God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 690: So many causal points

"Doing business?"

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

Curtis sneered and wanted to speak!

However, Jiang Fan raised his hand and motioned him to shut up!

"Justin, what business do you want to do with me?"

"My lord, I am now the cemetery administrator of the city that never sleeps!"

Justin answered the wrong question and spoke slowly!

"Cemetery keeper?"

This profession obviously matches the identity of the Necromancer, but, in this business, it is impossible to spend 10 million dollars to buy fossils casually!

Seeing Jiang Fan startled, Justin hurriedly explained!

"My lord, the cemetery manager I'm talking about is not just guarding the cemetery!"

"The corpse of the underground forces in Everbright City after fighting, or wanting someone to disappear, this kind of thing, they will find a professional like me!"

"We get paid to help them dispose of dead bodies. In this industry, it's no secret!"

"I like talented people with great skill! Keep talking!"

Jiang Fan nodded!

But there are still some doubts, even if those who deal with corpses are generous, how much can they make in a year?

Ten million should never be something Justin can afford!

He faintly felt that what Justin's next words might really bring a big business!

"My lord, the next words are very important. Are you sure about the loyalty of the people around you?"

Justin suddenly spoke cautiously!

"of course!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and then pointed to the beach not far away!

"Go there and say it!"

When a group of people arrived at the beach, Jiang Fan immediately winked at Curtis!

Curtis immediately raised his hand and directly placed a soundproof spell!

The soundproofing technique performed by a ninth-level magician can only be heard within five meters of a master above the tenth level!

In addition, the sea is turbulent at this moment, unless you are within two meters of them!

"Okay, you can talk!"

Justin slowly tells!

Two weeks ago, Justin received the body of an Indian!

The corpse was almost completely unrecognizable when it was delivered, and it was all traces of torture!

It just so happened that Justin had other work on his hands at this time, and when he was finished, he found that the scars on this Indian's body were diminishing strangely!

In the end, this person came alive!

This is simply a miracle!

Justin suddenly became greedy! Want to set out the secret of this person's immortality!

He pretended to serve this person, and asked for warmth!

But still failed to gain the trust of this person!

Moreover, this person's injury was half as good as it was, and he actually started to deteriorate again!

One day is worse than one day!

Just three days ago, this man finally died!

As he died, the poor Indian seemed unwilling to die with a secret, and finally told Justin everything!

This seemingly weak Indian was once a powerful thirteenth-level powerhouse!

When he was young, he found a tomb hidden deep underground!

In that tomb, there are not only countless gold and silver treasures and magic items, but also a pool of blood in the center!

Here is the tomb of the dark **** DiscoTripoca!

And the reason why he was able to immortalize and become so powerful is because he drank the blood of the dark **** Disco Tripoca in the blood pool!

The dark **** Disco Tripoca, this name is not familiar to many people, but he is one of the three evil gods under the Quetzalcoatl in Maya culture!

These three evil gods are the God of War Huizilo Pochetli, the God of Darkness Disco Triboka, and the Demon God Trakhupan!

According to ancient myths, the feathered snake **** was calculated by these three evil gods and left Turan City and returned to Trabalan!

But this is just a myth after all. Justin just thought that this man was going to die and was talking nonsense!

But at this moment, the Indian opened his stomach with a knife and took out a beautiful and unusual gold jewelry!

Then he told him an address and told him that if he wants to enter there, he must be at least level nine!

After saying this, the Indians turned into a pool of blood!

Then, the blood evaporated, and this person left nothing!

Seeing such a weird sight, Justin was completely shocked!

Necromancers are far more sensitive to the soul than ordinary people!

But when this Indian died, even his soul disappeared!

"This is impossible!"

"We can torture the soul, tear the soul apart, and even beat them up like Huaxia said!"

"However, we cannot erase the soul! Let the soul disappear out of thin air!"

"Even at the fifteenth or twenty-fifth level in the legend, it is impossible to do it!"

Curtis spoke flatly!

"Yes, but what if the other party is really a god?"

Justin looked pale and spoke slowly!

Everyone was stunned!

Jiang Fan changed color!

"System! Is this god's blood valuable?"

Jiang Fan suddenly muttered in his heart!

"Ding! System query..."

"Ding! The query is complete!"

"The Dark God Disco Tripoca, one of the inferior false gods! His blood recovery price is 100 causal points per milliliter!"


Jiang Fan exclaimed directly!

Everyone was taken aback and looked at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

But Jiang Fan couldn't take care of them at all, just panting!

One hundred causal points per milliliter!

Not too little, but too much!

The blood content of an adult's body is about five thousand milliliters!

If each milliliter is one hundred causal points, then five thousand milliliters is a full 500,000!

Half a million causal points!

What is this concept? !

The point is, regardless of whether he is a false god, since his blood has formed a blood pool, it must be much more than an adult!

Thousands of causal points calculated!

Jiang Fan's eyes were red!

The soul trembled with excitement!

"Where is that address?"

Jiang Fan's expression is almost as if he is going to eat people!

"Is here now..."

Justin was so scared that he couldn't even speak!

"Well, you don't have to tell me, you will be the guide, the benefits will be, I want blood, and the rest will be given to you!"

"Really, really?"

"Of course it is true! If you don't believe it, we can sign a magic contract!"

"Oh my God! Your generosity is really admirable!"

Justin looked happy!

Originally, he thought he had only got a fraction of what he got, but he didn't expect Jiang Fan to give it all to him!

The point is, there is a magic contract!

Once the magic contract is signed, the person who violates the contract will definitely pay an unbearable high price!

Jiang Fan's willingness to sign is obviously really sincere!

As for the blood of the dark **** DiscoTripoca, not to mention necromancers like Justin and Curtis, even Lu Bu would hate to stay away!

Strength, as long as you practice hard, you will always have it!

However, after a sip of that blood, the soul is gone!

There is not even a chance of reincarnation!

This thing, whoever drinks it is a big idiot!

"Tell me first, how far is it from here?"

"Very far, probably, thousands of kilometers away!"

"In Mexico?"

"Yes! And according to the address that the person said, we probably have to spend three days just to enter the mountain!"

Justin answered honestly!

"It doesn't seem like going this time..."

Jiang Fan frowned!

He had to go to the capital to ruin Chen Ling's engagement, and he didn't have so much free time!

And even though it's just a tomb of a false god, it's definitely not that simple inside! I'm about to change my job soon, so I can't take this risk!

"Right! Where is the golden jewelry that man gave you?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly!

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