"Boss! It's not good! The takeaway star is coming!"


"Quick! Hurry up and hide everything!"

"No! No way! Walk with me through the back door right away!"

A black businessman frightened pale and screamed desperately!

Now, it's early morning!

And the news about Jiang Fan and others has completely spread throughout Bali!




Even worse than the goblin!

More greedy than the dragon!

Even more brazen than Wang Situ!

All the forces he patronized were all blackmailed by him in the name of making claims!

The worst one, not only was beaten to death, the entire vault was empty!

And the reason is said to be because he scolded a robbery!

"Da da da!"

It's a pity that this unlucky black merchant hadn't waited to run away, and a burst of crisp footsteps had already sounded behind him!

Jiang Fan's face was extremely gloomy!

An underground force I've been to before was originally there, and he has already taken an antique worth one hundred and fifty causal points!

But because the idiot finally shouted a robbery, the system directly judged that the exchange was invalid!

Jiang Fan was so angry that he directly abolished the idiot!

"Big, my lord!"

The black business knelt directly!

"What are you fancy, take whatever you want!"

"Take you old wood! I'm a serious person! I'm making a serious claim!"

"Yes, yes! Claim, claim!"

The black business is scared to pee!

He simply regrets that his intestines are green!

I was really blinded by shit, so what did I do to provoke this catastrophe!

The black business didn't dare to delay, and directly let people move out all the antique treasures!

Jiang Fan learned to be smart this time, as long as he can exchange causal points, he will do so immediately!

Leaving here, the sky is faintly white!

"Mr. Water, where do you go next?"

Wang Yi's eyes are full of red blood, but his spirit is extremely excited!

Curtis was also radiant, with a hint of redness on his skull-like face!

Don't blame him for his excitement, he has never done this kind of activity in the name of justice!

The identity of a necromancer is enough for him to become a rat crossing the street!

Such an arrogant robbery is simply looking for death!

And following Jiang Fan, not only acted arrogantly, it was almost like a purse!

From the beginning to the present, Jiang Fan just rewarded his bank card, which amounted to millions!

More importantly, after running so many, he got two more energy spars and a voodoo doll from Africa!

In the past, I couldn't even think of it!

With a master like Jiang Fan, the future is boundless!

Curtis is now actually afraid that Jiang Fan will drive him away!

"Everything on the list is almost there, go back and rest! There will be another one in the evening!"

Thinking of the auction in the evening, the two were suddenly excited!

Indeed, compared to those people, these underground forces and black merchants are no different from the poor!

Returning to the Emir Manor, Jiang Fan immediately started to sleep!

And at this moment, the city of seven hills!

A private plane from China also slowly landed on the runway of the airport!

On the side of the plane, the four characters "Zhou Group" are brilliant!

The cabin door opened, and a sturdy man slowly walked down the gangway!

This person's name was Zhou Heng. Although he was outside the Zhou family, he also belonged to Zhou Ning's family!

For the sake of caution, Cheng Yu specially arranged for him to do this!

Along with Zhou Heng, there are two helpers, Zhou An and Zhou Ding!

These two are experts in torture and intelligence, Liu Hansheng didn't lie, they could tell at a glance!

Soon, the three of them got in the car prepared in advance and came to Chinatown!

At this moment, Liu Hansheng is packing his luggage at home!

He has booked a flight ticket for the morning, and the plane will take off in three hours!

With five million in vain, he dare not stay here!

The people like Liang Cheng are so greedy, if they knew they had so much money, they would definitely not give up!

However, what are you afraid of!

at this time!


The locked door was suddenly kicked open!

Immediately afterwards, Liang Cheng with a dark smile on his face, with a few of his men, strode in!

"Yo? Brother Sheng, are you planning to go out?"

Liang Cheng smiled!

"none of your business!"

Liu Hansheng was shocked and immediately screamed inwardly!

"Hehe, of course it matters! Brother Sheng, yesterday's money, there is a problem!"

"what did you say?"

Liu Hansheng was startled!

"Yesterday's money, there is a big problem! It didn't arrive at all!"

Liang Cheng's complexion sank!

"What nonsense are you talking about! Obviously there is a transfer record—"

Liu Hansheng suddenly shut his mouth, and then his expression became angry!

"You, you did it on purpose! You want to continue to blackmail me!"

"Brother Sheng! You can't say that! Even though you tricked me yesterday, I don't remember being a villain when I became an adult!"

"Let's do it! Yesterday you didn't pay the 100,000 yuan, Ligunli, you gave me 200,000 today, and all our accounts are written off! How about?"

Liang Cheng laughed!

"You, you are shameless!"

Liu Han was angry and furious!

"Liang Cheng! I'm telling you! You want to continue to abuse me, there is no door!"

"It seems that Brother Sheng is not cooperating!"

Liang Cheng's complexion sank, his eyes flickered with fierce light!

"Come on, give me him—"

Before Liang Cheng finished speaking, he suddenly felt the sunlight in the room dimmed!

When he looked back, his expression suddenly changed!

I saw that at the door, a stout man in his thirties was looking at him coldly!

"Who is Liu Hansheng!"

Zhou Heng glanced coldly!

"I, I am!"

Liu Hansheng was frightened by Zhou Heng's momentum, and said unconsciously!

"Very good! You stay! The rest, get out!"

Zhou Heng spoke directly!

"Hey! Boy, this is my grown-up brother's place, which one are you--"

Before Liang Cheng finished speaking, Zhou Heng suddenly kicked it!


Liang Cheng's entire head, almost like a watermelon, burst open!

"Brother Cheng!"

"Too, too cruel!"

"Run! Run!"

A few frightened **** **** off, jumping out of the window and fleeing!

Zhou Heng didn't care about them, beckoning directly behind him!

Zhou An Zhou Ding walked in immediately!

"Leave it to you, I want this kid, everything in his head!"


"You, what are you doing?"

"What do you want to know, just ask!"

"I, I promise, I say everything!"

Liu Hansheng only felt terrified in his heart!

"Sorry, I only believe, the result after torture!"

Zhou An smiled grinningly!

"no, do not want!"


"I say! I say everything!"

The screams resounded across the sky in an instant!

after an hour!

"Brother Heng, I've asked all questions! This kid didn't lie. What he said before is true!"

Zhou Ding walked out of the door and said to Zhou Heng at the door!

When Liu Hansheng's screams were heard, many people came to watch, but when they saw Zhou Heng, everyone immediately chose to leave wisely!

"In other words, that Jiang family remnant is really still alive?"

Zhou Heng frowned!

"Yes it is!"

"What else do you find?"

"This Liu Hansheng is the purchasing master of the Jiang family. They escaped because they went out to make purchases! There were seven of these people. One of them, who was once the private chef of the Jiang family's owner, followed him for more than three times ten years!"

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