

The other two holy lights blasted on the ground, and the whole land trembled suddenly, and the ground was blasted out of two bottomless pits!

Everyone was stunned!

"Oh my God!"

"The power is so terrifying!"

"But idol, just a sword shattered this thing!"

"Idol mighty! Damn it!"

The crowd is inexplicably excited!

Jimmy is even more happy!

"Camera! Stop for Laozi! Take pictures for me!"

"Dear viewers! I am the host Jimmy! Now, I will broadcast live for everyone..."

On a building a little further away, Douglas and Christine looked surprised!

That is the tenth-level holy light!

Jiang Fan was smashed into pieces with a single sword!

Nine-level hard to shake ten-level!

The adults are right, this kid is really extraordinary!

And at this moment!

An old man wearing a gray robe with embroidered patterns and a golden cross pierced on his forehead has separated the crowd and walked slowly!

"The Council of Light!"

Yu Rui and the others were slightly startled, but the back was overjoyed!

The Council of Light and the Necromancer have always been rivals. This time, Jiang Fan is saved!

However, Jiang Fan was not happy, his eyes were two more solemn!

As for Curtis, he was shaking all over!

Even if this terrifying tenth-level magician does not trouble Jiang Fan, then he is dead!

"Miller! Unexpectedly, you actually came!"

Augustus laughed!

"Augustus, it was you!"

Miller's originally kind expression turned a bit hideous for a moment: "It seems that my poor disciple was killed by you!"

"Jie Jie Jie! Although I really want to kill that kid, it's a pity that I was picked up first!"

Miller is silent!

Augustus was right, his disciple was stabbed to death by a sharp blade!

And looking at the hand, it is definitely a fast sword no matter how fast!

Such a shot, a fragile mage, absolutely can't do it!

"Miller! Don't look for it, the murderer is right in front of you!"

Augustus gave a weird laugh, and suddenly pointed at Jiang Fan!


Yu Rui and the others turned pale!

Curtis' teeth trembled even more!

The rest were stunned!

"The takeaway star is so powerful?"

"Even the people of the Illumination Council dare to kill?"

"Too arrogant! As expected of idols!"

And Miller had already looked at Jiang Fan coldly!

"Huaxia, is it you?"

"Hehe, master, whether it's me or not, what you should solve most is the enemy of the Illumination Council? Anyway, I have a ninth level, even if I escape, where can I escape?"

Jiang Fan smiled!


Counting this is three full tenths!

Although he has props, if he fights, these people around him will definitely die!

Miller's complexion suddenly moved, and his right hand had been aimed at Augustus unconsciously!

"Miller! You should know how deep our grudges are. Now that we meet, I will definitely not let you go!"

"But this kid has a lot of tricks, you and I will be indistinguishable for a while. If there is a fight, if he escapes to Huaxia and can't come out, you will never have a chance to kill him!"

Augustus laughed strangely!

Miller suddenly became stiff!

The next moment, he suddenly looked at Jiang Fan!

As soon as he saw Miller's expression, Jiang Fan rolled his eyes!


This old guy's desire for revenge for his disciple actually surpassed his hatred with the Dark Council!

"Augustus! Good opportunity!"

Jiang Fan suddenly roared!

Then, the wind rushed towards Miller!

So fast!

Miller's pupils shrank!

"Glory barrier!"


A thin layer of holy light suddenly appeared all over Miller!

Jiang Fan's mouth hooked!

He had seen the glorious barrier a long time ago. Under Miller's carelessness, he would definitely die!



Seeing that Jiang Fan's long sword was about to stab Miller, at this time, the three-headed Hellhound suddenly appeared on Jiang Fan's side, and its blade-like claws suddenly slashed at Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan changed from offense to defense, holding the sword in one block!

At the same time, Augustus shook his right hand, and a shackle like a rib was suddenly buckled on Jiang Fan!

Necromancy Spell-Bone Lock!

"Jie Jie Jie! Boy, your effort to sow discord is not working!"

Augustus laughed triumphantly!

"Oh shit!"

Jiang Fan roared and was about to break free!


"Holy Light!"

Miller lifted his right hand!

next moment!

A thick, substantive holy light suddenly spurted from the palm of his hand, and suddenly blasted towards Jiang Fan!

Not to mention that Jiang Fan is only level 9, even if he is a level ten master, this blow can definitely cause him serious injury!

But in this moment that is not allowed to be sent!

"System! Upgrade-Golden Bell Jar!"

In an instant, time seemed to freeze!

"Ding! Congratulations to Host Golden Bell for reaching the tenth level! There are currently three remaining doors!"

"carry on!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host's Golden Bell for reaching level 11! There are currently two remaining doors!"


A loud noise!

The Holy Light has already hit Zhongjiang Fan fiercely!

The bone lock was blown to pieces in an instant, and Jiang Fan was completely ruined, his whole person was like a pebble, and he was heavily bombed into the heart of the river!

All this seems to be slow and fast, not even half a second in between!

No one would have thought that three tenth-level powerhouses would actually besiege a ninth level!

"It's over!"

In the distance, Douglas and Christine, who had just taken a step, looked desperate!

Even they did not expect that the Necromancer would join hands with the Divine Magician!


Jiang Fan hit the water heavily and directly exploded a spray of five or six meters high!

It's just that no one saw that, although Jiang Fan's clothes were ruined, but there was no trace of scars on his body!

"Damn! You two bastards, wait for me!"

In Jiang Fan's eyes, murderous intent is surging!

"System! Start the job transfer task!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the ten thousand worlds is on! About to enter-"Youyou Baishu"!"


In this world, Jiang Fan's breath has completely disappeared!



Jiang Fan appeared again, already in a dark and gloomy dense forest!

First took out a set of clothes and put them on, Jiang Fan immediately looked around!

Speaking of the last time I changed my job, I was forced to enter, and it was the same this time!

Jiang Fan just raised the golden bell to the eleventh level. Although the defense is sufficient, it is only against himself!

He doesn't care when it comes to fighting, I'm afraid everyone else will suffer!

The point is that the magician and the necromancer besiege him together!

This can't be tolerated!

it is good!

Lao Tzu will clear the door for your respective parliaments after completing the job transfer!

At this moment!

"Jiang Fan!"

A young man suddenly turned out from behind an old tree!

The young man is not tall, but he is very delicate. He is the protagonist of "You Yu Hakusho", Urami Yusuke!

"Jiang Fan, why are you here? The boat to Jiaoshou Island is about to leave. Go!"

Yusuke grabbed Jiang Fan and walked toward the coast!

"Where is the fantasy sea?"

Jiang Fan suddenly remembered!

"Ms. Huanhai? She didn't come!"

"But isn't she from your team? How can the four of them fight when she is not there?"


Yusuke looked surprised!

"Jiang Fan, have you lost your memory? Granny Huanhai specially asked you to team up with us!"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

The system actually allowed itself to replace Huanhai and become Yusuke's teammate!

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