God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 617: You are too tender for playing yin

Lost, missed? !

The crowd was stunned!

Immediately afterwards, they all showed mocking expressions!

"Steyr this guy usually brags, but unexpectedly, the candle is so small!"

"It doesn't work!"

"Humph! He was courteous to me a few days ago, but fortunately he didn't promise him!"

"However, he is really white!"

"Yeah! It's so white that it's so reflective!"

The crowd whispered!

Especially a few ladies, with a sneer on their faces!

And Steyr, has been dumbfounded!

The whole person is in a dizzy state!

How could this be?

Myself, myself unexpectedly, it's gone!

That's it!

He will definitely become a laughing stock of the City of Seven Hills!

Even, this joke will circulate for an entire generation!


Why is this happening!


It's the takeaway star!

It's all this bastard!

For a moment, Steier looked at Jiang Fan fiercely!

"You, you deliberately made me foolish, right!"

"Mr. Steel, how can you say that! It's normal to make a magic trick and miss!"

Jiang Fan looked innocent!

He even took the initiative to help him up!

Steer was stunned!

Is this really just an accident?

But at this moment!

"Old guy! You are so tender for playing yin!"

"This time, it's just a warning!"

"If you dare to be disrespectful to Su Lingyu, what I stripped off is not your clothes, but yours, human skin!"

Jiang Fan lowered his voice and suddenly spoke!

Steer was stunned!

Then, furious!

This kid really did it deliberately!

I'll kill you!

I must, but I will kill you!

Steer suddenly raised his head and stared at Jiang Fan!

However, when he saw Jiang Fan's eyes, Steier's legs softened and he knelt down!

too frightening!

This, what kind of look is this?

It's like the gaze of a **** demon!

He has no doubt that if he dared to say half a word, he would definitely be skinned by Jiang Fan alive!

"you you……"

Steer was trembling all over, with cold sweat on his head!

"Mr. Steele! I'm really sorry! I was not good at learning, but I didn't expect to let you go! Fortunately, no one took pictures, otherwise--"

Jiang Fan looked ashamed!


"Fuck! By the way! Take a picture!"

"Big news! Nicholas' big shots are gone!"

"As soon as this report came out, it was absolutely huge!"

"I even thought of a perfect title! Steyr's stunning buttocks!"

The shocked crowd, upon hearing Jiang Fan's words, completely reacted!

The flash of light completely enveloped Steyr for an instant!


Steer didn't come up in a breath, and fainted directly!

"Mr. Steel! Mr. Steel!"

A group of people were startled, and immediately lifted Steyr and ran away!

"Trash! I want to harm people even with this kind of IQ!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"Jiang Fan, thank you!"

Su Lingyu smiled and looked at Jiang Fan!

His face is filled with a light of happiness!

She knew that Jiang Fan was all trying to make her way for her just now!

"Little meaning!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

However, a strange light flashed in his eyes!

There is so much movement here, no one else has responded!

It seems that what I guessed before is indeed correct!

At this moment!

"Mr. Water, Mr. Coppola invites you over!"

Coppola's driver suddenly came over!


Jiang Fan walked away!

Su Lingyu is trying to keep up!

"Miss Su! Mr. Coppola only invited Mr. Water!"

The driver suddenly smiled apologetically!

Su Lingyu frowned!

But Jiang Fan hooked his mouth!

"Wait for me here! Lu Bu, take care of them!"

"Yes! Foster father!"

Soon, Jiang Fan followed his servants out of the villa!

The two got on a Bentley!

"Mr. Water, Mr. Coppola said that there are many people in the villa and he is waiting for you at the Pantheon!"


At the corner of Jiang Fan's mouth, there was always a slightly playful smile!

The driver looked surprised!

I couldn't help but sweat from the palm of my hand!

"Don't be afraid! Drive well!"


The driver barely swallowed and spit!

He faintly knew in his heart that Jiang Fan might have seen through that this is a game!

However, he clearly knows that there is a fraud, why did he come?


The car came to the Pantheon!

Almost all around the Pantheon are low residential buildings!

But even so, it is difficult to conceal the outstanding demeanor of this ancient building!

At this moment, the surroundings of the Pantheon were empty, and there was not a single figure!

"Mr. Water, Mr. Coppola and them, waiting for you inside!"

"Here, wait for me!"

Jiang Fan slowly got out of the car and suddenly smiled at the driver!


The driver was stunned!

"Don't worry, it must be me who will come out in a while!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and strode directly into the Pantheon!

The Pantheon is extremely empty, and the drop of tens of meters from the dome to the ground makes it even more like a tomb!

At this moment, in the empty Pantheon, there is only one tall man standing proudly!

Seeing Jiang Fan walk in, the man suddenly showed a sneer smile!

"Surprised? Actually, it wasn't Coppola who came to you!"

The man spoke slowly with an unusually arrogant voice!

"I know!"

Contrary to the man's expectation, Jiang Fan's tone was unusually flat!

"you know?"

The man was stunned!

"Not bad! And I also know that you are Dylan!"


The man's pupils shrank!

Jiang Fan is right, he is the great veteran's trump card, Nicholas's other tenth-level master, Dylan!

But how did Jiang Fan know?

"Don't be surprised! I also know that Coppola and Barr have been entangled by Divino and Paul! In a short time, they can't make it!"

Dylan was completely stunned!


But Jiang Fan sneered!

"Don't be surprised, in fact, your game is really not smart! It's nothing more than Tian Ji's horse racing game!"

"Wrap Barr with Paul's bastard, and you who think you are a bastard, come and deal with me!"

"It's simple, but it's really useful!"

"If it's someone else, I'm afraid, it will really be calculated by you!"

Jiang Fan smiled faintly!

"Huh! So what do you know? Tell you, since you walked into the Pantheon, don't even think about going out again!"

Dylan looked fierce!

"is it?"

The corners of Jiang Fan's mouth gradually aroused!

"How do you know that I didn't bring you on purpose?"

"what did you say?!"

Dylan's heart jumped suddenly!

"The driver outside is Coppola's true confidant, and he can never be bought by anyone!"

"So use him to lie to me, the credibility is absolutely very high!"

"But apart from Coppola, there is actually another person who will listen to him as well!"

"That is, our lovely little master, Foo!"

"Although Foo is young, he trusts his housekeeper Baird very much!"

"Especially, I taught the little guy a lesson today. If Baird gives him a good idea that can retaliate against me, the little guy will definitely adopt it without hesitation!"

Jiang Fan met Dylan's unbelievable eyes and suddenly let out a low voice!

"Foo! I was right!"

With Jiang Fan's voice, Foo and Butler Baird walked out directly from a corner!

However, the expressions on their faces at this moment are completely different!

Foo is full of worship, but Baird is pale!

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