God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 674: No, you will be beaten to death

Colin only felt a pain in his butt, and the whole person had been photographed face down on the ground!

In an instant, his painful tears came out!

However, before he could ask, the next moment!


A gunshot!

A bullet directly hit the wall not far from the door frame!

Everyone was stunned!

There turned out to be a gunman!

Jiang Fan's kick just now obviously saved Colin's life!

And only then did Colin react!

The next moment, he suddenly let out a scream like a pig!

"Gun! Someone shot!"

"Nonsense! Is this unclear!"

As Jiang Fan said, he shook his finger at Curtis!

The latter laughed strangely and disappeared!

And Jiang Fan has already grabbed Colin!

"Let's go! Go on drinking!"

Colin was dumbfounded!

Seeing Jiang Fan didn't say anything for a long time!

"Drink, drink?"


The person who shot the gun clearly came from the crew!

Someone has been assassinated, you have to go out!

Cattle fork!

But, don't you take me!

"Also, don't go! Yes, you will be beaten to death!"

"Isn't this dead? Let's go!"

Jiang Fan couldn't help but said, dragging Colin and leaving!

"Miss Su! Miss Su!"

Colin was anxious, and desperately looked at Su Lingyu!

"It's okay, Mr. Colin, with Jiang Fan, you will definitely be fine!"

Su Lingyu smiled slightly and actually closed the door!

This bastard!

where is this place?


Drink your big head ghost!

I definitely want to take Jiang Fan to fool around!

Still want me to save you, want to be beautiful!

Su Lingyu gritted his teeth!

"Miss, you are so angry, why don't you follow?"

Yu Rui laughed!

"Colin has no good intentions, but Jiang Fan has no time! I guess he wants to find out about it with Colin, hey, it seems that he won't be able to come back tonight!"

"Huh? Why is your tone like a grudge?"

"Nonsense! See if I won't tear your mouth!"

"Miss, forgive me! Hehehe!"

Su Lingyu and Yu Rui are in a group, Jiang Fan has already taken Colin into the car!

He didn't bring any of the other people!

There are still two days, plenty of time!

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang, where are we going?"

Colin was trembling, always feeling that countless pairs of malicious eyes were staring at him!

"You asked me out, you choose the place!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!



I need to call you!

Colin looked dull and couldn't help swallowing and spitting!

"Then, go to the Maltose Club?"

"Say the address!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and started the car directly!

Compared with the dimly lit city that never sleeps, China at this moment is sunny!

Los Angeles!

Ten o'clock!

Zhou Ming's gloomy face, slowly walked out of the airport!

Behind him, two men, one tall and one short, followed!

Although these two people have ordinary faces, judging from the faintly emanating power from them, these two people must be level ten masters!

Yesterday, Zhou Ning scolded Zhou Ming!

If it weren't for Cheng Yu's persuasion, Zhou Ning would have almost killed him in anger!

This time, he was ordered to do things and atone for his sins!

"L.A. bastards! They dare to join forces and lie to me! This time, let me see if I will kill you all!"

Zhou Ming's eyes were full of killing intent!

Especially, in the Blue Eagle, the fat Mediterranean man who dared to lie to himself!

If it weren't for his misleading, he would be able to find Jiang Fan the first time he came!

After dealing with these things, I must cut that fat man a thousand knives!

"Mr. Li, Jiang Fan's subordinate in Los Angeles, please trouble you!"

Zhou Ming said to the taller man!

"No problem! Leave it to me!"

Li Shen smiled proudly!

"By the way, Shao Ning specifically explained that the butler of the Jiang family must die!"

"Don't worry! I'll be the first to shoot him!"

Li Shen nodded solemnly!

Zhou Ming looked at another man again!

"Mr. Zhao, you go to the Qiu's house with me. According to Ning Shao's intention, the old fox in Qiuyuan Mountain must have another purpose for concealing this. We must ask!"

"Don't worry, it falls into my hands, he has to say if he doesn't say it!"

Zhao Yan smiled gloomily!

"Okay! Let's do it!"

The three were divided into two groups and rushed directly to their respective goals!

Soon, Li Shen has taken a car to Da'an Street in the city!

As soon as he got off the bus, he saw a small stall on the corner of the street, an old man with gray hair, with a smile on his face, selling chicken soup!

The business at the stall is excellent, and there is almost an endless stream of people in line!

The old man's face almost burst into laughter!

This old man is exactly Uncle Zhong!

Although the brand of Uncle Zhong’s Chicken Soup has now developed into other cities, and the expansion speed is as crazy as that, Jiang Fan, for the sake of safety, only let Uncle Zhong make plans behind his back, and never let him out!

When the old man was bored, he had to continue to set up a stall, and occasionally encountered problems that Bai Xia and others could not solve before he came forward!

Alas, when he is old, he has been developed into a hidden BOSS by the young master!

Master, you really know how to play!

Uncle Zhong was rather helpless, but didn't notice the impending murder!

Li Shen looked at Uncle Zhong coldly!


This is once the chief butler of the Jiang family?

Up to this point, what face is still alive, no matter what, I will see you off!

Only at this moment!

"Boy, after watching for so long, are you going to move?"

Behind him, an urn sound suddenly sounded!

Li Shen trembled all over!

Turn around suddenly!

Then, I was stunned!

Behind him, a big fat man with at least 500 catties was looking at himself with a smile!

Damn it!

Li Shen was stunned!

He never dreamed that there would be such a fat man in the world!

But the next moment, a great fear suddenly appeared in his heart!

Such a fat guy, he didn't even notice when he appeared!


Definitely a master!

"You, who are you?"

Li Shen just asked this, he just stepped a little, and hit the fat man's heart with a fierce punch!


This fist was too fast and too heavy, and the friction between the fist and the air actually brought out a large swath of sparks!


Just halfway through his fist, a fat man’s finger had already been spotted on his forehead!

At the next moment, Li Shen went into a stiff body, and he stopped immediately!

"My name is Long Yan!"

Long Yan smiled, turned around and left!

"Long Yan?"

Li Shen was startled suddenly, and then his entire face showed a crying look, and his eyes were full of fear and self-deprecating!

"Why... it's you..."


Li Shen fell directly to the ground and killed!

At the same time, Qiujia Manor!

Zhou Ming had already taken Zhao Yan and walked in!

"Hey! Stop!"

"This is the Qiu's house! If you dare to go in again, don't blame us for being impolite!"

"Asshole! Hurry up and block them!"

A group of guards from the Qiu family stood in front of Zhou Ming with a murderous look!


Zhao Yan's eyes were fierce, and a steel needle suddenly popped out!


The steel needle actually seemed to have eyes, and there were more than 20 guards along the way, but the steel needle directly pierced the forehead!

"Plop! Plop!"

The sound of the guard falling to the ground kept ringing!

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