David looked at Jiang Fan and his whole body was shaking even more!

"You, don't bluff! One bullet explodes more than a dozen guns, and the death shooter is not so powerful!"

"Brothers! Show me the thunder! I don't believe it, this kid—"


Another gunshot!

David, who was about to hold the grenade, was pierced by Jiang Fan with a single shot!

"Ah! My hand! My hand!"

David was rolling all over the floor in pain!

"Shut up! If you dare to say one more word, I will blow your tongue with the next shot!"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!


David desperately covered his mouth, raised his foot and ran!

A group of robbers were stunned, and then, without saying anything, rushed out after David!

It's scary!

Marksmanship must be like this, whoever will die!

If you don't run now, you have to throw this all away!

"Awesome! One shot, one person scared a group of criminals away!"

"Thanks to Takeaway Star! Otherwise today, it will be in trouble!"

"Yes! My necklace is sponsored by Cartier!"

"Takeaway Star! All of us owe you a favor!"

"This movie, we want to mobilize fans and watch it together!"

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan gratefully!

Jiang Fan just smiled, and then made a calm gesture to Curtis!

The latter laughed strangely and disappeared into a black mist!

"Mr. Water, you are too good!"

Colin looked excited!

Why are all Huaxia people so powerful!

Yesterday's Jiang Fan was like this, and today's Takeaway Star is like this too!

And Wang Yi has sneaked in secretly!

"Boss, something is wrong!"

"You also found out?"

"Well! It's too time for these bandits to come! And, how did they get in?"

"No hurry, watch the movie first!"

Before long, a text message popped up on Jiang Fan's mobile phone!

And the movie is coming to an end!

"Endless! Don't die!"

"Uuuuu, give me back!"

"You are dead, what can Hongling do!"

"Shit screenwriter! Why let the long run to death!"

"Zhang Wentao, I wish you and your whole family! Uuuuu..."

The crowd burst into tears as they watched Jiang Fan's long death dying!

Especially the big directors were crying, and almost didn't jump on the curtain!

In the chaos, Jiang Fan and Su Lingyu greeted them, and immediately took Lu Bu and Wang Yi and left secretly!

According to the address of the text message, a few people soon came to an abandoned house!

At this moment, David and the dozen or so thugs were lying on the ground with painful expressions!

Everyone is exuding black smoke!

And Curtis was playing with a group of underworld with a weird smile!

"the host!"

Seeing Jiang Fan came, Curtiston put away the underworld!

"Hmm! Did you ask clearly?"

"Master, this David is a desperado in the city that never sleeps. He doesn't have a good mind. He dares to do anything for money!"

"Suddenly someone came to them last night, claiming to be the staff of this premiere, and offering a 50-50 split to help them plan the robbery!"

"Staff? Humph!"

Jiang Fan sneered!

Then, look directly at David!

"Who is the other party?"

"He, he is a Chinese!"

David answered honestly!

"Huaxia? Is he in the theater today?"

"Yes, in the back row!"

"Huaxia, the back row..."

Jiang Fan suddenly closed his eyes!

The unforgettable gift from Qiqiao Linglong began to take effect slowly!

"That person, is there a square face, glasses, and a burn mark on his left cheek?"

"Boss, the person you are talking about seems to be Hu Baoliang!"

Wang Yi suddenly spoke!

"who is he?"

"He is the vice president of China Chuanghai Media!"


"No, it's not him!"

David suddenly said: "It's a man sitting next to him!"


Wang Yi was startled!

However, he reacted immediately!

"Boss! It must be the old boy who didn't run away! The Huaxia guy sitting next to Hu Baoliang, besides his secretary or subordinates, who else?"

"This old boy is obviously afraid of exposure, so I let him go!"

"But what does he picture?"

Wang Yi looked puzzled!

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment, then suddenly looked at Wang Yi!

"Pharaoh, do you remember the press conference that Zhang Wentao arranged when the crew just finished?"

At that time "Yi Jian Wushuang" had just finished, Zhang Wentao specially held a press conference at the Hua Yang Hotel in Los Angeles!

However, the question and answer process was originally scheduled, but because a group of reporters were bought, they began to criticize Jiang Fan and the crew!

Later, it was Jiang Fan who used the amnestic device to settle the matter!

"Remember! This group of reporters later turned back, and the reports they sent out were all beneficial to us. I heard that there were several articles that criticized the black hand behind the scenes, but they were suppressed!"

"Pharaoh, if it is Chuanghai Media, it should be easy for them to suppress the news?"

"Of course! Wait! Are you saying that Chuang Hai is targeting us?"

Wang Yi's eyes widened!

Jiang Fan was noncommittal, but instead asked, "Why is Hu Baoliang here?"

"It seems that they also have a major production and they are also conducting global publicity. It is said that the release date is similar to ours, but why he came to our premiere, I don't know!"

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly!

In my mind, the broken clues quickly passed through!

"Let’s make sure of two things first!"

"First of all, this year's hottest item must be "Yi Jian Wu Shuang"!"

"Secondly, there is only a dead end if you choose to be screened with us!"

"Next, let's make an assumption!"

"Chuanghai Media caught up with this incident. He first tried to bribe the reporters to distort our word of mouth!"

"Next, they want to get our movie hard drives to create mass piracy and affect the revenue of our theaters!"

"Next, they intend to create a panic at the premiere, and use the huge loss of North American stars to combat the screening plan of Golden Globe Pictures!"

"Is this assumption reasonable?"

Jiang Fan looked at Wang Yi and others!

Everyone was stunned!

"You, are you saying that the riots at the press conference, the bid for "Yi Jian Wu Shuang" on the black market, and the robbery of the cinema are all done by Chuang Hai Media?"

Wang Yi and others were shocked!

Jiang Fan nodded!

"Yes! Apart from this, I can't think of a second reason! But this analysis is still a bit far-fetched!"

"That's wrong at the beginning! When the film was first completed, although our publicity was good, it should never be the reason for Chuanghai Media to start with us!"

"After all, with so many big productions, why are they targeting us?"

Jiang Fan frowned!

This is also what he still didn't understand!

"No! What you analyzed is definitely correct!"

Wang Yi suddenly spoke, his face full of excitement!

"Boss! I know what's missing! It's Fan Jigan!"

"Fan Jigan?"

Jiang Fan was taken aback!

"Yes! Have you heard of Lu Qi?"

"Lu Qi?"

Isn't this the outsider of the Lu family who was slapped by himself in Shencheng?

Why did you pull her out?

"Yes! Lu Qi! That famous woman who likes to keep small fresh meat! Fan Jiqian is one of his favorites!"

"Fan Jiqian is an artist under Chuanghai Media, and Chuanghai Media is exactly the property of the Lu family!"

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

It's reasonable!

At this time, all the explanations came through!

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