God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 710: Can only wait to die

According to the requirements of the competition, the team must not be less than five people!

And if oneself is judged to be disqualified by the conference, then oneself is the mission failure!

Just when Jiang Fan thought about it!

"Ding! The host team has less than five people. Please gather four teammates before the next ring match, otherwise they will be dealt with as mission failure!"

Jiang Fan was stunned!


Thinking of the terrifying consequences of the mission failure, Jiang Fan's eyes instantly red!

Take out the bicycle and rush to the venue abruptly!

The conference should not be over yet, it shouldn't be difficult to find four people to participate!

The point is, I have been away for only half an hour, what happened in the middle!


Jiang Fan sprinted, and the bicycle almost pulled out an afterimage!

Just when he passed a dense forest!


A giant axe suddenly fell from the sky, and meteorites generally smashed down at him!


Jiang Fan's expression changed. The moment he put away his bicycle, he suddenly stood up, and passed the giant axe dangerously and dangerously!


The giant axe fell to the ground, and suddenly a large swath of smoke was blown up!

In the next moment, a two-headed monster with a stature of three meters tall and as strong as a mountain has already stepped out!

At the same time, there were more than a dozen monsters with hideous appearances and nine levels of monsters in the surroundings for an instant!

Only then did Jiang Fan realize that although the giant axe is not too small, it is like a toy compared to the one in Wuwei!

"Hahaha! Boy, I didn't expect it!"

The two-headed demon laughed loudly!

"who are you?"

Jiang Fan's expression was indifferent, but his heart was full of murderous intent!

"Hehehe, you almost killed the Demon Envoy, do you think you can live?"

A six-eyed monster is laughing!

Jiang Fan frowned and suddenly said, "Are you from Toujiri?"

In the original plot, the Demon Envoy is one of the BBC chaebols, Toujiri's team!

This big chaebol put all his wealth on the demon envoy team!


"And don't think that your teammates will come to rescue you!"

"Because of them, we have killed them!"

A group of monsters laughed wildly!

One of them even threw a pocket directly at Jiang Fan!

The pocket fell under Jiang Fan's feet and opened it directly, and three round objects suddenly rolled out of it!

That's surprisingly, the heads of Kuwahara, Feiying, and Zangma!

Jiang Fan looked at these three heads quietly, there was no wave in his eyes!

The next moment, he suddenly raised his head and calmly looked at a group of monsters!

"You...damn it!"

"Hahaha! So what?"

"We are sixteen monsters!"

"All are at the same level as the Demon Envoy!"

"Can you kill four, can you kill sixteen?"

"Go to death with your teammates!"

A group of monsters laughed wildly, and the next moment, they had already jumped on Jiang Fan!



Jiang Fan, who was looking calm, suddenly burst into a terrifying aura that made the whole land tremble!

This aura is like a mountain like a sea, like a fire like a knife! Burst like a landslide and tsunami, cold like a cold wave of profound ice!

Wherever he went, no matter the turf, trees or even rocks, they all turned into powder!

All the monsters were stunned!

next moment!

"Oh my God!"

"Run! Run away!"

"This guy, we can't deal with it at all!"

"At our level, let alone sixteen, even if it is ten thousand, there is only one dead end!"

"I don't want to die! Help!"

All the monsters only felt that their souls were trembling, screaming desperately!

However, in such a terrifying aura of Jiang Fan, no monster can take a step!

They could only watch in despair, Jiang Fan step by step, getting closer and closer!


Jiang Fan was expressionless and crushed a monster's head without hesitation!

Then, with a slow pace, go to the next one!


Another monster's head was crushed!

But Jiang Fan kept walking, and even his eyes did not change!

"Uuuuu...help, help..."

"Spare, spare us!"

"Ah!!! I don't want to die! Don't die!"

The monsters are completely broken!

Or begging for mercy, or screaming, or wailing, or frightened feces and urine, but Jiang Fan's movements and expressions did not change at all!

He just took a constant step, like a precision instrument, tirelessly harvesting his head!


Smashing a head again, Jiang Fan looked at the huge two-headed demon with confidence!

"There are only three heads here, where is Yusuke's?"

"Got it!"

The two-headed demon's teeth trembled, his eyes were dull, and the drool was all over his body, and he was completely scared crazy!

"It seems that I have to ask Toujiri myself!"

Jiang Fan patted the double-headed demon lightly, then slowly turned around and walked towards the heads of Feiying and others!

And the moment he turned around!


The entire body of the double-headed demon suddenly exploded into pieces of meat flying all over the sky!

Jiang Fan carefully put away the heads of Feiying and others, and suddenly turned his head to look somewhere in the dense forest!

"come out!"


The sound of three mouthfuls of water sounded almost at the same time. The next moment, the wind made Zhen, the shochu, and the child-like Lingju, all of them walked out from the depths of the dense forest tremblingly!

"Big big big big, my lord!"

The face of the wind makes the array whiter than the dead man!

"Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha..."

It's uglier to smile than to cry!


Ling Ju was howling and crying! The crotch is wet!

The three of them were all on the way back to the hotel, feeling an unusually terrifying aura, and then sneaked over to take a look!

But who the **** could have imagined that he actually encountered Jiang Fan, a monster madly beheading a group of monsters!

It's **** scary!

The aura alone stopped a group of ninth-level monsters so scared that they couldn't move, and they could only wait for death in despair!

Obviously those monsters have been frightened mad, but Jiang Fan still keeps on doing it until they are all killed!

This is no longer cruel, but frantic!

Such a perversion, let alone the terrifying strength, even if the strength is not as good as them, they just want to leave as soon as possible!

"You guys, from now on, will be my teammates!"

Jiang Fan spoke plainly!


All three of them were stunned!

"Big, sir, you, you didn't help them with Yusuke..."

"They are dead!"


All three of them stared wide-eyed!

"Dead, dead?"

"Who, who killed it?"

"Could it be they?"

Several people looked at the corpses in one place tremblingly!

"Feiying, Zangma, Sangyuan, they killed it!"

"Then, what about Yusuke?"

Hu couldn't help but ask!

It's just that he just said the question!


A stronger aura than Jiang Fan suddenly erupted from the far south!

That aura is almost like the roar of an ancient behemoth, with a strong provocative flavor!

Jiang Fan's indifferent face finally revealed a trace of hideousness!

"This guy is the murderer who killed Yusuke!"

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