God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 680: Don't care about tricks at all

"Jiang Fan!"

"Mr. Jiang!"

Mantis and others looked shocked!

At the same time, my heart is full of the joy of the rest of my life!

If it weren't for Jiang Fan just now, all of them would have become paste!

It's just that they haven't had time to thank you!


The brawny man suddenly roared, got up, and looked at Jiang Fan viciously!


"Mr. Jiang, run!"

"This guy is a ninth-level superpower!"

Mantis and others exclaimed for a while!

"Don't be afraid! It's only level nine!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


The crowd was shocked again!

As expected of Mr. Jiang!

Facing such a ninth-level powerhouse, this calmness alone is absolutely far beyond ordinary people!

"Damn! You dare to pretend to be forceful!"

The man is completely angry!

Both hands suddenly pressed on the ground!

In the next moment, the ground under Jiang Fan's foot was like a grinding disc, suddenly twisting and twisting!

Ability! distortion!

Any non-living body can be twisted at will as long as it is mobilized by the big man!

However, Jiang Fan smiled faintly and stepped on it!


The whole land trembled suddenly!

The distorted ground returned to normal in an instant!

The crowd was stunned!

"Okay, awesome!"

"The abilities of the ninth-level powerhouse are broken so easily!"

"Mr. Jiang's strength is so terrifying!"

The big man was even more shocked!

How could this kid be so fierce?

"Big black, they are just pawns used by others! Don't you want to know who really killed your young master?"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

The big man was startled, an inexplicable look suddenly flashed in his eyes!

"who is it?"

"Mantis, tell him!"


The praying mantis involuntarily agreed!

"Daniel asked us to do this thing today!"


The big man suddenly widened his eyes, took two steps quickly, staring at the praying mantis!

"You say, who is it?"

"It's Daniel! He came to my club tonight, gave me half a million, asked me to help him blow up a car, and specifically told me not to keep alive!"

"I don't know what he is going to kill, it will be Master Korezer!"

"It's completely, he borrowed the knife to kill someone!"

The praying mantis said quickly!

"No! Daniel, he, he is the younger brother of Master Korezer, why would he do this?"

The big man couldn't help but took two more steps!

"It must be for the right of inheritance! As long as Correzer dies, Daniel will be the rightful heir of the Derek family, the first in line!"

"……you are right!"

The big man nodded, and suddenly took two steps forward!

"But... since you can guess, let's not let you live!"

As soon as the voice fell, the big man suddenly grinned and shook his hands heavily!


A piece of land suddenly lifted up, and directly wrapped Jiang Fan's whole person in!

At the same time, a big twisted hole appeared under everyone's feet!

As long as you fall in, you will be twisted and twisted to death!

The crowd screamed!

It's so despicable!

This big guy, on the surface, looks like Korezer's bodyguard, but in fact, he and Daniel are in the same group!

He approached deliberately just now, just to kill himself!

That's it!

Even Mr. Jiang has been calculated, then they are even more dead!

Just at this critical moment!


The ground that was still twisting around Jiang Fan suddenly exploded!

And Jiang Fan had already rushed out like a missile, and hit the big man's face with a punch!



Half of the big man's cheek was suddenly distorted and deformed, and then suddenly there was a crisp sound!

On half of his cheek, not only his bones burst, but his eyeballs were bombed!


The big man let out a miserable cry and rolled around in pain!

Even the previously used abilities are all news!

"Too, too strong!"

"One punch gave this ninth-level supernatural power a second!"

"What is the strength of Mr. Jiang?"

The crowd was out of danger, and they all looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

The praying mantis is full of spring hearts!

I can't wait to throw Jiang Fan into his arms now!

"Asshole! Asshole! You, how did you find out, I'm going to attack!"

The big man stared at Jiang Fan with his remaining eye!

"I didn't find out! No! To be precise, I don't even bother to use your head on a small character like you!"

"The gap between you and me is too big, and any of your tricks are **** in front of me!"

Jiang Fan smiled contemptuously!

The crowd was shocked!


"The strong! This is the real strong!"

"So handsome!"

"Use force to break tricks, don't care about tricks at all!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with their faces full of admiration!

So handsome and tough, it's perfect!

"Mr. Jiang, thank you so much! If it weren't for you, we would definitely not be alive today!"

Mantis looked at Jiang Fan with gratitude!

"You're welcome!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

After all, it was Mantis who had told him so much news about the underground forces, and if he saved her life by himself, it was not owed to each other!

But at this moment!

"Boy, you're done! You dare to ruin my good deeds, Master Daniel will never let you go!"

The big man suddenly said bitterly!

The rest were taken aback!

The Derek family is so powerful, since Daniel wants to kill him, there will be absolutely no end to the pursuit of them in the future!

For a time, everyone's hearts were filled with despair!


"Do you think I will wait until he comes to me?"

Jiang Fan sneered!

"Take me to meet Daniel!"

"what did you say?!"

The big man was stunned!

The rest are also blinded!

Before they could run, Jiang Fan had to take the initiative to send it to the door!

"You, you, do you know that Master Daniel now has three levels of protection at nine levels!"

"If you go, you will find your own dead end!"

The big man screamed suddenly!

"A supporting role without a name, why are you so much nonsense!"

Jiang Fan just kicked it up!

The big man was kicked with another scream!

"Mantis, go back, I am here, and keep you safe!"

As Jiang Fan said, he lifted the big man, turned and left!

With Curtis's hands, the two dark fires burned, and the big man immediately remembered the shape of his nose last night!

Soon, the group had arrived in front of a villa with a detached house!

Jiang Fan carried the big man through the yard, kicked the glass door of the villa, and walked directly into the hall!

At this moment, in the hall, Daniel was confessing to some of his subordinates. Seeing Jiang Fan coming in, everyone was shocked!


He threw the big man to the ground, Jiang Fan immediately waved his hand at Daniel with a smile!


"You! It's you!"

Daniel was stunned!

Isn't this the Chinese person?

What is he doing?

Also, the black man who was beaten out of shape on the ground is exactly the bodyguard of Korezer that he bought, Jerry!

How did the two of them get together?

Could it be that something has happened?

"Master! Master Daniel! Help me!"

Jerry yelled as soon as he saw Daniel!

Daniel frowned and waved his hand immediately!


The three men and women around Daniel immediately surrounded Jiang Fan!

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