God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 603: Remember that recording

At the same time Baird calculated Jiang Fan with a sneer on his face!

In the city of seven hills!

Inside a luxurious house!

A middle-aged man with a crooked nose and a gloomy face is putting down the phone!

This person is one of Nicholas' Seven Elders, Steyr!

"Su Lingyu, this little bitch, actually came to the city of Qiqiu!"

Steyr gave a weird laugh, and at the same time, he touched his head directly!

On his head, hidden by the hair, there is a scar with seven stitches!

This scar was beaten by Coppola last time because of Su Lingyu!

"Good come! Good come!"

"Little bitch, this time, let's see how I clean up you!"

"Come on!"

Steer suddenly yelled!

Soon, a man who looked like a housekeeper had walked in quickly!

"Master Steel, what's your order?"

"Send an invitation to Coppola, I will arrange a dinner tonight!"


Seeing the steward leave, Stilton smiled grinningly!

"Coppola will never rest assured of leaving Su Lingyu in the manor. At that time, this little **** will show up and see how I clean up you!"



Nicholas Manor!

At this moment, Jiang Fan and others are gathering together!

"Mr. Water, do you really plan to help Coppola?"

Wang Yi speak first!

"of course!"

"No! Coppola is indeed very good to his friends! But in his eyes, all the others are just bargaining chips!"

"Jiang Fan, you must not agree! I can guarantee that he will betray you!"

Su Lingyu looked anxious!

"Betray me? He doesn't have the guts!"

Jiang Fan smiled confidently!

Everyone is shocked!

Where does Jiang Fan's confidence come from?

Do not!

It's not so much confidence, it's more affirmation!

"What's more, it's not my style to use people's money to eliminate disasters, I have received all the benefits, and now I refuse!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"It doesn't matter, how much those things are worth, I will pay for you!"

Su Lingyu spoke flatly!

Everyone was taken aback again!

The eyes that looked at Jiang Fan had already brought endless envy!

To be able to eat the soft rice of the No. 1 beauty in the entertainment industry is indeed a takeaway star!

"Miss Su, I took it kindly, but this matter is my own idea..."


Su Lingyu wanted to say something, at this moment, Yu Rui snorted coldly!

"Miss, leave him alone! This guy typically asks for money and kills! You will understand when he suffers!"

"Vixen! What are you talking about?"

Lu Bu shouted angrily and pointed directly at Yu Rui!

"I said your master Cai is obsessed! Why, dissatisfied?"

"Smelly woman! Say it again!"

"What if I say it again? You, a dog slave, dare not do anything!"

"you wanna die!"


Jiang Fan suddenly slapped the table!

"What's the noise? It's a mere tenth level, look at your good points!"

"A mere tenth level? Do you know how terrifying the real tenth level is?"

Yu Rui suddenly looked at Jiang Fan angrily!

"I know you are very strong! Even if it's a half-step tenth level, you don't take it seriously!"

"However, the gap between the tenth level and the tenth level in a half-step is simply greater than the gap between the fourth and ninth levels!"

"This is an insurmountable gap!"

"You are joking about your life at all!"

"Have you ever thought about it, if something happens to you, what should I do, cough! What shall we do? What about the lady?"

Yu Rui stared at Jiang Fan fiercely!

Everyone was stunned!

They all looked at Yu Rui blankly!

It's weird!

Yu Rui's performance and tone are almost the same as the little daughter-in-law who persuaded her husband to quit smoking!

"Hey! Do you remember that recording?"

"What you are talking about is the one on the Internet, Mr. Shui and Miss Su, and the one with Yu Rui?"

"Of course! Now it seems, that seems to be true!"

"I'll take it! No wonder Yu Rui reacted so much!"

"Yes! My own husband! There is no reason not to care!"

"That's right! The battle was so fierce in the recording, it was obvious that the two of them were in love!"

A group of people stared at each other!

All showed a clear expression!

"Yu Rui, did you react too intensely?"

Su Lingyu looked at Yu Rui with surprise!

Jiang Fan's heart jumped!

At this moment, Yu Rui also found that her tone was wrong!

For a while, she couldn't wait to dig a hole to bury herself!

What a shame!

What does this bastard's death have to do with me!

Why am I so excited!

Damn damn!

What should we do now!

"Hehe, I'm just talking about the matter! If he provokes that veteran, shall we not be unlucky together?"

Yu Rui didn't dare to see Su Lingyu at all!

"Ahem! Well, I know that everyone cares about me, but don't worry, there is absolutely no problem with this matter!"

Jiang Fan gave a dry cough!

"Haha, well, you, you just have to be sure!"

Yu Ruigan laughed twice!

The two of them looked at each other, and suddenly their hearts jumped!

Quickly avoid the opponent's gaze!

At this moment!


The door of the room was knocked suddenly!

Immediately afterwards, Coppola walked in directly!

"Mr. Water, Miss Su, just now, the Stilto sent an invitation card. He is going to prepare a dinner near the Pantheon. Are the two interested in attending?"

Just now, Coppola was studying with Barr about holding a family meeting!

But at this moment, Steier's subordinates suddenly sent an invitation card!

As soon as he saw the invitation, Coppola was immediately excited!

You know, holding a family meeting is actually very troublesome!

And, most importantly, for what reason!

If the reason is not sufficient, he can definitely see it!

But now, Steyr, an idiot, actually took the initiative to send it to the door!

Everyone knows that because of Su Lingyu, Steyr and Coppola have become rivals!

And now, as soon as Su Lingyu arrived, Steier sent an invitation, obviously unkind!

This time, as long as Steier provokes Su Lingyu, Jiang Fan will have to kill Steer without using Coppola!

And Steyr, is the number one supporter of the Great Elder!

As long as something happens to him, the elder will definitely take action!

At that time, as long as Baal and Jiang Fan close the door and fight the dogs, everything will be fine!


Coppola was so happy that he couldn't wait to laugh!

Without saying anything, I just rushed over!


Su Lingyu frowned!

"Yes! Miss Su, I know you have conflicts, but with Baal, he will definitely not be able to make waves!"

"Also, I have arranged a lot of reporters and commentators in advance. If I can be there and hold a simple press conference temporarily, I believe that the benefits of the movie "Yi Jian Wu Shuang" will be very great!"

Coppola is tempting!

Su Lingyu's expression suddenly moved upon hearing Coppola's words!

"Jiang Fan, what do you think?"


Jiang Fan suddenly took a meaningful look at Coppola!

Coppola suddenly turned pale!

Jiang Fan's eyes are too weird!

It seems to have penetrated his soul!

In those eyes, in addition to ridicule, there was also a threat of extreme dissatisfaction!

In an instant, Coppola suddenly understood!

Jiang Fan's plan for him is absolutely clear!

The meaning of this look is clearly a warning!

"Yes, I'm sorry!"

Coppola bends straight down!

Everyone looked at a loss and didn't understand Coppola, why suddenly apologized to Jiang Fan!

However, what surprised them even more is still to come!

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