How fierce is the tiger?

According to the South China Tiger, the adult tiger is about 2.3 meters long and weighs more than 200 kilograms!

However, 80% of the tiger’s over 200 kilograms are muscle!

It's equivalent to three hunks together!

And whether it is its neural response or muscle structure, it all hangs on humans!

The human heavy punching record is Tyson’s 224 kilograms, and the tiger can reach 1,000 kilograms in one shot!

The point is that the soles of tigers' feet are bigger than the heads of Bitmo people!

In addition, the tiger’s fangs are ten centimeters long, and the claws are seven centimeters long. When converted, it is the legendary flow of 24 swords. Whoever touches it will die! Bisolon is awesome!

Besides the speed, the human record of 100 meters is 9.58 seconds, and the tiger can't even use five seconds!

The defense is even stronger. Its bone density is three times that of humans, and its fur is super thick. If a normal person wants to beat a tiger, even if he breaks his hand, it is no different from tickling it!

Also, don’t believe that tigers can’t swim or climb trees!

The tiger was so hungry that he even dared to grab the food that the crocodile dragged into the water!

The crocodile can only watch the food being dragged away by it with a bewildered look!

It's not that it doesn't want to grab it back, it's that the tiger even dared to eat the crocodiles!

There is no need to talk about those who kill the bison solo, the rhino solo, and rub the lion on the ground!

As for climbing trees, please believe that the speed of climbing trees is definitely slower than that of humans!

The point is that this is only a middle-sized South China tiger in the tiger family! If it is a Siberian tiger, ha ha!

So, what if you encounter a tiger?

simple! Don't persuade, just do it!

It's more dignified to die like this!

In summary, anyone who can kill a tiger is definitely a peerless fierce!

But at this moment, seeing the tiger rushing forward, Wu Song was almost distraught!

I'm going to push Jiang Fan away!


With this push, Jiang Fan didn't move!

At this time, the tiger has already pounced!


Wu Song looked desperate!

Unexpectedly, Grace rescued him, but he was about to fall into a tiger's mouth!

at this time!


A soft sound!

Wu Song's eyes widened suddenly!

I saw that Jiang Fan didn't even turn his head back, and grabbed the flesh of the tiger's neck with his backhand! Like carrying Teddy, he carried it directly in front of his eyes!

At the next moment, Jiang Fan suddenly had a whim, and unexpectedly raised the tiger and touched it on its ass!

Hehe, who said that the tiger's **** can't be touched!

However, it just feels too rough!

It's quiet!

Wu Song has been trapped!

Grace, this, this, unexpectedly, even the tiger dared to molest!

Don't say Wu Song is blinded, the tigers are so blinded!

tiger:? ? ?

who I am? where am I? Why am I trapped?

After a brief silence, the king of beasts suddenly became angry!

Your uncle!

Don't worry if you hold me, dare to touch Lao Tzu's ass!


The tiger suddenly roared, struggling desperately, and spit out two claws, scratching Jiang Fan!


Wu Song exclaimed!


"Stab! Stab!"

The tiger's paw caught Jiang Fan, and it actually brought up a swath of sparks!

Astonishingly, Jiang Fan opened the golden bell directly!

The fierce tiger's claws rubbed against him, not only failed to hurt him at all, but almost bald his claws!

Wu Song opened his mouth wide and rubbed his eyes vigorously!


How is this possible!

Could it be that my drunkenness hasn't passed yet, and I have hallucinations?

This is too ridiculous!

Jiang Fanshuang was also cool, and threw the tiger out easily!

The tiger unexpectedly adjusted in midair. After landing, he didn't change his fierceness, and he rushed towards the two of them again!

But this time it learned to be clever, and rushed directly at Wu Song!


"Hey! Naughty animal! Actually dare to harm my benefactor!"

Before he pounced on it, Wu Song also reacted right now! Actually rushed up to the tiger!

If it weren't for Grace, I would have died just now!

This tiger hurts people's lives and wants to harm the public, so he must not be spared!

The tiger is dumbfounded!

What are the best products you met today?

Ordinary people would have run away when they saw it, but today these two are too evil!

Just when it became stunned, Wu Song had already stepped on it suddenly, and the big fist of the casserole was raised suddenly, hitting the tiger's head!


A muffled sound!


The tiger wailed, and was smashed to the ground with a punch by Wu Song!

Wu Song kept holding his hands, and smashed his head and face at the tiger like a rain of fists!

"Let you hurt my benefactor!"

"Let you hurt my benefactor!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Seeing that the tiger's breath became weaker and weaker, Jiang Fan did not stop him!

At this moment, the land of China is full of forests, and there are countless beasts in the mountains and forests. Many merchants and people in the past don't know how many beasts have lost their lives!

Look at the notice, this tiger has eaten twenty or thirty people before. If it doesn't die, I don't know how many people will be killed by it!

Wu Song smashed five or seventy punches in a row, bleeding the tiger's eyes, ears, nose, and nose!

This huge Wu was really beaten to death by him!

Jiang Fan couldn't help but admire it!

He is powerful and doesn't care about this thing at all, but Wu Song, even though he is powerful, still hasn't deviated from the category of normal people!

So brave, really sturdy!


Wu Song panting, finally got off the tiger!

"Yun Gong! Are you okay just now?"

"It's okay!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Wu Song was stunned!

Yeongong is really amazing!

Scratched so much by the tiger, he was really unscathed!

at this time!

"Here! The tiger roar that I heard just now came from here!"

"Everyone prepares the weapons in your hands, and you must surround this beast in a while!"

"Never let it go this time!"

"Yes! No matter how many lives you take, you must get rid of this big bug!"

It turned out that the hunting team organized by the government went up the mountain!

However, the crowd had just arrived here, and they were shocked!

"Well, what's going on?"

"This big worm was actually beaten to death?"

"How is this possible?!"

"Who did it?"

The crowd was shocked!

They organized seven or eight hunting teams, but each time not only failed to catch the tiger, they also injured countless lives by the tiger!

But now, this tiger was actually beaten to death?

"Huh! All the fuss! A big bug, what the hell!"

Wu Song sneered directly!

"Oh! The strong man is really amazing!"

"Huh? Isn't this the strong man in the tavern?"

"Awesome! After drinking so much wine, you can actually kill this big worm!"

The crowd was amazed!

Look at Wu Song with admiration!

"Although I killed this big bug, if it wasn't for my benefactor, I would have been eaten by the big bug!"

"I just killed the big worm, but Mr. Grace, he molested the big worm like a dog, I don't know how much better than me!"

Wu Song laughed!


"There is such a fierce man in the world?"

"That's amazing! Strong man, I don't know where your benefactor is?"

The crowd looked shocked and asked one after another!

"It's—Huh? Grace?"

Wu Song looked around, but where was Jiang Fan's shadow!

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