature! It's too exaggerated!"

"What kind of technology is this?"


Several people looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

In his eyes, it is full of worship!

Long Wu even swept away the cold face before, and looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

"Big Brother! No! Master! Please, teach me marksmanship!"

"Big Brother! I want to learn too!"

The knife is also excited!

"I'll talk about it later! Get out of here first!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan only had half an hour left, so he had to send Gao Jin to a safe place first!



Gao Jin suddenly grabbed Jiang Fan's arm!

"Brother Jiang Fan! After eating your chocolate, I have recovered my memory!"

"Just now, it was Gao Yi who hurt me!"

"You are so good, can you help me again?"

As soon as Gao Jin's voice fell, the system prompt suddenly sounded!

"Ding! Gao Jin has released a follow-up task to you-Revenge of the Gambler!"

"Does the host accept it?"

you still need to ask!


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully accepting the follow-up mission, please help Gao Jin to kill the twenty-five boy Gao Yi! And defeat the gambling king Chen Jincheng!"

O got a K!

Jiang Fan smashed the window of the car next to him and started the car!

Then, he shook his head at Gao Jin and the others!



In a villa!

A man with a sinister face, sweating coldly, looked at an old man!

These two people are Gao Yi and Chen Jincheng!

The atmosphere in the whole room is very dull!

for a long time!


The old man suddenly slapped Gao Yi's face severely!

"Trash! Didn't you say that Gao Jin is easy to kill?"

"Also, he has lost his memory! Why, even this little thing can't be done!"

Chen Jincheng looked angry!

"Mr. Chen! Gao Jin, it's really easy to kill! I'm obviously going to kill him with a single shot, but the **** named Xiaodao suddenly rushed out and let him run away!"

"Nonsense! Is it a display of so many gunmen I found?"

Chen Jincheng roared and slapped his backhand again!


Gao Yi cried out in pain and hurriedly explained!

"No, Mr. Chen! You didn't see the scene at the time. The knife is nothing, but, I don't know where, a guy who claims to be a takeaway came out!"


Chen Jincheng's face was hooded!

"Yeah! That takeaway is really amazing!"

"I was already hiding in the dark, ready to kill Gaojin!"

"But I didn't expect that the takeaway would kill seven killers with a single shot!"

"If it weren't for me to run fast, I'm afraid I will die too!"


Chen Jincheng's eyes suddenly widened!

Kill seven killers in one shot?

Have you watched too much "Across the World", right?

Nanda, Chen Jincheng's subordinate, even sneered!

"Gao Yi, you waste yourself, so don't make so many excuses!"

"Kill seven killers with one shot? And still a deliveryman?"

"If the takeaway staff has this kind of ability, we shouldn't mix it up!"

Chen Jincheng also reacted, and his face suddenly became darker!

Looking at Gao Yi's eyes, there was already a trace of killing intent!

Gao Yi panicked!

"Mr. Chen! You, listen to my explanation! I, what I said, is true!"

"The other party is indeed a takeaway!"

"I don't know, how could he have such an ability! I, I didn't lie! I really didn't lie!"

Gao Yi desperately explained!

at this time!


Outside the villa, there was a sudden sound of a car engine!


The voice of one of Chen Jincheng's subordinates sounded!

However, the answer to him was a gunshot!

"Boom boom!"

"Ah! Run!"


Hearing the screams outside the villa, Chen Jincheng and the others were startled!

At this time, a subordinate has already ran in!

"what happened?"

Chen Jincheng shouted angrily!

"It's not good, Mr. Chen! It's Gao Jin! Gao Jin is here to kill!"

"What's so scary about Gao Jin? Since he dared to come, he just happened to kill him now!"

Chen Jincheng sneered coldly!

"That's right! Gao Jin is an idiot! He dares to find his way!"

Gao Yi is also surprised!

There are countless subordinates in this villa of Chen Jincheng!

As soon as the random gun is fired, even if it is a god, it is dead!

"Hmph! Gao Jin, an idiot, known as the God of Gamblers, really thought he was a god!"

Chen Jincheng smiled contemptuously!


"No, Mr. Chen! If it's Gao Jin himself, it would be too easy to deal with!"

"Even if there is that Dragon Five, he is dead!"

"But, with him, there is another guy who claims to be a takeaway!"

His hands were sweating and incoherent!


Chen Jincheng looked dumbfounded!

Why is it a takeaway again?

And Gao Yi, his eyes widened!

That takeaway, unexpectedly, is also here?

No, you must run!

It's just that they haven't waited for them to react!


The door of the villa seemed to have been blown up by a missile, and it shattered!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan, with a smile on his face, walked in with Gao Jin and the others!

"It's him! It's him!"

When Gao Yi saw Jiang Fan, his face was completely shocked!

It's him!

It's this pervert!

First, seven killers were killed with one shot!

Moreover, the bullets fired are unexpectedly turning!

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