God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 627: Can't catch the rebirth

"Jiang! I'm sorry! I almost killed you, and until now, I haven't found anyone who harmed you!"

The old Emil looked ashamed!

Jiang Fan felt that a warm current surged in his heart!

He formed an alliance with the old Amir at that time, and he planned to use the huge financial resources of the Amir family. Unexpectedly, the old Amir took this covenant so important!

In order to find the person who harmed me, I actually paid so much!

"Old friend, I'll see you afterwards!"

Jiang Fan patted the old Emil on the shoulder!

"By the way, where's the night bat?"

The night bat is the bodyguard of the old Emil!

When he was in conflict with the old Emil, Jiang Fan beat him up!

"He was seriously injured and is still being treated!"

The old Emil had a heartache on his face!

Although Yebat is not the strongest, he is the most loyal to the old Emil!

"Go! Go and see him!"


The old Emil looked overjoyed!

With Jiang Fan, the night bat will definitely be saved!

Soon, the two came to the private hospital of the Emir family!

Knowing that the old Emil was coming, a group of doctors had been waiting here!

Under the leadership of the crowd, Jiang Fan and others came directly to the intensive care unit!

Here, Jiang Fan finally saw the night bat!

In the previous night bat, although half of the bat wings were tattooed on his face, his facial features were handsome, full of evil charm, and his body was perfect!

But now, there are three more terrible scars on his face, and his body is covered with **** bandages, even his right hand is gone!

However, when he saw the old Emil, Ye Bat was happy!

"Great master! You are fine!"

"Yeah! Thanks to Jiang!"


Ye Bat was slightly startled, only then did he see Jiang Fan beside the old Emil!

As soon as he saw Jiang Fan, Ye Bat's eyes lit up and he was struggling to get up!

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang..."

"do not move!"

Jiang Fan held down the night bat!

"Jiang! You must save the night bat!"

The old Emil begged!

"Do not worry!"

Jiang Fan silently checked Ye Bat's injuries, his brows frowned!

"His injury is easy to deal with. You only need to expel the force of death. However, the broken hand, I am afraid that there is no way!"

The talent of the night bat is not bad, but he is a close combat type, one less hand, at least three levels of combat effectiveness, and maybe even more!

The old Emil smiled immediately!

As long as you can keep the night bats, nothing else matters!

But the night bat looked dark!

For the martial artist, there is nothing more terrifying than a decline in strength!

"Mr. Jiang, my severed hand has been found, and you have the best means. There must be a way, right?"

Ye Bat looked at Jiang Fan pleadingly!

At that time, Jiang Fan only used a brooch to heal his arm. If there is anyone in this world who can connect his broken arm, then only Jiang Fan!


"It's useless, the blood vessels and muscles on your broken arm are already necrotic, even if you connect it, it's just a display!"

What Jiang Fan said is the same as the diagnosis of those doctors!

It's just that Yebat didn't give up his heart, so he didn't let the doctor deal with the injury of his broken arm!

Now that he heard Jiang Fan's words, he finally showed a look of despair!

"However, although there is no way to break the arm, it shouldn't be difficult to rebirth!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!


Everyone was stunned!

"Does this Huaxia mean that he can connect Mr. Yebat's arm?"

"No, he seems to be saying that the night bat can grow an arm again!"

"What are you kidding?! It's so funny!"

"That's right! What does that term in Huaxia say? Nonsense! Yes! It's just nonsense!"

"Bringing that I am most convinced by China!"

A group of doctors sneered!

This Chinese person is too capable of blowing!

Isn't it because you watched too many science fiction movies?


"Shut up all to me!"

The old Emil gave a low voice!

Jiang Fan can even restore his youth and make him rebirth from a broken arm. What's so strange!

A group of doctors shut up immediately, but their eyes were still full of sneers!

"All out!"

Jiang Fan didn't bother to care about these superficial foreign devils and waved his hand directly!

Soon, in the ward, only him and the night bat were left!

"Yebat, what price can you pay for your severed hand?"

Jiang Fan spoke directly!

"I can pay any price!"

Ye Bat's heart shuddered, but he still said! !

"Even if you become a monster?"


Yebat was startled!

"That's right! I can heal your severed hand and rebirth your severed arm! Even changed, stronger than now!"

"But you will become a monster! When you show your true form, even you will feel sick!"

"Can you pay for such a price?"

Jiang Fan looked solemn!

Ye Bat was silent for a moment, and suddenly gritted his teeth!

"I, I can afford it! As long as I can rebirth with a broken arm, I don't mind becoming a monster!"


Jiang Fan directly took out a light blue injection from the system space!

Ye Bat just stared at the injection, as if seeing an endless ocean!

"This, what is this?"

Yebat was shocked!


Crab King Lineage: After being injected, you can transform into a giant crabman and inherit 100% of its strength and special abilities!

Remarks: Each transformation lasts three minutes, and one transformation every twenty-four hours!

This thing is exactly the lineage of King Crab that Jiang Fan got from the world of "One Punch Man"!

Although Jiang Fan has the Rama Mind Method, there is a huge difference in race between the East and the West!

Westerners can practice fighting qi, but they cannot practice true qi at all!

But if you want the night bat to regenerate from its severed limbs, you can only use this crab king bloodline!

All ten limbs of a crab have a natural "broken line". If one limb is bitten by the enemy, or injured, or caught in a crack in a stone, it will immediately contract a special muscle and break this limb!

The severed limb does not bleed because there is a special membrane inside the limb that completely seals the nerves and blood vessels!

In addition, it has a special "door" on its body, which can close the broken part, and the blood cells immediately produce protein and start to grow new limbs!

Therefore, when it comes to rebirth from a severed limb, the crab is absolutely the first to bear the brunt!

"After the injection, you will be severed and reborn! But in essence, you will become a monster!"

"Even this bloodline will be passed on to future generations!"

"You regret it now, it's still too late!"

According to the system's prompts, bloodline is obviously different from other abilities!

Before Jiang Fan, on the one hand, he didn't like this pedigree. On the other hand, he was worried about the adverse reactions that would occur after the injection of the pedigree!

Although he is not afraid, to clean his blood, he needs a hundred thousand causal points!

At this moment, the night bat is equivalent to the little white rat of his blood analysis!

That's why Jiang Fan said so clearly!

"Do not!"

Ye Bat hesitated for a moment, and suddenly shook his head directly!

"I want an injection!"


Jiang Fan picked up the injection and pierced it directly on the night bat!

next moment!


Ye Bat suddenly screamed!

The muscles and blood vessels all over the body started to tremble!

Even a large carapace began to appear quickly on his skin!

It's just that, visible to the naked eye, his broken right arm actually started to grow slowly!

At this moment, the group of doctors guarding outside all looked horrified!

What is that Huaxia guy doing?

Why is Yebat's cry so stern!

The old Emil clenched his fists even more, and a layer of cold sweat appeared on his forehead!

The scream lasted for three full minutes!

The old Emil couldn't help it anymore, and broke in with a push of the door!

However, seeing the scene in the ward, he suddenly looked shocked!

The group of doctors who followed, their eyes widened suddenly!

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