God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 660: Beating from society

After all, you still have to rely on this banquet promotion. Besides, there is also a contract with the Vasily family. If it is driven away, it will be fine. Now that Maxim is sincere to stay and continue to leave, it will seem unreasonable!

"excuse me!"

Jiang Fan smiled, and finally walked inside with Su Lingyu!

Ajelena immediately followed!

"Agata, be optimistic about your sister, don't let her talk nonsense!"

Maxim whispered to Agata!

"But, sister she..."

Agata has a bit of fear on her face!

"Huh! She will scold you at most, so don't hurry!"

"Okay, okay!"

Agata timidly agreed, and finally followed Ajelena behind!

At this moment, Su Lingyu and Victor have walked towards several friends in the circle. As for Jiang Fan, he was completely entangled by Ajielina!

"Mr. Shui, I knew you were coming to Ludu, and I plan to see you tomorrow morning!"

"Is it tired to promote? Would you like me to send a few Siamese technicians to give you a massage to relax?"

"You should have no schedule tomorrow afternoon, right? How about I take you on a horseback ride?"

"Green has many historic sites. Would you like to go to the K Palace to have a look?"

Ajelena is like a fan girl!

Everyone else is stunned!

Is this Ajelena? Is it a ghost?

At this moment, a shocked waiter accidentally accidentally dropped the plate at Ajelena's feet!

That's it!

The waiter was pale!

Agata exclaimed!



Ajelena let out a low growl, her eyes were already filled with flames!

But at this moment!

"Miss Ajelena, your character is really straightforward, but if you can be gentler, you must be more charming!"

Jiang Fan suddenly said with a smile!

Ajelina was startled slightly, the flame in her eyes quickly disappeared, and she looked at the waiter softly!

"Hate! Why are you so careless? Clean it up!"

The crowd looked dumbfounded!

Ajelina's violent temper, even Maxim can't stop it!

But this takeaway star actually told her to be honest with a word!


Isn't he the son-in-law Maxime dreams of?

But at this moment!

"Huh? Isn't this Ajelena and her fat pig sister!"

A male voice full of mockery suddenly sounded!

As soon as he heard this voice, Agata's face was white and tender, and there was no blood!

And Ajielina's face changed, and she suddenly looked in the direction where the voice came from!

I saw that at the entrance of the three-story villa not far away, a tall, handsome and charming young man was walking down the stairs with a proud face!

Behind him, followed by a bodyguard with a cold face!

"This, isn't this Igor? When will he return to the Green Capital?"

"He has been to Citigroup for half a year, right?"

"Hehe, with him, there is a lot of fun now!"

"Yeah, I'm afraid Ajelena's temper will definitely be overwhelming when I meet him!"

The crowd looked excited!


As soon as she saw this person, Ajelena immediately looked murderous!

"Who is this person?"

Jiang Fan looked curious!

The position of the Leonid family in the Green Capital is definitely the top! Coupled with Ajelena's hot temper, there are people who dare to provoke them like this!

"He is the third heir to the Gennady family, Igor! At the same time, he is also Agata—"


Agata pressed her lips tightly, grabbed Ajelena by the corner of her clothes tightly, begging on her face!

Ajelina finally didn't say the rest!

But Igor sneered!

"Haha, Agata, I didn't expect to see you in half a year, you are still so stupid and fat! Fortunately, I refused this marriage at the time, otherwise, I am afraid I will become the laughing stock of the entire Green City!"

This Igor is actually Agata's former fiance!

"Slot! You have a kind of—"

Ajelena was furious, but when she saw Jiang Fan next to her, she resisted her anger!

"Igor, I have a distinguished guest, you better not mess with me today!"

"Guest? Just this bald head? Ha ha, Ajielina, you really lack a man! How dare you even look for this kind of hair loss at a young age!"

Igor looked at Jiang Fan with a mocking look!


Ajelena couldn't control it anymore, she had to take off her high heels and put Igor right up when she lifted her foot!


"You mean me, hair loss?"

Jiang Fan's expression suddenly became very gloomy!

The whole body burst out even more, as if the pressure of a volcano is about to erupt!

Igor was taken aback!

Who is this kid?

This kind of terrifying aura and coercion can never be emitted by ordinary people!

The bodyguard behind him took a step forward and stood in front of Jiang Fan!

"Boy, put away your aura, otherwise, don't blame me for being polite!"

The bodyguard smiled proudly!

This kid's aura is very strong, he has nine levels!

It's really amazing to be able to reach this level at a young age!

However, he is the ninth level limit!

One move can kill him in seconds!



Jiang Fan slapped his right hand and slapped the bodyguard's face with a slap!


A crisp sound!

The bodyguard didn't even have time to scream. The whole person was almost like a pebble. Jiang Fan slapped it out a full seventy or eighty meters, and then fell into the middle of the river with a "plop"!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan with a dazed expression!

That's the ninth limit!

With such a relaxed slap, it took people away!

The point is, it was not Ajelina who got angry first, but the takeaway star!

What kind of situation is this?

Is it because someone said you are losing your hair?

Nothing wrong!

Ajelena is also blinded!

There are people who are more temperamental than their own!

The point is that this person has been persuading his idol!

But, he slapped him just now, so handsome!

Agata looked at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes, full of admiration in his eyes!

"You, you, you, who dare to beat me!"

Igor was also stunned, looking at Jiang Fan in panic!

"You're such a babble, you haven't been beaten by the society at first sight! Lao Tzu will help you open the meat today!"

Jiang Fan smiled grimly, stepped out, and directly picked up Igor!

next moment!

"Papa Papa Papa Papa!"

Jiang Fan faced Igor's big face, pros and cons were more than twenty big mouths!

Igor was beaten and screamed endlessly, his mouth and teeth all fell out!

The crowd was blinded!

"This kid, are you crazy?"

"That's the third heir to the Gennady family!"

"Look at him, do you care who the other party is?"

"I mean, it's really tough to shoot! Igor's nose was beaten out!"

"I haven't seen such a cruel person in 30 years!"

The crowd was shocked!


Throwing Igor down, Jiang Fan took a sip!

"Boy, remember, if you want to live a long life, learn to shut up!"

"I, I remember..."

Igor was beaten and stunned!

The look in Jiang Fan's eyes was full of fear!

"Now, apologize to this young lady!"

Jiang Fan said, pointing directly at Agata!


Igor was stunned!

"Papa Papa Papa!"

Jiang Fan slammed seventeen or eight big mouths, and then asked, "Do you still use me to say it again?"

"No, no need!"

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