God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 605: A bowl of spicy soup

"I, I haven't, catch up!"

Les felt her face burning at this moment!


Quill was stunned!

"Don't, don't be kidding! The other party is just a classic car!"

"I'm not kidding! To be precise, I can't catch it at all!"

After hanging up the phone, Les stopped the car in despair!

too fast!

As one of the fastest drivers in the city of seven hills, I have never seen such a fast car!

Do not!

I haven't even heard of it!

If you can also have such a technology——

Les eyes lit up suddenly!

No way!

Must catch up!

I have to apprentice!

At this moment, Jiang Fan has followed the navigation and arrived in Chinatown!

"Ding! The system prompts! There are still ten minutes before your delivery starts!"

ten minutes!

Jiang Fan kicked the car door and quickly looked at the signboards on both sides of the street!



"It's not!"

"Asshole! Is it so difficult to drink a bowl of spicy soup? What about Huaxia on the tip of your tongue!"

The system has never said what happens if the food delivery fails, but if you want to know it with your ass, it must be nothing good!

What's more, every time you enter the world, your strength is improved!

Especially in the world that I will go to this time, if you can get Rama's body, then send it!

at this time!

"Huh? This smell!"

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up and he took a few steps forward!

I saw a big pot at the entrance of a small shop, and a bunch of sticky, ugly soup was boiling in the pot!

At the same time, a pungent and delicious taste is wafting from the pot!

This thing is looking dirty, drinking fragrant, spicy soup!

Finally found!

"Boss, take a bowl of spicy soup! Add more spicy!"

Jiang Fan looked excited!


The boss agreed and was about to pack, but at this moment!

"Lao Zhang, give me a bowl too!"

A slightly decadent voice suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man with a stubble face walked over with a stubborn expression!

When the boss saw this man, he shook his head helplessly!

"Mr. Liu, look at your appearance, is this another bet loss, right?"


"Mr. Liu, you can't go on like this. I heard yesterday that Fellman and the others are looking for you to pay off the debt!"

"It's okay, just stay away!"

The man's face is full of indifferent expressions!

The boss smiled helplessly, and handed the packed hot and spicy soup to Jiang Fan!

"Young man, yours is packed!"

"Okay! Boss, do you have a bathroom in your store?"

"Yes, you can see it as soon as you go in!"

"Okay, thanks!"

Jiang Fan carried the takeaway and went straight into the shop!

And the boss took another bowl of soup and handed it to Mr. Liu!

However, this Mr. Liu seems to have lost his soul at this moment!

Staring fiercely at Jiang Fan's back, his face was full, unbelievable!

At this moment, Jiang Fan has already ran into the bathroom!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the Ten Thousand Realms is on! About to enter-"Sword Rain"!"

It really is "Sword Rain"!

Rama's remains!

I'm coming!

The movie "Sword Rain" mainly tells a story about revenge and redemption!

According to legend, there is a martial arts secret in the body of the Tianzhu monk Rama. As long as you get the body and understand the mystery, you can practice peerless magic and dominate the martial arts!

It's just that Rama's body was divided into two parts, and he was missing!

Over the years, the frightening assassination organization "Black Stone" learned that half of the remains fell into the hands of the chief assistant Zhang Haiduan!

"Black Stone" all dispatched to destroy Zhang Haiduan, but in the chaos, the Black Stone killer "Drizzle" took advantage of the chaos and snatched the half of Rama's body!

After that, the drizzle was instructed by the monk Lu Zhu, and the genius doctor Li Gui helped him to change his appearance, retired from the world, and turned into a cloth seller Zeng Jing!

Then, through the landlord, he married Jiang Asheng who was running errands!

It was just an accident that Drizzle was found flawed by "Black Rock"!

The leader of "Blackstone", the king of runners, promised to drizzle, as long as she retrieved Rama's body for "Blackstone", she and Jiang Asheng would be released!

But Drizzle didn't know that Jiang Asheng's true identity was Zhang Haiduan's son, Zhang Renfeng!


Jiang Fan reappeared, already near a city wall!

At this moment, Yuehei and the wind were high, and not far away, there was a chaotic fighting sound!

City wall? Fight?

Jiang Fan knew for a moment when he had arrived!

At this moment, Drizzle has helped the king of the wheel and the others to obtain the remaining half of Rama's body!

But at this time, the colorist wanted to betray the King of the Wheel and take Rama's body as his own!

Several masters in the entire Blackstone organization are bursting into a melee!

Jiang Fan took out the bicycle directly!

Step on your feet and head straight to the city wall!

But at this moment, under the city wall, it's not like in the original work, the Black Stone melee!

On the contrary, Caishi, Lei Bin, and Ye Chuangqing are working together to deal with Drizzle!

And the king of runners was watching a few people fighting coldly!

"Swish swish!"

The steel needle of Lei Bin's hidden weapon was like a rainstorm, shrouded in drizzle!

The drizzle sword trembled, and the steel needle just opened!


The color theatricalist has already carried two flame knives and rushed in the air!

The drizzle hurried back, only to find that Ye Chanqing's long sword had been blocked behind him!


The drizzle desperately resisted!

If you fight alone, none of these three people is her opponent!

But one to three, but she has no chance of winning!

What's more, there is a Runner King who is staring at him in the distance!


Another steel needle strikes!

The drizzle is about to escape!

But at this moment!

"If you dare to hide, I will kill your husband now!"

Ye Chuangqing suddenly laughed strangely!


Drizzle panicked and slowed in his hand, but he was shot directly in the arm by a steel needle!


Drizzle was surprised!

Sure enough, the trio's offensive moment was even more aggressive than before!

"Hehehe! Drizzle, everyone said that you were the number one killer of Blackstone. Unexpectedly, you are so rubbish!"

"After I kill you for a while, I will use your piping sword to send your husband on the road!"

"At that time, your husband and wife will be reunited, don't forget to thank me!"

Ye Chanqing smiled with a smile!

In the sword rain, both Lei Bin and Caixi were in the rivers and lakes and couldn't help themselves, but Ye Huaqing was the only one who was born pervert!

On the wedding night, she actually killed her husband and his family because her husband did not act!

After being brought into Blackstone by the Runner King, he kept seduce men to find pleasure!

Even because I was jealous of Drizzle, I tried to find the trouble of Drizzle couple again and again!

This time, the King of Wheels issued a killing order against the drizzle, and she was the most excited!

As long as Drizzle is killed, she will be the strongest woman in the organization!

When I thought of this, her sword style became even more fierce!


Drizzle has another wound on his body!

And this is almost like a signal!

Drizzle left and right, but there were more and more wounds on his body!

As the steel drill in Lei Bin's hand fell, finally, the long sword in Drizzle's hand flew away!

"Haha! Drizzle! Go to death!"

Ye Chan's complexion was overwhelmed with joy, and suddenly a sword pierced Drizzle's heart!

At this moment, the drizzle was flanked by Lei Bin and Caishi, and there was no way to hide!

That's it!

Drizzle looked desperate!

After all, I still want to die!

It's a pity that I didn't see my husband before I died!

Seeing that Ye Chanqing's long sword is about to pierce Drizzle's heart!

at this time!


A loud noise suddenly resounded through the world!

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