God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 682: Curtis's natural enemy

The moment the beam of light fell!


A loud noise!

The whole car was almost hit by a fire bomb, and it burned and deformed violently almost instantly!

Countless banknotes and jewels are flying all over the sky!

At the same time, Curtis suddenly let out a terrified scream!

"Holy Light!"

In such a short moment, Curtis' right hand rubbed by the beam of light had already emitted a large amount of black smoke!

One of the fingers exploded into a ball of fly ash!

The power of this holy light is simply appalling!


With a move, Jiang Fan directly dragged Curtis with a frightened look behind him!

"What holy light?"

Curtis didn't answer at all, just stared at a figure in the distance with horror!

When he saw that person, Jiang Fan frowned!

The man seemed to be in his early thirties, and he was wearing a patterned white gown. This kind of dress, although coquettish, was normal!

However, there is a golden cross on his forehead!

Almost instantly, Jiang Fan understood the identity of this person, and knew why Curtis was so frightened!

Bright Council!

This person must be the magician of the Council of Light!

No wonder the power of the Holy Light acts on Curtis, so terrifying!

The magician is born to be the nemesis nemesis!

From ancient times to the present, the West has been divided into two camps, the Dark Council and the Light Council!

Although Huaxia also divides the right way and the evil way, with the development of the times, it has long been in harmony with each other, regardless of each other!

But these two camps are different!

The fighting between each other almost never stopped!

The Council of Light denounced the Council of Darkness as an evil spreader, and the Council of Light said that the Council of Light was a brutal executioner!

There is only one possibility for the two sides to meet, and it is definitely a life and death!

"Dirty Necromancer, it's worth noting that I chased all the way from Europe. Finally, I found you!"

The magician looked excited!

As early as in the city of seven hills, he felt a faint breath of death!

However, Jiang Fan and others had already left at that time!

He followed all the way, and finally followed the city that never sleeps!

Not long ago, when Curtis was torturing Jerry, he happened to be nearby!

Feeling the breath of the Necromancer, he only found here all the way!

"Step aside!"

The magician stared at Jiang Fan coldly!

Jiang Fan was suddenly startled!

In fact, these members of the Bright Council are still making progress, at least they know that they will not kill normal people!

If it were in the last century, everyone who appeared next to the Necromancer would definitely have to die!

However, this is the best way. Now, use my invincible eloquence to resolve this grudge! Otherwise, if you are bitten by these mad dogs, it will be uneasy!

Jiang Fan said something in his heart, and then he was about to speak!

But at this moment!

"Damn, you're a dead bald! I'm the money!"

Poor Deputy Director Wang stretched out his arm in vain and suddenly uttered a scream at the burning banknotes in the sky, like a scream of a bereaved concubine!

At this moment, Wang Yi's heart is bleeding!


This is how I followed the boss, worked hard, stayed up all night and rushed around, risking my life, and a lot of money!

But now, these charming little guys were flying away in the wind like this, resolutely and decisively flew away!

Blame this **** bastard!

"Dead bald! I lost your mother! You are on the street! You pay back my hard-earned money!"

Wang Yi's eyes were red, and he suddenly roared, holding his two fat legs directly at the magician and rushed over!

Everyone was stunned!

Curtis opened his mouth wide!

Lu Bu stared!

Jiang Fan looked dumbfounded!

No one thought that when it comes to money, Wang Yi unexpectedly burst out, such an amazing courage!

It's a pity that courage can't improve strength!

Wang Yi just ran two steps, stumbled on his feet, and knocked his head to the ground, his jaw was bleeding!

"Mom! It hurts..."

Jiang Fan's mouth twitched!

"Take, lead Wang, take it down!"


Lu Bu blushed and mentioned Wang Yi!

What a shame Nima!

"Oh, what a rubbish!"

The magician is even more mocking!

He looked at Jiang Fan: "Hand over that dirty necromancer!"

"What if I don't?"

Jiang Fan's expression sank!

"Then you, die with him!"

The magician's eyes were cold, and suddenly he stretched out **** and pointed at Jiang Fan and the others!

"Holy Light!"


Almost in an instant, a holy light with a diameter of two meters suddenly fell from the sky! Facing Jiang Fan and the others, he banged down!


Jiang Fan sneered, suddenly filled his right arm with anger, and banged upward when he raised his hand!


A loud noise!

That holy light was blown away by Jiang Fan's fist!


The magician suddenly widened his eyes!

But the next moment, Jiang Fan has already rushed towards him directly!

"So fast!"

The magician's pupils shrank, and a light curtain emitting white flames suddenly appeared in front of him!

Nine-level divine art-Purifying Fire Shield!

If you want a bombardment with your bare hands, the flame on this magic shield is enough to burn the opponent's fist into coke in an instant!



In Jiang Fan's hands, a three-foot long sword that was as bright as autumn water suddenly appeared!

Just before the magician hadn't reacted, the long sword was like a snake, and a C shape was suddenly drawn, bypassing the net fire shield, and directly hitting the magician's throat!


The fire shield in front of the magician disappeared instantly!

In the next moment, his whole person, looking up to the sky, fell down!

Open water swordsmanship! Kill with one sword!

Curtis looked shocked!

Although I know the master's strength is against the sky, every time I see him make a move, I can't help feeling horrified!

This is not an ordinary magician, but a judge of the Council of Light!

Born to be a killer specially trained to fight!

But such a character can't even hold the master's sword!

The master is really, too strong!

"Oh, money! Money..."

Curtis' thoughts were directly interrupted by Wang Yi's wailing!

"Okay! Stop howling here! Let Lu Bu and Curtis give you more points!"


Curtis and Lu Bu yelled at the same time!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

How did these two people become such a virtue?

"Xiaobu! You were a general before, cough cough, you haven't seen any glory and wealth, why are you asking for money?"

"This one……"

Lu Bu suddenly looked embarrassed!

"Of course he wants money! Oh oh oh...how can it cost no money for a big health care!"

Wang Yi said it directly!


Jiang Fan almost forgot that Lu Bu was also a womanizer back then!

"how about you?"

Jiang Fan looked at Curtis again!

"Hey, Master, you can buy materials only if you have money! Moreover, there are occasionally in the Dark Council..."

Before Curtis finished speaking, Jiang Fan was startled!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

Orders came at this time!

"In the animal kingdom, there is one of the most abundant predatory natural enemies in the terrestrial ecosystem!"

"It belongs to the phylum Arthropods, the subphylum Chelicopods, Arachnida, and Arachnid!"

"Yes! Its name is spider!"

"One day, a young man and a spider met..."

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