God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 630: This is a god-man for delivering meals in space

Seeing Jiang Fan appeared, the female crew member was stunned!

So handsome!

If this can be with him--


So I'm going to die!

But, really handsome!

Alien suddenly stopped and let out a roar!

Afterwards, he rushed over directly at Jiang Fan!

"Oh my God! It's this monster!"

"It's over! Use a flamethrower!"

"No! Lambert is still there!"

"Who is this person?"

"No matter! Kid, get away!"

The roaring sound suddenly sounded from behind Jiang Fan!

It turned out that other crew members heard the woman's scream and rushed over too!

It's just that when they saw the sight in front of them, everyone broke into a cold sweat!

That's it!

This kid is dead!


"Huh! Life and death!"

Jiang Fan smiled contemptuously and directly sacrificed the pine pattern ancient sword!

In the eyes, there is a flash of murder!

Seeing that the alien was about to hit Jiang Fan a few meters away, at this moment, it suddenly jumped up!


One head got into the ventilation duct not far away!

"Dang Cang! Dang Cang!"

There was a jingling noise in the ventilation ducts!

Soon there will be no more sound!

Everyone was stunned!

With a dumb look!

"This monster... ran away?!"

"It seems to be, ran away..."

This monster actually ran away? !

Could it be that this kid was scared?

How is this possible!

Even Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

This thing has such a strong ability to perceive danger!

"Boy! Who on earth are you?"

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan's eyes, full of vigilance!

Even such a monster can scare away, this kid is obviously more terrifying than a monster!

"He is my savior!"

"If he hadn't arrived in time, I would have been eaten by a monster just now!"

The female crew member Lambert looked excited!

"Handsome guy! Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


Smiles more handsome!

Lambert just felt dizzy!

at this time!

"Thank you for saving Lambert!"

A slightly heavy female voice sounded!

Jiang Fan turned around and saw that it was the heroine, Ripley!

"who are you?"

Ripley asked politely!

"My name is Jiang Fan! I'm a takeaway!"


"Outside, the takeaway?!"

"Forgive me for my ignorance, which food delivery company is so hungry? The food delivery is actually sent to space?"

"It's an exaggeration! Is this what you are planning to do in bankruptcy?"

"This takeaway boy is the real hanger! Space delivery, this is a god!"

The crowd was shocked!

The look in Jiang Fan's eyes is full of reverence!

It's too hanging!

Dare to deliver this meal!

Unheard of!

"Small point! As long as the customer needs it, even if it is in a black hole, I will not miss it!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


The crowd worships more!

And Jiang Fan has already taken out the hot and spicy chicken!

Suddenly, an extremely spicy smell floated out!

The crowd was shocked again!

What is this method?

Could it be under development, time and space teleportation technique?

However, everyone was immediately attracted by the scent of hot spicy chicken, and they were salivating!

"Wait! Who ordered this?"

Ripley forbeared the greedy insects, and suddenly asked!

Everyone shook their heads collectively!

"Little brother! We have no points! We have no money!"

The eyes of a group of people looking at the sellers were suddenly filled with dismay!

This thing is so fragrant!

But they can't afford it!

It's space delivery again, and it's the legendary space-time teleportation technique. This takeaway is too expensive!

I'm afraid that after eating, they will work on the boat for the rest of their lives!


"Don't worry, I heard what you were thinking, so I'm here to deliver food, no money!"


"I, I was frightened just now, unconsciously, I just wanted to eat some shocking food!"

"Me too! Could this little brother actually hear our voice?"

Everyone is shocked +3!

"It's amazing! But I can't help it! I want to eat!"

"Me too! Let me eat!"

"No matter! I'll talk after you finish!"

A group of crew members couldn't control it anymore, they reached out to the takeaway and caught it!

"Oh my God! It's so delicious!"

"So fragrant! So spicy! So refreshing!"

"I feel myself, wandering in a sea of ​​peppers and chicken!"

"My taste buds are going to explode!"

Soon, a group of people directly ate a large plate of hot spicy chicken and ate it cleanly!

at this time!

"Well, me, my chest!"

Ripley suddenly pressed her chest tightly, her expression in pain!

The other two crew members also look like this!

Immediately afterwards, there was a scream on the chest of the three of them!

Then, several people spewed a puff of black smoke at the same time!

Everyone was stunned!

"Oh my God! This takeaway is amazing!"

"Actually, I burned this **** parasite to death!"

"It's a Chinese delicacy! It can actually be used as an insecticide!"

"Tasty, non-toxic, no side effects! Strong!"

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan's eyes and worshipped +999 directly!

Jiang Fan frowned!

No wonder the system order this time is actually sending group meals!

In the original plot, only one person was parasitized, but now, there are three more!

Does that mean that there is more than one alien?

at this time!


A voice full of anger suddenly sounded!

Then, the ground shook violently!

The wall of the maintenance warehouse was directly smashed by a huge alien with a height of three meters!

"Oh my God! It's the earliest monster!"

"It must have heard the screams of alien larvae, and then killed it!"


"Brother, don't be stunned! Run for your life!"

The crew panicked!

But Jiang Fan smiled coldly, and actually rushed to the alien directly!

Seeing that Jiang Fan dared to rush forward, Alien suddenly became furious, and his speed was even faster!


The two sides collided hard!

The next moment, a figure suddenly flew upside down!

That's it!

That monster is stronger than a rhino!

This awesome takeaway boy is definitely dead!

The crowd looked sad!

However, the next moment, everyone was stunned!

It was not Jiang Fan who was hit and flew, but that alien!

One head hits and flies the alien shape, Jiang Fan hits with a heavy punch in the backhand!


The extremely hard exoskeleton of the alien was directly shattered by Jiang Fan!

A handful of green blood spilled out suddenly!


The rise of Jiang Fan kills unexpectedly forgotten the alien blood, which is strongly corrosive!

He retreated suddenly, but there were still a few drops on the back of his hand!


A white smoke suddenly appeared on the back of Jiang Fan's hand!

Several skins were burned and carbonized!

But this scene fell in the eyes of the crew, and everyone gasped!

"It's too exaggerated! This little brother is okay!"

"The blood, but even the spacecraft alloy can corrode!"

"Is this little brother's skin stronger than spaceship alloy?"

"Oh my God! Isn't he really a man of God?"


At this moment, the huge alien suddenly roared again!

In the next moment, the normal alien shape appeared from behind the crew!

Directly at the crowd, rushed over!

The crowd trembled in fright!

That's it!

The distance is so close, you can't run!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Six loud noises in a row, suddenly sounded!

Six bullets appeared out of thin air, and suddenly shot at the little alien's head!

It was Jiang Fan who shot!

But Alien's reaction was extremely quick, and he turned his head to hide away!

Seeing, it will kill the crew!

At this moment!

Its body suddenly stiffened!

Immediately afterwards, he fell down!

Behind its head, a clear bullet hole suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

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