God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 656: The strong show the weak

At this moment, in a speeding car!

Dick with an excited look was looking out the window in a daze!

Today, the shock that Jiang Fan and the two gave him is too strong!

Actually let him have a kind of passion that he hasn't had in many years!

It reminded him more of the scene of working hard with his brother when he was young!

But at this moment!

"Crap! We were all fooled!"

Adrian, who had been silent, suddenly roared!

"Master Adrian, what are you talking about?"

Dick was taken aback!

"We, we are all tricked by that **** Jiang Fan!"

Adrian looked annoyed!

"Dick, think about it, what is our purpose today?"

"Purpose? We make friends with Jiang Fan and let him be our person!"

Dick said!

"But now?"

Adrian continued to ask!

"right now?"

Dick faintly felt that something was wrong, but he still didn't react!

"Yes! It's now!"

"Now! Jiang Fan took an enshrinement card for nothing!"

"Now! He no longer has to worry about the Fernan family holding him accountable for hurting Jacques!"

"Now! Albert no longer has to worry about his life!"

"Now! He has even more promised to be promoted to the patriarch in five years!"

Adrian gave a heavy crutches!

"And what did they give? Only Jiang Fan bowed sincerely! And a vague promise to do something for the Fernan family!"

"The point is, we don't even want to pay back this promise!"

"One bow to change so many things, if there is such a good thing in the world, I would rather give the other party a hundred heads!"

"The most important thing is that even if you regret it now, it's too late! You can't hurt Albert! Even, you must always be on guard against others to harm him!"

"Otherwise, you will have to carry a perfidious name in your entire life! Even Fernan's reputation will be destroyed!"

"Too good at calculating! Too good at calculating!"

"This kid is not a human! He is simply a monster!"

Adrian trembled all over, and even the hand holding the cane, there was a large amount of sparks!

He had never seen such a smart monster in his entire life!

If he is a wise man, then Jiang Fan is a real evildoer!

Dick was dumbfounded, his face was full of shock!

"This, how is this possible? He, his expression, his movements, there is no flaw at all!"

"Huh! Dick, don't you forget him, your second identity?"

"The second identity?"

"Yes! Takeaway Star! Don't forget, Takeaway Star, but a person who claims to be able to win the actor with just a pair of eyes! This kind of person, his acting skills, will it be bad?"

Dick was shocked!

"Then, can Albert's acting skills be so good?"

"Huh! It's not that Albert's acting skills are good, but Jiang Fan has already calculated it. He came to see us, and Albert will definitely follow! This is the Emile Manor, an ordinary third-level manor, and there are everywhere in the manor! We, again How can you pay attention!"

Dick slumped in his seat, looking confused!

too frightening!

If Jiang Fan calculated all this, this kid is simply a monster!

How does his head grow?

"Mr. Dick, this Jiang Fan is too powerful! I have never encountered such a character in my entire life!"

"We are all blinded by him! The tougher he was before, the heavier the weight of this bow! Especially when he threatened us, the weight of this bow has made us coincidentally and raised him to the same level. The equivalent position of the Fernan family!"

"The most terrifying thing is not his calculations, but his control of the human heart! This man's scheming is too deep! It is as deep as the ocean!"

"If Albert really takes over the family in the future, I am afraid that the entire Fernand will be given what he wants!"

"Dick, this man is terrible! I definitely can't keep it!"

A trace of murder suddenly flashed through Adrian's eyes!

Dick was silent for a long time before he let out a heavy sigh!

"Teacher Adrian, what you said is right, but the wise man thinks about it, what if our reaction was also expected by him?"

Adrian was stunned!

After a long time, he finally gave a wry smile!

"Yeah! If he even counts this, let alone whether we can kill him, even if we kill him, the future Albert will never spare us! But if even Albert kills, then you treachery The infamy is completely settled!"

"This monster unexpectedly gave us such a problem!"

"I have always regarded myself as a wise man. I didn't expect to have such a big somersault today! It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous!"

Dick calmed down instead!

"Forget it! Teacher Adrian, there has never been a prosperous family. If Jiang Fan is really smart to this point, he should know that the more prosperous the Fernan family, the more he gets! Isn't it?"

"Hehe, it's a shame that you can still be so optimistic!"

"No way, it's really impossible to fight!"

Dick gave a wry smile and shook his head helplessly!

And at this moment, Emile Manor!

"Teacher, you, what you just said was calculated by you?"

Albert looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

It's incredible!

Teacher, it's just a ghostly evildoer!

In my life, I am afraid I will not be able to reach the level of a teacher!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Albert, you remember, the real strong will know how to choose, and know how to show weaknesses appropriately!"

"It's too easy to break. In this world, the first to be eliminated are the people who don't know how to adapt!"

"The one of mine bowed today. Since it will be exchanged for so many benefits, why should I go to work hard?"

"The dignity is reserved for the winner, and the dignity of the loser is just a placebo to numb yourself!"

As Jiang Fan said, in his mind, the picture of Jiang's family being destroyed again appeared!

If at that time, instead of lying on the dunghill, I would choose to burn all the stones!

If at that time, I didn't take my loyal uncle to linger, or even go to the garbage dump to eat, but choose to die!

If at that time, instead of enduring the disparity in my heart from being a big or young to a takeaway, I chose to give up on my own!

If I had chosen the latter all at the time, there would be no chance of revenge! How can there be a silent rise now!

Everyone only saw their fearlessness on the surface!

But I don't know that he is the one who knows best how to choose and how to survive!

There are infinite possibilities if you are alive!

"Teacher! I get it!"

Albert looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

Every time I spent with Jiang Fan was not long, but every time I talked, I benefited a lot!

"By the way, I promised to give you a gift. Are you satisfied with this right of inheritance five years from now?"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled!

"Teacher! Disciple, disciple satisfied!"

Albert took a deep shot at Jiang Fan!

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